The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

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                          By nintendo_girl21
                   Copyright (c) Megan L., 2007-...

                Also available at my Legend of Zelda site:




                            *Version Info*



                           *Latest Version*


Version 1.0
October 6, 2007


If you've been wondering where in Mario's overalls I've been in the last
week, well here's a breakdown:

1)  I started teacher's college, 100x more demanding and so updates are 
now going to be posted less often.  *Wipe away a tear*.  Hence, I've 
posted a disclaimer under Contact Info.

2)  My Desktop had a nearly fatal hard drive crash last week and luckily
I managed to save all my highly important data on CDs before the comp
blew up.  Just died a noble death.

3)  I bought a laptop (finally) and in between transferring my files,
setting up a new e-mail address, and constantly calling Rogers and
my local computer shop for solving all kinds of tech issues, I've
neglected to update.

4)  As for e-mails sent in the last week, they have not yet been read 
or replied to.  Despite a near fatal hard drive crash, my old ISP should
be able to restore all messages that were in my Inbox or sent in the last
week,  *WHEW*.  If you fall in this category, please be patient as I catch
up with my e-mail.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.  I'll get back on things
very soon, I promise :o)


Version 1.0
September 29, 2007

Added FAQ on time travelling.


Version 1.0
August 28, 2007

Walkthrough now available on and


Version 1.0
August 20, 2007

Walkthrough now available on and  Also
added links to my files on these sites from my Geocities site.


Version 1.0
August 13, 2007

Walkthrough "complete" to the best of my knowledge with side quest
list information-- i.e. Heart Pieces, Golden Skulltulas, etc.



                          *Table of Contents*

Use the bracketed codes to easily find the right section.  To search 
for a sub-section, see the bracketed codes tabbed over within each
section below.  

[Z1]   Version Info
       [Z1.1] Latest Version
[Z2]   Table of Contents (you're looking at it)
[Z3]   Game Information
       [Z3.1]  Technical Info
       [Z3.2]  Game Premise
       [Z3.3]  Decoding My Directions
[Z4]   Basic Controls & Actions
       [Z4.1]  Link's Basic Actions
       [Z4.2]  Sword-Play
[Z5]   Item & Weapon Information
       [Z5.1]  Important Items
       [Z5.2]  Weapons & Upgrades
       [Z5.3]  Dungeon Items
       [Z5.4]  Special Items
[Z6]   Walkthrough
       [Z6.1]  Kokiri Emerald
       [Z6.2]  Learning Songs Before Moving On
       [Z6.3]  Goron Ruby
       [Z6.4]  Zora Sapphire
       [Z6.5]  Forest Medallion
       [Z6.6]  Fire Medallion
       [Z6.7]  Ice Cavern
       [Z6.8]  Water Medallion
       [Z6.9]  Shadow Medallion
       [Z6.10] Spirit Medallion
       [Z6.11] Ganon's Castle & Its Barriers
[Z7]   Heart Pieces
[Z8]   Golden Skulltulas
[Z9]   Ocarina Songs
[Z10]  Boss & Mini-Boss Strategies
[Z11]  Enemy Bestiary
[Z12]  Side Quests
[Z13]  Mini-Games
[Z14]  Shops
[Z15]  Secrets & Rumours
[Z16]  FAQs & Other Oddities
[Z17]  Copyright, Thank-Yous & Contact Info



                        *Game & Technical Info* 



                           *Basic Game Info*

Genre: Action/Adventure, Fantasy 
Designer: Nintendo 
Publisher: Nintendo 
System: Nintendo 64 
ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) 
Player(s): 1 
Release Dates: November 21, 1998 (Japan), November 23, 1998 (North 



                            *Game Premise*

This game has one hero named Link, who is destined to save the land of 
Hyrule from the evil Ganondorf. The town of Hyrule has a legend. Before 
human life existed, three goddesses (Din, Farore and Nayru) made the 
land through three different abilities (power, courage and wisdom). 
These three abilities combine to form the almighty Triforce. If the 
Triforce goes under the power of a good person, the land will be 
preserved. If it goes under the power of an evil person, it becomes 
a dangerous place to live. Ganondorf works for the King of Hyrule in 
the past in order to gain the Triforce. When you find the three 
spiritual stones, you can open the Door of Time and advance seven 
years into the future to become the true Hero of Time (in the past, 
you're a young boy and aren't really convincing as the Hero of Time). 
When you open the Door of Time, Ganondorf possesses the Power portion 
of the Triforce and takes over Hyrule. You can't do anything to stop 
that, so all you can do is face up to him. Link grew up as a Kokiri 
under the guidance of the Great Deku Tree. Legend says that any Kokiri 
who leaves the forest will die. With the help of the Hyrule gods and 
his many friends, Link will find the three spiritual stones to open 
the Door of Time and go into the future to find the 5 medallions (the 
Light Medallion is given to you when you start the journey, but you 
must gain the others). You will meet many people and help them to 
become happy again. You will also travel back and forth through time. 
Enjoy the game and good luck!



                       *Decoding My Directions*

All compass directions are based on the maps found on the game screen. 
Basically, north = up, south = down, east = right, west = left, 
northwest = up & left, northeast = up & right, southwest = down & left, 
and southeast = down & right. 

Sometimes I use a short form #x that means number of times to do 
something. For example, 2x means "2 times". 

You will also notice that at the top of each section of my walkthrough 
is a tallied list of important items, weapons, and other things found 
in the section, with a total listing beside it separated by //. For 
example, you might have found two Heart Pieces in one section and had 
found two Heart Pieces in the previous section(s), with a total of 45 
in the game, so the tally would look like this: 2 // 4/45. 



                     *Basic Controls & Actions* 



                        *Link's Basic Actions*

Walking/Running: Use the Control Stick and point it in the direction you 
wish Link to walk. The more you press on the Control Stick, the faster he 
walks. Don't press the stick too hard :o) 

Jumping: Link automatically jumps if you move him quickly over a gap. Don't
make him jump too far a distance or he'll fall. 

Swimming: Use the Control Stick while on the surface of the water to swim. 
Continually tapping the B Button allows Link to swim faster. 

Diving: Look at the Action Icon (blue button at the top of the screen). 
When it says Dive, press and hold the A Button. Link will dive as far down 
as he possibly can according to the scales (see Items list.) 

Climbing: Point the Control Stick up or down to climb walls or ladders. If 
you hang on to the edge of a wall and the Action Icon says Down, press the
A button and Link will drop safely to the ground below. 

Grabbing (Pushing/Pulling/Throwing/Dropping Items): When you come across an 
object that you can push or pull, walk up to it and watch the Action Icon. 
When it says Grab, press A for Link to grab on and use the Control Stick up 
to push or down to pull. When an item can be picked up, walk up to it (or in 
some cases, press the appropriate C button for an item that you have in the 
Select Items Subscreen), then press A when it says Drop. If you wish to throw 
the item, walk quickly in the direction you wish to go and press A when the 
Action Icon says Throw. 

Opening Doors/Chests: Stand in front of the chest or door. When the Action 
Icon says Open, press the A Button.




Swing Vertically: Z + A 

Swing Horizontally: B or Z + Control Stick left or right + B 

Stab: Z + Control Stick up + B 

Spin Attack: Hold B and release (power increases depending on how long 
the B Button is held.) 

Jump Attack: Z + A 

Roll Attack: Control Stick up + A 

Side Jumping: Z + Control Stick left or right + A 

Back Flip: Z + Control Stick down + A 

Raising Your Shield: Hold R button and you can move it while raised with 
the Control Stick 



                       *Item & Weapon Information* 

You get many items in this game which are stored in the equipment and 
select items subscreens (when you press START, you can select 4 
subscreens: quest status, equipment, map and select items). You can 
carry three items at a time for three of the yellow C buttons (C-Up 
is used to get a view through Link's eyes or to hear Navi speak.) Here 
are all the items, weapons, clothing and boots you receive with 
descriptions, where, and who you get them from and any upgrades you can 
get. Look at the walkthrough to see exactly how to get it. 


YL= Young Link; you can only use the weapon/item when you're younger 
AL= Adult Link; you can only use the weapon/item when you're older 
BL= Both Links; you can use the weapon/item if you're young or old 



                          *Important Items*

Deku Sticks (YL): Sticks are usually found by beating Deku Babas (see 
enemy list for more info) or randomly in enemies, bushes, pots, etc. 
Sticks are usually used to light torches using fire, but they burn 
quickly. They can also be used as a weapon, but they break after one hit. 
I don't recommend using them as a weapon and you shouldn't waste them. 

First found after beating some Deku Babas in Kokiri Forest. The first 
upgrade is in the Lost Woods. Go right, left, right, left and finally 
left. Wear the Skull Mask and fall down a hidden hole in the grass. You 
may get lucky and the mask judges will upgrade you to 20 Sticks. Also, in 
the Lost Woods, go left and left again from the entrance. Bop the nut back 
at the Business Scrub and he'll sell you an upgrade. Up to 30 Deku Sticks! 

Deku Nuts (YL): Deku Nuts are found almost anywhere (enemies, pots, 
bushes, etc.) They're used to stun enemies, but they usually don't destroy 
the enemy altogether (use your sword after they're stunned.) 

You first get Deku Nuts randomly in enemies, pots, rocks, etc. The first 
upgrade is by wearing the Mask of Truth in the Forest Stage mask judging 
contest in the past. If they like it, they'll upgrade you to 30. The last 
upgrade is also in the Lost Woods. Go right, left, right, left, forward, 
left, STOP! Before going right to the Sacred Forest Meadow, bomb the 
boulder nearby and drop down the hole. Bop the nut back at the Business 
Scrub and he'll upgrade you to 40....for a fee! 

Fairy Ocarina (YL): Given to you by Saria when you leave Kokiri Forest. 
Play using the A and C buttons (see Ocarina songs for notes.) The Fairy 
Ocarina is soon "upgraded" to the Ocarina of Time. 

Ocarina of Time (BL): Given to you by Princess Zelda as a kid. You use 
this musical instrument to play songs according to their notes given. 
Played just like the Fairy Ocarina. Some songs are powerful and useful 
to reveal secrets (see Ocarina Songs.) 

Lens of Truth (BL): Found in the bottom of the well in Kakariko Village 
(see walkthrough.) Used to see through walls that you can walk through 
or reveal boundaries or enemies. Most often used in the Shadow Temple 
but useful for the Tresure Chest Game in the market (hint, hint!) 

Hookshot (AL): Found in Dampé's grave after racing him. Used to hook onto 
walls or black and white circular targets. Also can be used a weapon on 
land or underwater. Upgrade to the longshot in the water temple (same uses 
as the hookshot, only it's much longer!) 

Bombs/Bomb Flowers (BL): You get your first bomb bag in Dodongo's Cavern 
(see walkthrough.) Bombs are later found in stores or in pots, enemies, 
bushes, rocks, etc. Bomb flowers are found in Goron City and Dodongo's 
Cavern. It's a special bomb that grows again after it's been used. Used 
to destroy enemies or blow up weak walls. Often used to reveal secret 

You get your first Bomb Bag with 20 bombs in Dodongo's Cavern. Your first 
upgrade is in Goron City. Bomb the huge rolling Goron in the past near or 
inside the tunnel on that floor and he'll upgrade you to 30 bombs. The 
final upgrade is also in the past. The upgrade is a random prize in the 
Market's Bombchu Bowling Game. Win it and you're boosted to 40 bombs. 

Your first bomb bag holds 20 bombs, then you can upgrade it to 30, then 
finally to 40. 

Bombchu (BL): A cute mouse bomb that you can buy at the Bombchu shop in 
the back alley of the market or find in small treasure chests. This bomb 
is not often used, except in the Bombchu Bowling Game in the market as a 
kid and a couple of times in the walkthrough. Bombchu has a timer and runs 
when you drop it, blowing up whatever is nearby when the timer runs out. 

Magic Beans (YL): Buy from Magic Bean Seller in Zora's River. Plant them 
in soft soil as a kid and come back to them as an adult. The plant grows 
and lifts you to heart pieces, rupees, secret grottos or just a tour of 
the land! There are 10 soft soil locations (see Games), so there are 10 
beans in total to buy (the price starts at 10 rupees, then increases by
10 for each seed you buy.) Then the Magic Bean Seller is sold out. 

Din's Fire (BL): Found in the Great Fairy Fountain in Death Mountain 
Crater. Used as a weapon, to light torches, burn enemies, spider webs or 
a wooden wall in the Shadow Temple. Uses Magic from the Magic Meter. 

Farore's Wind (BL): Found in the Great Fairy Fountain in Zora's Fountain. 
Used as a warping device in dungeons. Not used at all in the game, unless 
you want to experiment with it :o) 

Nayru's Love (BL): Found in the Great Fairy Fountain in Desert Collossus 
next to the Spirit Temple. Used to protect Link from harm for a short 
period of time. Again, not used at all, but you can experiment with it 
if you want to :o) 

Goron's Bracelet (YL): Given to you by Darunia in Goron City. Used to 
grab bomb flowers and throw them. Upgrades to the Silver Gauntlets and 
then the Golden Gauntlets later on, both used only as an adult. 

You start with the Goron Bracelet as a kid given to you by Darunia in 
Goron City. It helps you lift bomb flowers. As an adult, you won't have 
the bracelet, but you'll get the Silver Gauntlets from the Spirit Temple 
and the Golden Gauntlets in Ganon's Castle at the Shadow Barrier. 

Scales (BL): You always start with the ability to dive three metres 
before coming up for air. Upgrade to the silver scale to dive 6 metres 
and then the golden scale to dive 8 metres. 

You always start with the ability to dive 3 metres underwater. In the past, 
win the Diving Game at Zora's Domain and get the Silver Scale to dive 6 
metres. As an adult, catch a fish weighing at least 13 pounds (that's the 
lowest I've caught to get the Scale, but maybe you can get it if it's at 
least over 10 pounds) in Lake Hylia's Fishing Pond.

Magic Jars (small and large)(BL): Found in enemies, pots, bushes, rocks, 
etc. Refills magic meter to a certain point, depending on its size. 

Rupees (BL): The currency of Hyrule. Used to buy items or potions. Found 
in bushes, pots, enemies, etc. or given as a prize in games or for doing 
something for someone. They look like jewels.  Rupees come in different 
colours for different price sizes. Green= 1, Blue or Silver= 5, Red= 20, 
Purple= 50, Gold= 200 

Empty Bottles (BL): These are useful to hold things. They can hold bugs, 
fish, blue fire or the tiny red fairies. There are 4 bottles in total and 
there is a trick in getting a 5th bottle as well (see Games)


Red Potion (BL): Buy at Potion Shop or from a Business Scrub. Refills life 
energy (health meter) to the very end. 

Green Potion (BL): Buy at Potion Shop or from a Business Scrub. Refills magic 
meter to the very end. 

Blue Potion (BL): Buy from old hag in the other potion shop in the back room 
of the main one (also called "ultimate potion"). Refills life and magic meters 
to the very end.




Fairy Slingshot (YL): Found inside the Great Deku Tree (see walkthrough 
for Kokiri Emerald.) The slingshot uses Deku seeds, which you carry in a 
Deku Seed Bag. You start with a bag of 30 seeds, then upgrade to 40 and 
finally 50.

First found with the Fairy Slingshot inside the Great Deku Tree with 30 
seeds. The first upgrade is in the Lost Woods. Go right from the entrance 
and shoot the bulls- eye (a blue 100 will show up) 3 times to receive the 
upgrade to 40 seeds from the cute Deku Scrub!) The last upgrade is in the 
Market's Shooting Gallery (see Games for info.) Win the game and get 
upgraded to 50 seeds. The Fairy Slingshot is upgraded to the Fairy Bow 
in the future. 

Special Arrows:

Fire Arrows (AL): You receive these after finishing the Water Temple (see 
walkthrough.) Used as a weapon or to light torches. 

Ice Arrows (AL): You get this special prize for completing the Gerudo 
Training Grounds (see Side Quests.) 

Light Arrows (AL): You get these legendary arrows from Zelda when you 
collect all the medallions (see walkthrough.)

Boomerang (YL): Found in Lord Jabu-Jabu's belly. Used to hit switches, 
collect golden skulltula tokens too high to reach and stun or defeat 
enemies. Quite useful as a kid weapon. 

Fairy Bow (AL): Found in the Forest Temple. Uses regular arrows or the 
special fire, ice or light arrows, which uses up magic on the Magic Meter. 
Used as a weapon, to hit eyeball switches, or in the Gerudo Horse Archery 
Game and Shooting Gallery. You start with 30 arrows, then upgrade to 40 and 
the final upgrade is 50 arrows. 

Arrows are first found with the Fairy Bow in the Forest Temple (30 arrows.) 
First upgrade is in Kakariko Village. Win the game at the Shooting Gallery 
as an adult and get upgraded to 40 arrows. The second upgrade is in Gerudo 
Fortress. Easily (with practice) achieve over 1500 points for an upgraded 
quiver that holds 50 arrows in total. 

Megaton Hammer (AL): Found in the Fire Temple. Used to hit big rocks, rusty 
switches or as a weapon. Very strong hammer. 


Kokiri Sword (YL): Found in Kokiri Forest. Pretty small. 

Master Sword (AL): Found at the Temple of Time when you find all three 
spiritual stones. Legendary sword. Pretty powerful. 

Giant's Knife (AL): Can be bought from Biggoron in Goron City for 200 Rupees. 
Big ripoff!!!! The sword breaks after a couple of strikes. Cannot use shield 
with this sword as you hold it with two hands. 

Biggoron Sword (AL): Given to you from Biggoron as an adult (see Side Quests). 
Long time to get it, but worth it for it's very powerful. Again, you can't use 
your shield, because you hold it with two hands.


Deku Shield (YL): Bought in Kokiri Forest at the Kokiri Shop for 40 rupees. 
Made of wood, so it burns easily, but useful for bouncing nuts back to Deku 
Scrubs. If your shield burns, you lose it and must purchase it again for 40 
rupees in Kokiri Forest or find it in a treasure chest somewhere (that happens 
once in a while, instead of finding items in them). 

Hylian Shield (BL): Found for free in a grave or bought for 80 rupees at a 
bazaar. As a kid, it's only useful when climbing Death Mountain for the rock 
rainfall (he only holds the shield over his head as a kid). As an adult, the 
shield can be held in front of you to defend yourself. Bounces nuts back at 
Deku scrubs. 

Mirror Shield (AL): Found in Spirit Temple. Used to reflect light on suns in 
Spirit Temple. Just as strong as the Hylian Shield. Cannot bounce nuts back 
at scrubs.


Kokiri Tunic (YL): Given to you at the beginning of the game automatically. 
Just a fashion thing, no real uses, unless you want a naked Link :o) 

Goron Tunic (AL): Given to you by Darunia's child (named after you!!) in Goron 
City. Worn to protect you from the heat of Death Mountain Crater, Fire Temple 
and the Fire Barrier in Ganon's Castle. 

Zora Tunic (AL): Given to you by King Zora. Used while walking underwater with 
the Iron Boots to help you breathe.


Kokiri Boots (YL): Like the Kokiri Tunic, given automatically to wear. No real 
use, except to walk :o) 

Iron Boots (AL): Found in the Ice Cavern. Used to walk underwater. Be sure to 
wear the Zora Tunic while using the Iron Boots, otherwise Link can't breathe!! 

Hover Boots (AL): Found in the Shadow Temple. Used to hover for a short period 
of time over gaps and water, but you slide a little bit more in them. Not much 
of a problem, but different.



                           *Dungeon Items*

Dungeon Map (BL): Always found in dungeons to find your way around. Basically 
I'm a human map with my walkthrough! 

Compass (BL): Always found in dungeons to use with the map as a pointer to see 
which way you're going.  Also reveals treasure chests and the boss door.

Boss Key (BL): Found in temples and some dungeons to go through the boss door 
and challenge the boss!! 

Small Keys (BL): Sometimes found in dungeons to open locked doors. Usually 
found in a small treasure chest or can just be sitting there :o)



                           *Special Items*

Golden Skulltula (BL): Found all over Hyrule. Collect a token for each 
one you find and use them to free people under a curse in Kakariko 
Village's House of Skulltula. You free each of the 5 children for 10 
tokens at a time, then free the adult for 100 tokens (in other words, 
all the Golden Skulltulas in the game!) Here is what you receive as a 
reward for each person: 

10 tokens: Adult's Wallet (ability to carry up to 200 rupees) 
20 tokens: Stone of Agony (see this list for details) 
30 tokens: Giant's Wallet (ability to carry up to 500 rupees; the 
40 tokens: 20 Bombchus 
50 tokens: 1 Heart Piece 
100 tokens: a Gold Rupee (200 rupees; can come back for more gold rupees 

Heart Container (BL): You start with 3 Hearts and receive a new heart 
container for every boss you defeat, except Ganondorf and Ganon, of 
course. Collect 4 Heart Pieces to make one new heart container. 

Heart Piece (BL): There are 36 Heart Pieces hidden all over Hyrule. These 
make 9 new Heart Containers (see above) for a grand total of 20 hearts in 
the health meter. 

Masks (YL): Borrow masks from the Market's Happy Mask Shop and sell some to 
people for a profit or loss! When you sell all the ones for sale, you get to 
borrow the Mask of Truth to read Gossip Stones and other masks to wear for fun. 
Wear them at the Forest Stage contest in Lost Woods for upgrades and rupees.

Stone of Agony (BL): Given as a reward for getting 20 Golden Skulltula tokens. 
Used to reveal secret grottos. Only useful if you have Rumble Pak inserted in 
your controller. When you have the stone, the Rumble Pak vibrates when you're 
near a hole somewhere. Either play the Song of Storms or lay a bomb on the 
ground and a hole should appear. 






                           *Kokiri Emerald*

Items/Weapons:  Deku Shield, Kokiri Sword, Fairy Slingshot, Kokiri Emerald, 
Bigger Deku Seed Bag, Fairy Ocarina
Heart Pieces:  0  //  0/36
Golden Skulltulas:  3  //  3/100
Songs:  None

After hearing the story of the game, you are in your own house. Exit to the 
outside and your Kokiri friend, Saria, will call you. Climb down the ladder 
and talk to her. She'll congratulate you on getting a fairy guardian and 
tell you about the Great Deku Tree wanting to see you. Go right and find a 
cave entrance. A Kokiri guy named Mido is blocking the entrance and says you 
need a sword and shield before entering. Geez Louise, no need to get your 
undies in a knot! Okay, so find at least 40 rupees in the bushes. You can 
also enter Mido's House (next to the boy with all the rocks) and find some 
Rupees in his treasure chests (he he he!) After you have 40, find the red 
roofed store and enter. By the way, before you enter the store, a Kokiri 
will call you. Z-Target her and press A. She'll talk to you about Z-
Targeting people. Anyway, buy the *Deku Shield* inside the store. Exit and 
go right. Go up a hill to where the Know-It-All-Brothers House and a Kokiri 
Training Ground is. You can learn some new abilities here. Anyway, enter the 
hole on the Training Ground. Be careful of the big boulder rolling around. 
Follow it around until you can turn right. Then follow it around more until 
you can turn right again. Open the chest and receive the *Kokiri Sword*! Exit 
to the forest. Press Start and go to the Equipment Subscreen where the sword 
and shield are listed. Select both of them and press A. Now they are equipped. 
Press Start to return to the game. Go back to Mido and show him your new 
equipment. He'll finally let you enter. Using the sword, cut the Deku Babas 
to receive Deku Sticks. You may want to equip them to the C-Button items 
(pause and go to the Item Subscreen, highlight the Deku Sticks and press a 
C-Button, except C-Up, then return to the game). Continue to the Great Deku 
Tree. He will explain his problem and when you accept the challenge, enter 
the Deku Tree to start the journey. This room will be referred to as the 
main room. Once inside, go left to a ladder. Go up and around until you reach 
a treasure chest. Open it to receive the Dungeon Map. Go around more and enter 
the door there. Use the shield to bop a nut back at the Deku Scrub. Chase him 
and when you're close enough, he'll give up and offer a good hint. Continue 
through the newly opened door. Jump on the platform and then across to another 
chest. Open it to get the *Fairy Slingshot*. You cannot exit using the 
platform, so use the slingshot and hit the ladder on the wall to drop it. Climb 
back up and backtrack to the main room. Use the slingshot on the spiders to 
clear the wall. Climb up to the top floor. Go around until you find another 
door. Enter! Step on the switch on the right and use the platforms as a path. 
Quickly cross to a chest and open it to get the compass.  In this room, defeat 
the Big Skulltula and get the *Golden Skulltula* behind it.  To return to the 
main room, use a Deku Stick on the lit torch to light the other one and open 
the door. Back in the main room, beat a Giant Skulltula. Look below. There is
a big spider web covering a giant hole. With a great amount of force, you can 
jump down from here and break the web. Land in the centre of the web or it 
won't work. When you break the web, you'll drop down to a watery basement. In 
here, get the *Golden Skulltula* on the ivy wall and another *Golden 
Skulltula* on the bars covering a tunnel.  Climb up a platform and jump on the 
switch to light a torch. Use it to light a Deku Stick and walk over the 
shallow part of the water to another platform (the one you can reach easiest). 
Use the lit stick on the spider web to burn it and reveal a door. Enter it, 
of course! Bop another Deku Scrub and you'll be given another important hint. 
Remember this numeric order: 2 3 1 (he says twenty-three is number one, which, 
according to Nintendo, may be referring to Michael Jordan, number 23 is number 
1! Cute!!) Anyway, use the slingshot to hit a yellow eyeball switch on he wall. 
Enter the newly unlocked door. Another puzzle.... Navi mentions diving 
underwater to find some interesting things. Dive underwater to find a 
switch. When you hit it, the water lowers, so you can use the platform 
without being hit by the rotating bar with sharp spikes on it! Quickly, 
get on the platform and cross over the water. Beat the Giant Skulltula 
and push the block right over (Navi will explain pushing, pulling and 
climbing blocks.) Climb the box to a door and enter. Light the two 
torches with a Deku Stick to enter the next room. Avoid walking into 
the centre of the room as some annoying enemies will drop down (see the 
eggs on the ceiling?) Light a Deku Stick using the lit torch and burn 
more spider webs. One opening has a Deku Scrub and a wall. You can later 
return here to bomb the wall and get a Golden Skulltula.  I'll bring it 
up again later.  Burn the other wall and enter the tunnel. We are now on 
the high platform you couldn't reach before. Push the block into the 
water to create a jumping path to the other side. Go over to the torch 
and light a stick up. Use the box to go back to the big spider web and 
burn it (press the C Button the stick is designated to and swing it). 
You'll drop down to an area with three scrubs. Remember 2 3 1? Bop the 
Scrubs in order (middle, right, left). When you bop the scrub on the 
left, he'll give you a hint on beating the boss you'll soon face: Queen 
Ghoma. Enter the door and face the boss. See the boss section for 
details on beating Queen Ghoma. When this easy boss is finished, collect 
the Heart Container and step into the blue light. You'll be transported 
outside the Deku Tree and you'll hear another story. Then the Deku Tree 
will give you your first Spiritual Stone: the *Kokiri Emerald*, then he 
will slowly pass away. How sad :o( Unfortunately, you couldn't do 
anything to stop that. When you go to exit the area, Mido will block you 
and tell you it's all your fault (naturally...)  Head to the upper level 
of the forest and into the Lost Woods.  Take the path right to find a 
target across the way.  Use your Fairy Slingshot to hit the bulls-eye 
three times in a row (three 100s appear).  A Deku Scrub will reward you 
with an item upgrade, the *Bigger Deku Seed Bag* which holds a maximum 
of 40 seeds.  Now, you are ready to continue to Hyrule Field.  Exit and 
go to the other side of the forest across from where you are and the 
little boy won't be blocking the area anymore. When you exit the forest 
and are crossing the bridge, Saria will stop you and give you the *Fairy 
Ocarina*, a very helpful item. Another sad moment :o( When I first played 
this game, I thought it was so sad that I did something wrong! But, no, 
you are supposed to leave and you won't die like the Kokiri would, as 
you are really a Hylian. You'll learn this later on. Sorry if I spoiled 
a big secret for you!



                   *Learning Songs Before Moving On*

Items/Weapons:  Empty Bottle #1, Biggest Deku Seed Bag, Empty Bottle #2, 
Adult Wallet, 
Hylian Shield, Goron's Bracelet
Heart Pieces:  7  //  7/36
Golden Skulltulas:  9  //  12/100
Songs:  Zelda's Lullaby, Epona's Song, Saria's Song, Sun's Song

When you exit the forest, you will be in Hyrule Field. An owl named Kaepora 
Gaebora will stop you and explain the map subscreen to you. Anyway, continue 
forward to a drawbridge. As a kid, you can only enter during the day. If it 
turns to night, wait patiently. The Stalchildren come out to bug you, but 
they are quite easy to ignore or beat. When it's daytime, enter the market 
and go through the door on the side.  This area is more important when you're 
an adult, but you can enter if you need rupees and to get a *Golden 
Skulltula*. Once inside the market, you can explore by entering doors, talking 
to people and playing games. For your final Deku Seed Upgrade, enter the 
Shooting Gallery and win for the *Biggest Deku Seed Bag*.  The Bombchu Bowling 
and Mask Shop won't be open for you yet, so that's basically it for games. 
Find a small redheaded girl who says her dad went to the castle to deliver 
milk but hasn't come back yet. Take the path where you can see a castle in the 
distance. The owl will appear again to explain time passing by in some areas 
and not in others. A guard is blocking the area and you can't enter. You have 
to wait to see the redhead again anyway (her name is Malon).  Exit to the 
market and she's gone.  Come back to the castle area and wait a day or so 
(time passes here, but not in the market).  Bang into the tree at night for 
a *Golden Skulltula*.  Malon appears by the vines on the wall across from the 
tree.  When she appears, she'll give you an egg. Climb the vines beside her and 
fall down the hole further up. Enter the door and you're on the other side of 
the gate. Wait until nighttime to sneak past the guards as they can't see as 
well. When it's nighttime, walk along the side of the hill a bit, then walk up 
to where a couple of flowers are. Walk across to a stone portion of the wall. 
Climb up and jump down into the water (strangely, the guards don't react to 
water splashing!) Make your way around and you'll see some boxes and a guy 
sleeping. This is a dead end until your egg hatches. When it does, equip it 
to a C-button, then stand next to the sleeping guy (Talon). Take out the 
rooster and he'll wake up (make sure you're standing slightly above him near 
his head.) Talk to him and he'll run back to the ranch. Pull the box closest 
to you all the way forward and then push it all the way onto a ledge. Pull the 
other box all the way forward and push it on top of the other one (you'll hear 
a chime.) Climb on top of the box and jump over to a little hole in the wall. 
Crawl through to the Castle Courtyard. This is fun! Sneak past the guards in 
each little area of the courtyard. Make your way to a new room with nice music 
playing. Go forward to a girl looking out the window. Behold Princess Zelda in 
all her glory :o) She'll talk to you about Ganandorf and all about Hyrule's 
legend, plus give you a letter to show the guard blocking Death Mountain's 
entrance. When she's finished talking, you can exit, but do you really want to 
go through all the guards again? I didn't think so and neither did the game's 
creators, because Zelda's guardian, Impa, will lead you out of the castle and 
also teach you your first Ocarina song, Zelda's Lullaby. This song is quite 
important in the game. When she leads you outside, she'll mention that the 
Spiritual Stone of Fire is in Goron City and she'll show you Death Mountain, 
where the city is located. Before we go up Death Mountain, we need a few 
things. First, go southwest to Lon Lon Ranch. Enter the door on the left and 
you'll meet up with Talon again. You can play the cucco game with him to get 
your first *Empty Bottle* (see the mini- game section for details.) You can 
also go to the door on the right from the ranch entrance and talk to Ingo, a 
disgruntled employee :o) Finally, enter the ranch and go in the fenced-in area. 
Talk to Malon and she shows you Epona, the horse you will use in the future. 
Stand in front of her and pull out the ocarina. She should teach you Epona's 
Song. If that doesn't work, talk to her a few times and then try again. While 
here, enter the stone building in the back of the ranch.  Inside, move the 
boxes to the right and crawl through the hole to collect a *Heart Piece*.  
Within the ranch, bang into the tree off Talon's area for another *Golden 
Skulltula*.  Exit to Hyrule Field and go back to Kokiri Forest. Climb up to 
the higher level and into the Lost Woods.  Go right to where you got your seed 
upgrade and drop down in that area.  Stand on the tree stump to summon two 
Skull Kids.  Use your Fairy Ocarina and mimic the notes they play.  You may 
need to write them down as they become more complicated.  Continue playing 
until you win a *Heart Piece*.  Climb back up and continue left (facing the 
target behind you), right, left, forward, left, right to the Sacred Forest 
Meadow. Beat the Wolfos to open the gate and go through the maze (go right, 
left, left, right, right, forward over grass, left over a little water hole, 
right, left over more grass and up the stairs). Watch out for the scrubs along 
the way. Finally, you're with Saria! Talk to her and she'll teach you Saria's 
Song. When you're finished there, use the ladder against the maze and walk 
across the top of the maze to exit out easily.  Come back inside the Lost 
Woods and go left to find the Skull Kid.  Stand on the stump and play Saria's 
Song to him to get another *Heart Piece*.  Exit the Lost Woods and Kokiri 
Forest to Hyrule Field. Go to the right of the market entrance over a small 
bridge to Kakariko Village. Cute town :o) Here you'll talk to many people 
and discover many things.  Before using Zelda' letter, let's do some errands 
for neat goodies.  You may be able to collect a *Heart Piece* now.  Climb the
tower's ladder to the top and hold Z while hugging the left side.  If you 
sidestep and push the Control Stick right, you should dangle and pull yourself 
up to a roof.  Talk to the guy there for the Heart Piece.  If you fail, you 
can wait until you're an adult.  Just remember to come back for it!  Now, talk 
to the lady by the cucco pen to start a cucco search.  Check out my Side 
Quests page for a list of where and how to find all 7 cuccos.  Put them all 
in the pen, then talk to the lady to get a second *Empty Bottle*.  Next, head 
outside the village to Hyrule Field and wait until the wolf howls to indicate 
nighttime.  Head back inside and into the graveyard in the back area by the 
cucco pen.  Follow Dampe around and have him dig at each soft soil spot (it 
makes a scratching sound when you walk over it).  A random spot will turn up 
a *Heart Piece*.  You may also get rupees or absolutely nothing.  At 10 rupees 
per dig, have a lot of cash on hand.  Now, a series of Golden spiders are 
waiting in the village.  One *Golden Skulltula* sits on the back of the brick 
structure in the middle of the village at night.  Another *Golden Skulltula* 
is on the tower's ladder.  Another *Golden Skulltula* waits on the left side 
of the House of Skulltula.  Another *Golden Skulltula* hides in the tree near 
the village entrance.  Bang into it to make it fall.  Another *Golden 
Skulltula* sits on the back of the house left of the path to Death Mountain.  
Finally, collect bugs in one of your empty bottles (a rock between House of 
Skulltula and Impa's house has some under it) and drop it on the patch of soft 
soil on the left side of the graveyard to get the last *Golden Skulltula* for 
now.  Here's a trick to preserve bugs.  After dumping the bugs on the soil, 
scoop up the leftover ones crawling around to save a batch for the next soil 
spot (believe me, there are more).  Every ten tokens nets you a prize at the 
House of Skulltula, so enter it and talk to the guy who is no longer a spider 
to get the *Adult Wallet*, which holds a maximum of 200 rupees.  When you're 
ready to move on, go up the stairs left of the village entrance to a guard. 
Show him Zelda's Letter and he'll open the gate for you. He mentions the Happy 
Mask Shop and the proper shield you should wear. Okay, first we'll get the 
shield. Go to the graveyard near the Cucco Lady at night. Find the grave with 
flowers in front of it and pull the gravestone back. Drop down the hole and 
open the chest to get the *Hylian Shield*. You should only equip it if you're 
on Death Mountain, because as a kid, there isn't really any other use for it. 
Exit the grave and go to the back of the graveyard. Stand on the Triforce 
symbol and play Zelda's Lullaby. The gravestone explodes from lightning, 
revealing a hole. Drop down it. Shoot all the bats to open the door. Enter it 
and carefully pass the poison water and the Redeads. At the end, read the poem 
and song on the wall. You've learned the Sun's Song. It's quite useful in 
speeding up time and freezing the Redeads and Gibdos (see enemy's list.)  While 
in the graveyard, pull out the second gravestone left of the path to the one 
you just entered and enter that grave.  Play the Sun's Song to freeze the 
Re-Dead and defeat it, then stand at the back wall and play the Sun's Song 
again to collect a *Heart Piece*.  Exit the grave and go back to the market 
during the day. If you enteredthe Happy Mask Shop before, there was only a guy 
and a sign inside. Now, it's open for business. Borrow the Keaton Mask from 
the owner.  Before handing over the mask, play the Sun's Song within the 
Market to make it night.  Hey, look at that!  You're inside the market at 
night (*chuckle*).  Look for a grey dog hanging around the left side of the 
window where the guy is looking out.  Touch him to have him follow you and 
head into the back alley.  Look for two doors close together and enter the 
left one.  Talk to the lady in blue and she willreward you with a *Heart 
Piece* for finding her dog.  Now, go back to the guard in Kakariko Village. 
He'll buy the mask from you. You can go back to the market now and pay back 
the rupees, or just do it later. If you want to trade more masks, see Young 
Link's Trading Sequence. When the gate is opened for you, enter. You're now 
on Death Mountain. Make your way up to a cave blocked by a big boulder. That 
thing in front of it is a Goron. Aren't they cute?  Continue up the mountain 
and go right, past the red flag. Watch out for the rolling Goron! Go through 
an entrance up ahead to Goron City. When you carefully walk across the rope 
to the centre platform, Navi points out that the little stand there looks 
like it's missing something. The Goron there will tell you about "Big 
Brother." His real name is Darunia, and he's a pretty big guy. Let's talk to 
him. Make your way downor jump down (losing some health) to the bottom floor. 
Stand on the carpet that Navi turns green on and play Zelda's Lullaby to open 
the door. Enter and, whoa, big dude there! When you talk to him, he seems 
gruff. You should cheer him up! Stand in front of him and play Saria's Song 
(if Navi says, "Do you want to talk to Saria?" say no and maybe stand 
closer). When you play the song, you'll see a cool cinema of Darunia 
dancing! He he he :o) When he's finished grooving, he'll give you the 
*Goron's Bracelet*, which allows you to pick up and throw Bomb Flowers. 
Exit Goron City (go to the top floor). Go right from the entrance. Pick up 
the Bomb Flower and throw it over the fence. You'll see a cinema of the bomb 
dropping and, if your throw is accurate, the boulder will blow up, revealing
a cave. Go down to the cave and enter Dodongo's Cavern. Dodongo is a dragon 
that is preventing the Gorons from eating minerals inside. They'll starve if 
they can't get their food, so let's help them out and you'll surely be 



                            *Goron Ruby*

Items/Weapons:  Bomb Bag, Goron Ruby
Heart Pieces:  0  //  7/36
Golden Skulltulas:  3  //  15/100
Songs:  None

Pick up a nearby Bomb Flower and blow up the wall in front to open the 
entrance to the cavern. This big room will be referred to as the main 
room. Walk forward and Navi will warn you about the lava below. Jump 
forward onto a platform moving up and down. Go onto another platform 
with the Beamos (watch out for his eye!) Go right to another Beamos. 
Blow him up with the Bomb Flower, then blow up the wall on the right 
(the wall on the left can also be blown up to reveal a Gossip Stone; 
for more on those, see the Secrets and Rumours section). Enter the cave. 
Watch out for these baby Dodongos. Hitting them with the sword causes 
them to fall and eventually blow up.  Lure a Baby Dodongo to the weak 
wall and defeat it so it destroys the wall.  Enter the door and nab the 
*Golden Skulltula*.  Go forward and move the statue over to stand on the 
switch. Enter the door, then go through the next one. Beat the two 
Lizalfos. Just use the sword and shield. When they're done, enter the 
newly unlocked door. Make sure you have some Deku Sticks. If not, use the 
Bomb Flower to blow up a wall on your right and a business scrub will 
sell you some. In this next room, watch out for the dragons and light 
all the torches in the room using your Deku Sticks and the already lit 
torch. Enter the newly unlocked door (I say that a lot, don't I?) You 
are now on the high platform you couldn't reach before (maybe you saw it, 
it has a frame around it.) Step on the switch to open another door across 
the room. Before entering, blow up the nearby wall (across the room near 
the newly unlocked door) to receive the dungeon map. Also, nearby is a 
Business Scrub that sells a Deku Shield if yours has burned. How 
convenient! Enter the door. Whoa, there are tons of bomb flowers! Before
you take care of that, use the bomb flower to blow up the weak wall and 
continue through it. Touch the Armos Statue to awaken him. Use a Deku 
Nut to stun him, then whack it with the sword. He'll turn red. Move out 
of the way and he'll blow up. Open the chest to get the compass. Return 
to the last room with all those bomb flowers. Use the bomb flower by the 
door and place it in the centre of the big wall (actually, they're going
to be big steps.) Step back and watch the action! The bomb flowers all 
blow up and the stairs drop down (cool effect if you have the Rumble 
Pak!!) Go up the stairs and go around either way to the top.  Defeat the 
Skullwaltula on the webbing, then grab the *Golden Skulltula* next to it.  
Go through the door. This room is quite easy. Move the statue blocking 
the ladder (he won't come alive on you.) Step on the switch to open the 
locked door. Enter that one. Cross the bridge and go through the opening. 
This room isn't too hard if you're careful and look around the corners. 
Climb down the ladder and make your way to a blue block with another 
ladder. Avoid the spiked things moving. Navi will explain the Z-
Targeting strategy. Climb the ladder and turn around (I know it's a bad 
camera angle, but you can still see slightly.) Jump onto the nearby 
platform with a bomb flower (and a chest with a red rupee!) Pick the 
bomb flower up and time it so that it will explode and blow up the wall 
in front of the ladder. Go through the new entrance. Shoot the eyeball 
switch above the flames with the slingshot and enter the door. Beat two 
more Lizalfos, then enter the newly unlocked door. This room is similar 
to the room before the Lizalfos one. Shoot the eyeball switch above the 
flames to extinguish the first set, then jump forward and look left. Shoot 
that switch to clear the room. Enter the doorway and open the chest at 
right to receive your first *Bomb Bag*, which holds a maximum of 20. 
Great, now you have your own set of bombs instead of using bomb flowers! 
Go to the next room and we're high up. Step on the switch to raise the 
one pillar higher. Now it's a higher elevator. Go to the bridge and drop 
a bomb in each hole to light up the eyes of the giant dragon. When both 
are lit, a door is revealed. If you continue down the bridge and blow up 
that wall, there's a chest with a blue rupee inside (or a Deku Shield if 
yours burned earlier). Cool! Drop down to the dragon and enter the door 
in his mouth. Go up to a path you can reach. Climb the blocks and go into 
the higher part of the last room. Bomb the weak wall on your right and 
enter the door.  Defeat the Armos Statue and get the *Golden Skulltula*. 
Head back and, once through the cave, push the block down, then pull it 
into the hole to hold down the switch. Enter the newly unlocked door. You 
are now entering the boss room. Open the chest to get more bombs. Bomb 
the centre of the weird patch of floor, then drop down the hole to face 
the boss: King Dodongo. See the boss section for hints on beating him. 
When he's burnt to a crisp, collect the Heart Container and step into the 
blue light. You are transported to Death Mountain, where Darunia will give
you the Spiritual Stone of Fire, aka. The *Goron Ruby*. Watch the cute 
cinema of the Goron Hug :o) 1 more stone to go!



                            *Zora Sapphire*

Items/Weapons:  Stone of Agony, Spin Attack, Magic Meter, Din's Fire, 
Silver Scale, Empty Bottle #3, Farore's Wind, Boomerang, Zora's Sapphire, 
Ocarina of Time, Bigger Bomb Bag, Biggest Bomb Bag, Master Sword, Light 
Heart Pieces:  6  //  13/36
Golden Skulltulas:  23  //  38/100
Songs:  Song of Time

Now that you have bombs and other things, there are a lot of errands to 
complete before moving on to the next dungeon.  You with me?  Head all 
the way back to Kokiri Forest and, at night, get a *Golden Skulltula* on 
the back of the Know-It-All Brothers' house, and another *Golden 
Skulltula* on the soft soil by the shop (use bottled bugs on the spot).  
Head into the Lost Woods and go left twice to find yet another soft soil 
spot.  Dump bugs on the spot for another *Golden Skulltula*.  Head back 
out to the forest, then return to the Lost Woods.  Go right, left, right, 
left, and left again to find another soft soil spot.  Dump the bugs there 
for a *Golden Skulltula*.  Now, return to the Death Mountain Trail via 
Kakariko Village.  On the right wall coming up the first part of the trail 
is a weak spot.  Bomb it and nab the *Golden Skulltula*, climbing the wall 
to get the token.  Another one is within the soft soil by Dodongo's 
Cavern.  Use the bugs as usual to get the *Golden Skulltula*.  Head up the 
mountain and into Goron City.  Head down to Darunia's chamber and light a 
Deku Stick from a lit torch.  Run out to the bottom floor outside the 
chamber and light all the torches surrounding the big pot.  Succeed and 
the pot begins to spin.  Head up to the level just above the bottom and 
toss a bomb into the pot.  It spins around and depending on what face 
shows, you will get rupees, bombs, and if a big smile shows, a *Heart 
Piece*.  Find a room with a lot of boulders inside and bomb every 
light-coloured one until you reach the *Golden Skulltula* and some 
rupees.  Now head back outside.  Darunia mentioned a Great Fairy on 
Death Mountain.  Bomb the rocks along the path and up Death Mountain, past 
the path to Goron City.  Use the Hylian Shield to block the falling rocks 
from crushing you and make your way up.  The owl will mention again about 
the Great Fairy.  Blow up the nearby wall and enter.  Play Zelda's Lullaby 
while standing on the Triforce symbol.  The fairy will appear and give you 
the *Spin Attack* and a *Magic Meter*.  This attack is not used much but is 
fun to blow away bushes!  He he he!  Outside, head into the crater.  
Quickly bang into the crate there to get a *Golden Skulltula*.  Talk to the 
owl outside to get a lift to Kakariko Village.  On the roof where he drops 
you off, head forward onto the roof by the cucco pen and carefully drop to 
the ledge.  Head inside to get a *Heart Piece* inside a cage with a cow.  
How about that!  If you happen to miss it, you can either get another lift 
from the owl or come back as an adult and use the hookshot to reach the 
ledge.  While here, collect your next prize in the House of Skulltula for 
your 20th token.  It's a *Stone of Agony* that allows you to uncover hidden 
underground caves if you have a Rumble Pak attached to your controller.  
There is another Great Fairy at Hyrule Castle.  Head there and sneak over 
the fence as you did earlier.  On the other side is a path to a sign that 
says "Dead End."  That sounds suspicious!  Bomb the boulder and enter 
another Great Fairy Fountain.  This fairy will give you a magic spell, 
*Din's Fire*.  This is a powerful and useful attack that uses magic power
on the magic meter.  Now, you can finally move on to get the third Spiritual 
Stone.  Go right of Kakariko Village from Hyrule Field to Zora's River.  
Bang into the tree out front for a *Golden Skulltula*.  Here, you can buy 
magic beans to plant in soft soil (see soft soil locations.)  They start 
at 10 rupees and increase by that amount for each seed, with a total of 
10.  You probably can't afford all 10 right now, but try to buy them all 
later on and see my Side Quests page for soft soil locations.  Most of 
the 10 spots lead you to Heart Pieces or Golden Skulltulas, which I will 
mention in the walkthrough later on.  Now, there are a couple of Heart 
Pieces to find here.  First, grab the cucco at the beginning of the area 
and carry it across.  You'll spot it on a pillar by the fence.  Fly to 
the other side by the log and climb up to the higher ground.  You should
see a ledge sticking out of the big piece of land at left.  Fly there and 
drop the cucco to climb the ladder.  Grab another cucco here and carefully 
navigate the thin log to a platform with a Gossip Stone.  Just as carefully, 
fly to the *Heart Piece* on the pillar.  Head across the wooden bridge to 
the zig-zagging platforms.  With cucco in hand, fly to the platform with 
another *Heart Piece*.  Finally, at night, drop down in the shallow water 
on the right side off the waterfall to find a *Golden Skulltula* on a 
ladder.  In front of a waterfall at a ground plaque, play Zelda's Lullaby 
to open an entrance.  Enter into Zora's Domain.  Wow, nice digs :o) There's 
another Heart Piece to be had.  Make your way up to where King Zora sits.  
He's upset about Ruto (as in Princess Ruto).  Yeah.  Light a Deku Stick 
from the lit torch and light each torch you come to.  First, head down and 
light that one, then go left around to the shop and light another one.  Head
along the shallow parts of the water to two torches behind the waterfall.  
Here, you'll collect a *Heart Piece*.  If you go left in King Zora's room, 
you'll find the Diving Game (see sign.)  Talk to the Zora standing there, 
then dive down and collect the rupees to win the *Silver Scale*.  Now you 
can dive 6 metres.  Near the area where you dove for rupees is a hole. 
Dive down and enter.  You are now in Lake Hylia!  A Zora is nearby and so 
is a bottle.  Dive down to get it.  There is a note inside.  Take the 
shortcut back to Zora's Domain and show the item to King Zora.  It says 
she's trapped inside Lord Jabu-Jabu.  You get to keep the *Empty Bottle*, 
your third.  He'll ask you to find her and in a loooooooooooong cinema, 
he moves over to reveal a cave.  Before you enter, take the bottle and go 
to the river next to the Zora Shop.  Use the bottle to catch a fish.  Then 
retreat to King Zora's room and enter Zora's Fountain.  There is a HUGE
fish.  It looks scary, which he is now, since Ganondorf has overpowered him.  
Before dealing with him, swim to the back area and bomb the wall to reveal
a cave.  Inside, the Great Fairy will give you *Farore's Wind*.  Also, bang 
into the tree by the cave for a *Golden Skulltula*.  Now, stand in front of 
Lord Jabu-Jabu and drop the fish in front of him.  He'll eat the fish and 
you!!!!   Yikes!  Now, you're inside Lord Jabu-Jabu's belly!!  Ew!  Okay, 
proceed to beat the enemies to clear the room.  Use the slingshot on the 
white switch on the ceiling to open the door.  Enter.  Ignore the elevator
lift and enter the next room.  There is Princess Ruto!  She denies 
everything and leaves via a hole.  Follow her like the brave lad you are 
and keep talking to her until she lets you carry her.  You must carry her
all the way through this area.  If you do lose her, just go back to the 
room where you first met her and pick her up again.  You can't carry her 
in deep water or she'll leave, but you can use her to hit switches and 
enemies.  Anyway, from here, enter the door behind you.  Carrying Ruto, 
jump in the shallow water and throw her up on the platform.  Hit the 
switch to raise the water and jump up to where you left Ruto.  Continue 
on, using Ruto to hit the switch and take the door.  Beat the Octorock 
(put Ruto down to beat him, then pick her up again.)  Take the elevator 
when it comes down and go to the room where you first met Ruto.  Ignore 
the holes and enter the door at the end.  Take the path to the right and 
drop Ruto on the switch.  Enter the door that opens.  Beat all the 
stingers in the room using Z- Targeting and the slingshot.  When they're 
all gone, open the chest to receive the *Boomerang*!  This weapon is 
useful in getting rid of jellyfish and other annoying enemies.  Exit the 
room and Ruto is gone.  Sheesh!  Go left and pick her up in the last 
room.  Re-enter that door and go left.  Drop her on the switch and enter
the new door.  Use the boomerang to beat the tentacle.  Stand close to it 
and hit it using Z-Targeting.  When it collapses, open the chest and 
receive the map.  This time Ruto stays put, but stands off the switch.  
Pick her up again and go left.  The tentacle blocking this room is now 
cut off (thank you Navi!)  Enter that door with Ruto.  Once inside, drop 
her and you have 40 seconds to pop all the bubbles.  Use the boomerang 
with Z-Targeting.  When you finish, open the chest to get the compass.  
Exit the room with Ruto.  Go left, forward, then left again twice to 
another door.  Defeat another tentacle using the boomerang again.  No 
prize this time :o(   Directly across from the room where you met Ruto, 
head through the door and beat the green tentacle, then return to that 
room where you met Ruto. The green tentacle blocking that one hole is gone.  
Drop down that hole (it's on the right from exiting the last room).  Now 
you're on the highest platform of that room where you chased after Ruto.  
Get the *Golden Skulltula* using the boomerang (isn't that so much easier 
now?) and get another *Golden Skulltula* right next to it.  Enter the door
and Ruto recognizes the spiritual stone.  Throw her up on the platform 
like she says rather boldly and she gets the stone.  But, aren't you 
supposed to get the stone?  Walk forward towards her and the elevator goes 
up with Ruto on it.  Then, it comes down with an ugly looking thing.  It's 
the mini-boss called Big Octo.  See the boss section for details on beating 
him.  When he's gone, take the elevator to the top.  Beat the jellyfish
things, then enter the door.  Freeze the electric moving block with 
boomerang (I suggest you beat the annoying Octorock on the floor first), 
then freeze another electric block, then enter the door.  Jump on the 
platform and you're lowered to the room with the elevator, connecting a 
path together.  Head through the door off the boxes and get the *Golden 
Skulltula* you couldn't reach before on the ivy wall (bet that bothered you 
a lot, too).  Head back a room and use a box to hold down the switch in 
front of the other door.  Enter.  Beat the jellyfish in the room, get the 
*Golden Skulltula* on the vines, then climb them.  Z-Target the switch and 
stand fairly close to it.  Use the boomerang to hit the switch.  Enter the 
newly unlocked door.  Now you are facing the boss: Barinade.  See the boss 
section on beating him.  When he's electrocuted, collect the Heart 
Container and step into the blue light.  Princess Ruto comes in and takes
you to Zora's Fountain where she gives you the Zora's Engagement Ring.  
Ummmm...the *Zora Sapphire*...yes.  Now you're engaged.  Hmmm...kind of 
young, aren't you?  Kids these days!  Now, you have all three Spiritual 
Stones.  While in Zora's Fountain, at night, stand on the log right of Lord 
Jabu-Jabu and get the *Golden Skulltula* on the wall.  Now, go to Hyrule 
Field's drawbridge to see Princess Zelda.  Whooops!  Zelda is leaving with 
Impa and she throws you something.  Why are they leaving?  Oh, him.  
Ganondorf.  Ugly dude on the horse.  When they're gone, dive down in the 
water and get the item Zelda threw to you, the *Ocarina of Time*!  Now, 
you need to grow up.  No, not here!  The Temple of Time!  Zelda teaches 
you the Song of Time used to open the Door of Time to go through time in 
the nick of time.  This game is called Ocarina of Time after all!  Before 
growing up, we should finish off some necessary business.  The Boomerang 
opens up many possibilities for you.  Head back to Lon Lon Ranch at night 
and get these Golden Skulltulas:  a *Golden Skulltula* on the roof of the 
left building where Talon is, a *Golden Skulltula* on the back of the 
fenced-in area, and a *Golden Skulltula* right of the stone building in 
back.  Head back out into Hyrule Field and search left of Kakariko Village 
for a tree.  Bomb it and enter the hole to nab another *Golden Skulltula*.  
Head back into Kakariko Village and in the graveyard at night, get the 
*Golden Skulltula* on the right wall.  Head up Death Mountain Trail and 
re-enter Dodongo's Cavern.  Head right and use the pillar elevator to 
reach the upper level.  Head through the door there and drop down into 
the maze.  Take a ladder (not the one with a blue block under it) and go 
over the bridge into the next room.  Move the Armos Statue blocking the 
ladder and hit the switch, then take the newly unlocked door.  You're on 
top of the bomb flower room, but without using the stairs formed by them.  
Go left down the path and climb the vines to grab a *Golden Skulltula*.  
Head up to Goron City and find the big rolling Goron.  If you read a sign 
along his rolling route, you'll see he will reward you if he's stopped.  
You're your own stock of bombs, plant one in his path to stop him and talk 
to him to get a bomb upgrade, the *Bigger Bomb Bag*.  Exit and head all the 
way back to Kokiri Forest and inside the Great Deku Tree for another hidden 
Golden Skulltula.  Drop down into the watery basement and crawl through the 
tunnel by the hole leading to Queen Gohma.  Bomb the weak wall guarded by 
the Deku Plant and enter that door.  Get the *Golden Skulltula* off the 
wall.  Now, go to the market.  The Bombchu Bowling game is now set up.  If 
you enter the door just left of the beggar, you can play for 30 rupees.  
The prizes rotate, but two prizes are most important:  a *Heart Piece* and
the *Biggest Bomb Bag*.  Play until you win both (or go that 
case, come back later).  If you return to the Mask Shop, you can complete 
Young Link's Trading Sequence by selling masks (see Side Quests for 
details).  You can also plant Magic Beans in the first 6 soft soil spots 
(again, see Side Quests).  This will set up a bright future for you.  Now 
go to the temple near the Happy Mask Shop.  Cross through the small 
courtyard and into the Temple of Time.  Stand in front of the pedestal and 
play the newly learned Song of Time to place the three Spiritual Stones.  
The door opens.  Enter and Navi recognizes the legendary *Master Sword*!  
You should know that after pulling the sword, you can't go back in time 
again until you beat the first temple as an adult.  When you're ready, 
pull the sword out and in a second, seven years will have passed.  You're 
inside the Chamber of Sages, where each Sage will appear after you beat 
each temple.  Rauru, the Light Sage, explains your quest and gives you your 
first medallion, the *Light Medallion*.  Now, you can proceed on your adult 


                          *Forest Medallion*

Items/Weapons:  Epona, Hookshot, Giant Wallet, Fairy Bow, Forest 
Medallion, Empty Bottle #4
Heart Pieces:  4  //  17/36
Golden Skulltulas:  8  //  46/100
Songs:  Song of Storms, Minuet of Forest, Prelude of Light

Before you start, a boy named Shiek appears in the temple.  He (she?) 
is a Sheikah and will teach you warping songs during your quest.  
Anyhoo, exit to the market and oh my gosh, what happened here!  
Invaders!  Carefully avoid the Redeads and exit to Hyrule Field.  Made 
your way to Lon Lon Ranch.  Boy, things sure have changed.  Talk to 
Ingo in the field.  He seems evil, but we'll change his attitude soon.  
Pay 10 rupees to ride a horse.  Instead of riding the horse provided,
 play Epona's Song that you got in the past and Epona will come to you.  
Ride her until time is up.  Pay another 10 rupees to ride and call Epona 
again.  Ride her, then Z-Target Ingo and he'll ask you to race him with a 
50 Rupee bet.  Okay.  Race him by riding close to the fence and perhaps 
blocking him from passing you.  Beat him once and he'll offer you Epona 
if you beat him a second time.  Beat him again and he'll hand over 
*Epona*, but closes the gate, blocking your exit.  No problem!  Pick up 
speed and leap over the fence.  When you exit the ranch, watch the cool 
cinema.  How sweet it is!  If you return to the ranch, Ingo will be 
nicer.  Now, before you continue, Shiek mentioned getting a weapon before 
continuing on.  Go to Kakariko Village and enter the graveyard.  If you 
planted a bean in the soft soil here, ride the plant up and bang into the 
crate to reveal a *Heart Piece*.  On your left is another gravestone with
flowers in front of it.  Pull the gravestone back and enter the grave.  
Look, Dampe is back as an angel.  Race him through the grave.  No need to 
beat him (actually, you can't yet), just finish the race and he'll give you 
a treasure chest.  Open it to receive the *Hookshot*.  This is used as a 
weapon, but more often to hook onto targets or items that are out of reach.  
Exit to the front of the grave.  Play the Song of Time to move the blue 
block out of the way.  You're now inside the windmill.  If you jump on 
those moving platforms, you can collect a *Heart Piece* on a platform off 
to the side.  If you miss, hookshot to it instead.  Also, if you go down 
to the man playing music, he'll talk about some kid with an ocarina that 
screwed up the windmill playing a song.  That is something that you'll do 
later in the past, so I guess he's not too crazy.  Pull out your ocarina 
and he'll teach you the Song of Storms.  This song is useful not only to 
open the dungeon in the bottom of the well in the village, but it reveals 
holes and red fairies in certain areas.  Now, exit the windmill.  In the 
village at night, hookshot to a roof, then make your way to the roof above 
the cucco pen.  Nab the *Golden Skulltula* on the wall opposite.  Now that 
you have the 30th and 40th tokens, visit the House of Skulltula to get the 
*Giant Wallet* (holds a maximum of 500 rupees) and Bombchus.  Exit Kakariko 
Village.  If you go to the Temple of Time, Shiek will say you're now 
equipped and ready to go to the first temple, but won't relinquish the 
pedestal.  Go to Kokiri Forest and hookshot a *Golden Skulltula* at night 
on the back of the House of Twins, then go into the Lost Woods.  If you go 
right, left, right, then left twice you can use the plant (so long as you 
planted the bean in the past) to ride up to a *Golden Skulltula*.  Along the 
way, Mido blocks your path, not recognizing you as an adult since he doesn't 
grow up.  Play Saria's Song for him and he'll let you pass by.  Head back 
through the Lost Woods (left, left, right).  Continue to the Sacred Forest 
Meadow and whoa!  These scary guys called Moblins look hard to beat, but 
they're quite dumb.  Look around the corner using Z-Targeting, then use the 
hookshot to make them go poof.  Across from the stairs at the end, take the 
ladder and get the *Golden Skulltula* on the wall.  Climb back down and take 
the stairs.  You'll see a Giant Moblin, whacking the ground with a weapon 
that makes waves.  Zig-zag towards him avoiding the shockwaves and whack 
him with the sword a couple of times until he disappears.  Continue on. 
Shiek will appear and teach you the song used to warp to this area called 
the Minuet of Forest.  Cool!  Now, use the Hookshot on that tree branch to 
boost yourself up to a platform, then enter the Forest Temple.  Upon 
entering the area, two Wolfos come out to attack you.  Use the sword to 
attack them and the shield, if needed, to defend.  When they're gone, climb 
the wall to the right and get the *Golden Skulltula* on the vines.  Land on 
the log and, if you turn around, there is another log nearby.  Jump to that
one and open the small chest for a key.  Now, enter the door down below.  
Get rid of the Giant Skulltula, then enter the next door.  This room that 
you have entered may be referred to as the main room or torch room.  Four 
Poes appear and steal the coloured flames from the torches in the middle 
of the room.  You must restore the flames to beat this temple.  For 
starters, approach the room directly in front of you, nab the *Golden 
Skulltula* on the wall, then take the door.  Beat the Blue Bubble (weird 
name, since it's a skull, not a bubble!) using your shield to put out the 
flame, then the sword on the bouncing skull.  Enter the next room.  Here,
you have to beat two Stalfoses.  Attack them as you did the Wolfos.  When 
they're both gone, open the chest that appears and receive another key.  
Backtrack to the main room.  Go to the door with the blue block in front
and, like before, play the Song of Time to move it out of the way.  Enter 
the door.  You're outside!  Now, go right to a wall covered in vines.  Use 
the hookshot to clear the wall of the Skullwalltulas.  One is too far up to 
reach, so carefully avoid it.  If it turns purple, it will charge at you, 
so watch yourself!  Once up the wall, enter the door there.  Beat the fiery 
skull and open the chest to receive the dungeon map.  Enter the next room 
(the door you enter has a black swirl on top of it).  Beat the Deku Baba 
and stand on the balcony.  Get the Skullwalltula on the wall and hookshot 
to the black and white target above the balcony on the left.  Stand on the 
switch to drain the water from the well below.  Jump down and climb down the 
ladder to go into the well.  Open the chest at the end for another key!  
Backtrack to the torch room (take the door next to the giant Deku Baba.)  
Enter the locked door straight ahead from here (you now have 2 keys.)  Get 
the Giant Skulltula, then enter the next room.  Beat the Blue Bubble, then 
climb the ladders up.  Go left twice and enter a room with arrows painted 
on the floor.  These are a helpful guide for this puzzle.  Pull the green 
block on the left, then push it forward as long as it's lined up right.  
When you can't push it anymore, go where the block originally was and 
right around to the other side.  Push the block in place (you'll hear a 
chime) and climb it up to the next floor.  Another block puzzle.  Pull the 
red block until you're squished, then drop down to the lower floor where 
the green block is and go through the cave straight across from it.  Go left 
and through the next room.  Right from the entrance should be a ladder.  
Climb it and go right through the cave.  Push the red block against the wall, 
then go back down the ladder, up the green block and push the red one all the 
way in (you'll hear another chime.)  Climb the red block up, go up the 
ladder, and enter the locked door where two Blue Bubbles are, ignoring the 
eyeball switch (you now have 1 key.)  This room is all twisted (thank you 
Navi!)  Go through it normally.  Go forward in the next jumbled room, then 
right through the locked door (you now have 0 keys.)  Ignore the pictures on 
the wall and the laughing Poes (you'll get them later.)  Enter the door at the 
bottom of the stairs.  Fight the Stalfos, but watch out for the hole in the 
centre (you can't walk over it, but they can.)  When you beat the Stalfos, the 
hole is covered up.  Now, get the one Stalfos, but beat the second one quickly, 
or the first Stalfos' remains will come alive again!  When they're all 
finished, a chest appears.  Open it to receive the *Fairy Bow* (and a 30 arrow 
quiver)!  Enter the next room.  In this area, there are paintings on the wall.  
Find the painting with a Poe on it and shoot it with an arrow (be quick and 
not too close or they'll disappear and move to another painting.)  When all 
three paintings have been hit, a real Poe will appear.  Find the Blue Poe 
named Beth and fight her.  Use the sword to attack and the shield to defend.  
When she's gone, the flame will return to the torch in this room and the 
main room.  Get the compass from the chest and go back to the room before 
the Stalfos' room.  Do the same thing with these paintings and fight the red 
Poe, Joelle.  When she's gone, another torch is lit and get the key from the 
chest (you now have 1 key.)  Backtrack to the room with the door leading to 
the twisted hallway.  Shoot the eyeball switch with an arrow and enter the
newly untwisted hallway.  Pass through the hall and drop to the ground.  Open 
the beautifully coloured chest for the Boss Key!  Ooooh, ahhh!  Drop down the 
hole in the ground.  Get rid of the Blue Bubbles and enter the door.  Get rid 
of the Deku Baba and enter the door on your right.  Beat the Floormaster 
using the sword, but when it turns green, it will charge at you, so use the 
shield!  When you've hit it a couple of times, it will split up into three 
small hands.  Slash all 3 with the sword quickly before the small hands turn 
into individual big hands!  When they're all finished, open the chest for 
another key (you now have 2 keys.)  Exit the room and enter the door on your 
right.  Jump down and take the ladder, then walk around up the green and red 
blocks until you're in the room with the eyeball switch.  Shoot the switch to 
re-twist the hallway.  Enter the door.  Make your way through 2 painting 
rooms and unlock the door at the top.  Jump to the door on the right.  Go 
through the hall and unlock another door.  This puzzle is quite easy.  Either 
stand next to the switch in ice and use Din's Fire to melt it or stand next to 
the lit torch and use an arrow to fire through the flame at the switch.  Either 
way is fine.  When the ice melts, the switch is activated.  Exit the room and 
go through to the jumbled room before the twisted hallway.  Drop down the hole 
in the ground.  This is quite a dangerous puzzle.  Watch the ceiling fall down 
and see that there are holes in them.  Stand on the proper squares on the 
checkerboard floor so you're not squished.  Stand on the switch to open the 
door, then enter it.  This Poe requires a puzzle before its fight!  First, 
shoot the painting, then re-arrange the blocks to form a picture of the green 
Poe.  There is a time limit, but it increases every time you don't complete 
the puzzle with the blocks flipping over and being re-arranged.  One of the 
blocks is never used, so I suggest you move that one out of the way first.  
It's the one with a blue flame.  There should be two eyes side by side and 
the green flame on the right.  When the puzzle is complete, the green Poe Amy
will appear.  Fight her to restore another torch.  Enter the newly unlocked 
door.  You're back in the main room!  Drop down to the middle of the room for 
the final Poe battle: Link vs. Meg.  She multiplies, but it's easy to spot the 
real Poe.  Just before they circle around you, one of them spins in a circle. 
This is the real Meg.  When you've spotted her, Z-Target and take out your 
Fairy Bow.  Fire arrows at her until the purple flame is restored.  Then, all 
the flames are back and the elevator is back up.  Step on the elevator to go to 
the bottom floor.  This room is easy.  Just push the handles on the sides of 
the one block in the room.  It looks funny, but that's what you do.  Each time 
the room rotates, the two little coves in the room are either blocked off or 
reveal something.  Step on any switches that appear and get the *Golden 
Skulltula* in one cove.  When all the switches are activated one of the coves 
reveals a hallway.  Walk down to the door and enter to fight the boss of the 
Forest Temple: Phantom Ganon.  See the boss section for hints on smoking him.  
When he's gone, collect the Heart Container and step into the blue light.  
You are transported to the Chamber of Sages where Saria appears as the Forest 
Sage and gives you the *Forest Medallion*!  Then you are moved in front of the 
Great Deku Tree.  There, you'll notice a Deku Tree Sprout!  Cute :o) He tells 
you the story of how you came here to Kokiri Forest and reveals your Hylian 
identity. When you're finished with him, exit the forest to Hyrule Field and 
enter the Temple of Time.  Shiek appears and is no longer blocking off the 
Pedestal of Time, so you can go back seven years to being a kid and finish off 
anything you need to do.  Shiek also teaches you a new warping song, the 
Prelude of Light.  This warps you to the Temple of Time.  Quite useful!  With 
the Fairy Bow, you can get a number of things now.  First, head to Kakariko 
Village where a Shooting Gallery has been built.  Play the game inside to win 
the Bigger Quiver, your first arrow upgrade (holds a maximum of 40).  You can 
also hunt for the 10 Big Poes in Hyrule Field (see Games for a list of Poe 
locations) for your fourth and final *Empty Bottle*.  Now warp to the Temple 
of Time and return to the past as a kid.  There are just a few quick things to 
get.  Head to Hyrule Castle via the Market and sneak over the fence and across 
to the castle.  At the tree, play the Song of Storms and enter the hole.  Bomb 
the walls to find a *Golden Skulltula*, using your boomerang to nab it.  Head 
back out and to Zora's River.   At the log, Navi points out the frogs watching 
you.  Take out your Ocarina and play the Song of Storms to get a *Heart 
Piece*.  Now play every non-warp song (all of which you now have:  Sun's Song, 
Saria's Song, Zelda's Lullaby, Song of Time).  Play the fly-catching game by 
playing every note they indicate (see Games for more details) to win a second 
*Heart Piece*.  Now, head to Goron City to move on to the Fire Temple!



                           *Fire Medallion*

Items/Weapons:  Goron Tunic, Megaton Hammer, Fire Medallion
Heart Pieces:  1  //  18/36
Golden Skulltulas:  4  //  50/100
Songs:  Bolero of Fire

On Death Mountain Trail, use the plant at the entrance to Dodongo's Cavern 
(if you planted the bean, that is) and collect a *Heart Piece*.  Once in 
Goron City, you can get one more thing.  On the little pedestal where the 
Goron Ruby should have been (at night), use the hookshot to get the *Golden 
Skulltula* there.  You'll notice only one Goron rolling around.  Bomb him 
to stop the almighty rolling and you'll hear that his name is the same as 
yours!  He is Darunia's child named after you.  How cute :o) He'll give you 
the *Goron Tunic*, which will protect you from the heat of Death Mountain 
Crater and the Fire Temple as an adult.  He also tells you what's going on 
here and how to enter the Fire Temple.  Head to Darunia's room where you 
first met him as a kid and pull the statue on the back wall forward until 
you hear a chime.  Enter to Death Mountain Crater.  Remember to put on 
the Goron Tunic!  Hookshot over the broken bridge and Shiek will appear to 
teach you the Fire Temple's warping song, the Bolero of Fire!  Okay, now 
continue forward, then left through the entrance and down the ladder to 
the Fire Temple.  Once inside, go up the stairs and through the door on 
the left.  Darunia is there and welcomes you.  You must free the Gorons 
trapped throughout the temple and then fight the dragon boss.  Okay, need 
some help?  Alrighty then!  First, go left and step on the switch to free 
the first Goron.  Each Goron you free will give you a hint.  If you're 
wondering what the "Goron special crop" is, I think they're referring to 
bombs.  Anyway, once he's free, open the chest and get a key (you now have 
1 key.)  Exit to the main entrance and open the locked door straight ahead 
(you now have 0 keys.)  This room is quite spacious!  Cross the bridge and 
go right from the end.  Bomb the dented wall there, enter the door and free 
another Goron.  Open the chest for another key (you now have 1 key.)  Exit 
this room and go to the left side of this huge room.  Enter the door below 
the blue block first and free another Goron.  Get another key from the chest 
(you now have 2 keys.)  After you exit the door, you can play the Song of 
Time to move the blue block and use it to reach the door higher up.  Enter 
and beat the Like Like and fake tiles.  Get the *Golden Skulltula*, then 
exit and play the Song of Time again to return the block to its original 
position.  Enter the locked door at the end of the bridge (you now have 1 
key.)  Cross the thin path and climb the fence to the top.  Get rid of the 
Keese (bats), then drop down to a block.  Push it over the edge, then climb 
on top of it.  The force of the flame there will push the block up with you
on top of it.  Enter the door there using the key (you now have 0 keys.)  
Ignore the poor Goron locked up and climb the ledge on the left.  Beat the 
Torch Slugs and push the block over the edge.  Then go down and pull it 
over the picture of a face on the floor.  Use the block to climb the fence.  
Throw a bomb down to the ledge below.  The bomb will activate the diamond 
switch, putting the fire below the fence out.  Quickly climb the fence and 
enter the door at the top.  This room is full of big boulders, but it's not 
too hard to find stuff, so search well!  Go left from where you entered and 
you'll eventually find a trapped Goron.  Free him and collect the key in the 
chest (you now have 1 key.)  On the opposite side of the room is a big cove 
with a door.  Enter the door and free yet another Goron.  Get another key 
from the chest (you now have 2 keys.)  Exit that room and look at the wall 
further left.  Bomb the wall and get the *Golden Skulltula* (you should hear 
it from the cove.)  That's a hard Skulltula to find, so I'll put in the 
walkthrough :o) Find a locked door in this big room and enter it (you now 
have 1 key.)  This path is quite narrow, so try not to fall down!  First, 
shoot the eyeball switch on the wall with an arrow and enter the newly 
unlocked door.  Take the dungeon map from the big chest and then exit.  Enter
the other locked door (you now have 0 keys.)  Cross over to a grate, but 
watch the wall of fire coming up behind you!  Cross right over to the other
side and enter the door.  Now, we're on top of the maze room!  Jump over to 
a platform and beat the Torch Slug.  Bomb the cracked floor.  Free the Goron 
down there and get a key from the chest (you now have 1 key.)  Climb back up 
and jump over to a switch.  Step on it to free a Goron on the other side of 
the room.  Make your way over there and talk to him.  Don't forget that key 
(you now have 2 keys.)  Backtrack to the room with the wall of fire.  Walk 
across the grate and jump up to that locked door (really, just jump!)  I 
know it looks impossible to do, but gravity lends a hand!  Enter the locked 
door (you now have 1 key.)  Enter the next door to a big room with invisible
firewalls and machines.  Okay, then move right to a door.  Enter and get the 
compass in the chest.  Exit to the last room.  Make your way to the left
side of the big room now.  Enter the locked door there (you now have 0 keys).
Ignore the poor Goron and enter the door straight ahead.  We're now on the 
other side of that big fire room!  Head to the left and step on the switch.  
Quickly make your way over to where the flames were.  Jump over and bomb the 
fake door.  Enter the real door behind it.  This is a mini-boss of the fire 
temple, the Fire Dancer.  See the boss section for details on extinguishing 
him.  When he's finished, climb on the centre platform to go up a floor.  
Enter the door there and here's a familiar site!  Climb the fence and throw a 
bomb down to the diamond switch.  When it's activated, the fire will go out 
for a limited time.  Climb the fence quickly and enter the door at the top.  
Step on the switch and quickly, but carefully, go up the circular path to a 
big chest with lo and behold: the *Megaton Hammer*!  Go back down the path 
and use the hammer to smash that face on the block.  Use the hammer again to 
break the statue in front of the door, then enter it, of course!  In this room, 
watch out for the Keese and use the hammer on another face block.  Stairs 
appear, but the switch at the bottom is a nasty one.  Use one of the boxes 
at the top of the stairs to hold down the switch.  Enter the door.  Hammer 
yet another block and whoa, big fall!  We're at the fire room!  Climb up and, 
thanks to Navi, hammer the rusted switch.  Enter the newly unlocked door.  In 
this room, play the Song of Time to move the block.  Use it as a platform and 
hammer the rusted switch on the other side.  Drop down and free the Goron that 
we passed before.  Get the key from the chest (you now have 1 key.)  Exit this 
room and hammer the block.  This fall is even bigger down to the room where 
we met Darunia!  But, we don't have the Boss Key....yet.  Exit this room to the 
main entrance of the Fire Temple.  At the bottom right of the room is a statue. 
Hammer it up and enter the door there using that key (you now have 0 keys.)  
Get all the Keese and Torch Slugs in this next room, then enter the newly 
unlocked door.  Beat the Like Like and Fake Tiles, then grab the *Golden 
Skulltula* (hmmm....familiar room?)  Enter the door on the left.  Another Fire 
Dancer to beat.  See the boss section again, if necessary.  When he's 
finished, get Bombs from the chest, then enter the south door.  Hammer the 
rusted switch and the last Goron is freed!  Inside this unique chest is the 
Boss Key!  YAHOO! Ahem...go through the south door to the main entrance, then 
enter the left door to the room where you saw Darunia.  Enter the boss door 
and fight the boss of the Fire Temple: Volvagia.  See the boss section for info 
on hammering him.  When you're finished with him, get the Heart Container 
and step into the blue light.  Enjoy the awesome volcanic eruption!  You are 
once again transported to the Chamber of Sages where Darunia is proclaimed 
the Fire Sage and gives you the *Fire Medallion*!  Two down, three to go!



                             *Ice Cavern*

Items/Weapons:  Big Magic Meter, Iron Boots, Zora Tunic
Heart Pieces:  6  //  24/36
Golden Skulltulas:  9  //  59/100
Songs:  Serenade of Water

While in Death Mountain Crater where you're dropped off after getting the 
Fire Medallion, go over the broken bridge and left to a cave blocked by a 
couple of big boulders near the entrance to Goron City. Use the Megaton 
Hammer to smash them up, then enter the Great Fairy Fountain. This fairy 
grants you the *Big Magic Meter*. Cool! Now, we have to do a couple of 
things before entering the Water Temple. On Death Mountain Trail, use the 
Megaton Hammer on the boulders in front of Dodongo's Cavern to find a 
hidden *Golden Skulltula*.  Ride the plant back up to the spot where you 
threw a bomb flower as a kid to open Dodongo's Cavern.  At night, use the 
Megaton Hammer on a rock against the wall to reveal another *Golden 
Skulltula*.  Now, warp to the Temple of Time and return to the past.  As a 
kid, warp to Death Mountain Crater and quickly drop some bugs on the soft 
soil spot nearby to reveal a *Golden Skulltula*.  Also, plant a magic bean 
there and warp out quickly before you suffocate.  Head back to the Temple 
of Time and return to the future (or is it the present?).  Warp back to 
Death Mountain Crater and use the plant to reach a *Heart Piece* atop a 
big rock.  Drop down and ride the plant again towards a wall you can climb.  
Jump to the wall and climb up to a cove with another *Heart Piece*.  Head 
back to Kakariko Village and in the House of Skulltula, collect a *Heart 
Piece* from the newly freed guy for your 50th token.  Now, head down to 
Zora's River since Navi talks about an Arctic wind.  Use the plant to 
ride up to a platform with a big rock surrounded by little stones.  Hop 
over to the platform against the wall and, at night, get the *Golden 
Skulltula* on the right side.  Take the wooden bridge and hookshot a 
*Golden Skulltula* high up on the left wall.  Enter Zora's Domain through 
the waterfall and brrrrr! It's all frozen over! The water, the waterfall,
the store, even King Zora!  Left of the King is where the diving game 
used to be.  At left on the wall at night is a *Golden Skulltula*.  Go 
behind King Zora to Zora's Fountain. Lord Jabu-Jabu is gone and in his 
place is a bunch of ice platforms.  Jump across the ice to find a *Heart 
Piece* on one platform.  Now, jump across and to the left. Enter the Ice 
Cavern. This isn't a dungeon, more like a small area. To start, go foward 
and defeat the ice blowing monsters called Freezard. Enter the next room. 
This room has a big rotating blade in the centre.  Look for a *Golden 
Skulltula* on the wall by a cave blocked by red ice.  Collect all the 
silver rupees in the room. One requires climbing the little hill and 
jumping over. When you have them all, enter the newly unlocked area. This 
room is full of enemies! Get rid of the ice Keese as they're quite 
annoying! Climb up the platforms and watch out for the Freezards. You'll 
notice a big display of blue fire. Hopefully you have at least 3 empty 
bottles. Fill them all with blue fire. You use blue fire to melt red ice. 
You can use one of the blue fires on the pot nearby to get a purple rupee. 
Use another blue fire on the chest and receive the map. Re-fill the two 
bottles with blue fire and exit. Backtrack to the room with the big 
rotating blade. On your left is a wall with red ice. Use blue fire to melt 
it and enter the room. Icicles fall from the ceiling, so watch yourself. 
Continue forward. There is a *Heart Piece* in red ice that you can melt 
and collect. Also, there is a chest on the right covered in red ice. Melt 
it and open the chest for the compass. Watch out for the Keese as well! 
Fill the bottles with blue fire from the flame in the room, get the 
*Golden Skulltula* on the left wall and exit to the big blade room. Melt 
the other wall that has red ice. Enter the new room. This next room has 
a puzzle.  First, get the *Golden Skulltula* on the wall, then shoot the 
ice Keese so they don't bug you later on. There is a blue block which you 
can push against small pillars and, if caught in a bad position, you can 
push the block into one of those holes and it will re-appear in its 
original position. Collect all the silver rupees. One of them is up in a 
cove covered in red ice (use the blue fire.) Also, there is a cove with a 
blue flame so you can re-fill your bottles. When all the silver rupees are 
collected, push the block towards the newly unlocked cave and enter. 
Continue forward. Use blue fire to melt the red ice blocking your path. 
Enter the door at the end. Fight the Snow Wolfos just like other Wolfos. 
When he's disappeared, open the chest to receive the *Iron Boots*. These 
are used to sink to the bottom of watery areas. Suddenly, Shiek appears
to teach you the Serenade of Water, the warping song for the Water Temple. 
Wonderful! Now, use the Iron Boots to sink into a watery hole behind the 
chest. Make sure you have one bottle of blue fire. Walk out to Zora's
Domain. King Zora was trapped in red ice, so revive him by using that 
bottle of blue fire. When he is back, he'll give you the *Zora Tunic*. 
This will help you breathe underwater when you equip the Iron Boots.  In 
Zora's Fountain, use the Iron Boots and Zora Tunic to sink down in the 
water and find another *Heart Piece* surrounded by rupees.  Finally, we 
can start battling the Water Temple! Play the newly learned Serenade of 
Water to warp to Lake Hylia.



                           *Water Medallion*

Items/Weapons:  Longshot, Water Medallion
Heart Pieces:  0  //  24/36
Golden Skulltulas:  6  //  65/100
Songs:  None

Once in Lake Hylia, cross the bridge to the end.  By the way, that 
gravestone on the bridge can be pulled back to reveal a hole.  Inside 
are 3 Business Scrubs, in case you're low on items.  How cute :o) 
Head inside the laboratory there.  Use the Iron Boots and Zora Tunic 
to sink down in the water tank.  Bang into the crate to collect a 
*Golden Skulltula*.  Head outside and in the lake itself, equip the 
Iron Boots and Zora Tunic.  Sink down to the bottom of the lake and 
walk towards an underwater temple.  Use the hookshot to shoot the blue 
target above the door.  It is released and the door opens.  Enter the 
Water Temple!  By the way, the hookshot is the only item that can be 
used while underwater.  Alrighty then.  Once inside the temple, unequip 
the Iron Boots and climb to the surface.  This room may be referred to 
as the main room or pillar room.  Re-equip the Iron Boots and sink to 
the bottom of this watery area.  Go right to a cave with two un-lit 
torches in front.  Walk inside and there is Princess Ruto.  My, she 
sure has...blossomed.  Once she's done embarrassing you, take off the 
Iron Boots and float to the top.  She said to follow her, but you 
don't see her again until you beat the final boss of the temple!  
Anyway, once at the top, climb up to the surface and play Zelda's 
Lullaby while standing in front of the Triforce symbol on the wall.  
The water is all drained!  Wow, what power!  Enter the door here and 
defeat all the spiked things called Spike (duh!?!?!)  Just hit it 
with the sword to curl it into a ball, then hit it again to defeat it.  
When you're underwater, you can use the hookshot on it as well.  When 
they're all gone, get the map from the chest.  Exit the room and drop 
down the hole in the floor.  Big fall, but no damage.  In the room 
where you saw Ruto, use Din's Fire or arrows through the already lit 
torch to light the other torches.  Enter the door that opens.  Use the 
sword or hookshot on the Shell Blades (they look like clams to me!)  
When they're all gone, get the key from the chest (you now have 1 key.)  
Backtrack to the main room.  Facing the room where you met Ruto, head 
right through a passageway to a dead end and bomb the cracked floor.  
Sink down in the water and surface inside to a switch.  Step on it to 
slightly raise the water level.  Defeat the Tektites, then hookshot to 
the dragon head.  Use a spin attack to hit the diamond switch to open 
the gate.  Get the *Golden Skulltula* inside.  Head back to the main 
room and find a big block.  Climb up and push the block all the way 
until it drops.  Use the Iron Boots to sink down in the water.  Surface 
at the end and hit the diamond switch with your sword, then walk on 
top of the water spout to get to the other side.  Enter the door there.  
The water in this room rotates quickly!  Use the Iron Boots to sink to 
the bottom.  Stand relatively close to the gate and use the hookshot to 
hit the diamond switch in the stone dragon's mouth.  The gate opens, 
but for a limited time only.  Hookshot into the cove, ignore the clams, 
and float up to the surface.  Get the key from the chest (you now have 
2 keys) and then hit the diamond switch to open the grate.  Sink down 
and quickly exit this horrifying room!  Exit to the main room (use the 
hookshot target on the wall to get across the big gap and reach the main 
room).  Look for a block against the giant pillar with a locked door.  
Enter that using one of the keys (you now have 1 key.)  Move up a bit 
and turn around.  Look up and hit the hookshot target that you can reach 
(the other one you can see right from entering is too high to reach.)  
Play Zelda's Lullaby to raise the water level halfway.  Put on the Iron 
Boots and sink down to where the blocks were before.  Go through the 
tunnel there and enter a big underwater room.  Hit the diamond switch 
with the hookshot to bring down a bunch of Shell Blades and Spikes.  
Defeat each one.  When they're all gone, another grate opens on the 
ceiling.  Float up there (hint: Remove Iron Boots!)  While up there, 
open the chest and receive another key (you now have 2 keys.)  Backtrack 
to the main room (from the room where you played Zelda's Lullaby, there's
a door leading right onto the pillar.)  Once in the main room, use the 
Iron Boots to sink down.  Return to the room where you saw Ruto (it's got 
two torches in front.)  Float up to the surface once inside and you're at 
a different level of the room.  Bomb the wall there and receive another 
key from the chest (you now have 3 keys.)  Go back to the main room.  
Look around the main room for a cave with a hookshot target above it 
(not a door.)  Enter the passage.  Hookshot to the first target, then 
another target (the farthest one to you.)  There is a chest there covered 
in water and a diamond switch.  Stand close to the chest and shoot the 
switch with the hookshot.  Quickly open the chest and receive the compass.  
Backtrack to the main room.  Find a locked door in the pillar room and 
enter (you now have 2 keys.)  First, walk up to the water spout and get
rid of the Blue Tektite when it comes down.  Then, stand on the spout and 
use the hookshot to hit the diamond switch.  The spout rises like an 
elevator taking you to the next floor.  Enter the door there.  Play 
Zelda's Lullaby in front of the Triforce picture to raise the water level 
to its highest point.  Go directly across to the opposite side of the room 
and enter the tunnel there.  Sink down and pull the red block until it 
clicks into place.  Return to the main room and enter the locked door at 
the other side of this room (you now have 1 key.)  Jump down to a platform, 
then another platform moving up and down.  Hookshot to the targets on the 
moving platforms to make your way up to the top of the waterfall.  Enter 
the locked door at the top (you now have 0 keys.)  Hit the diamond switch 
on your right to move the dragon statues.  Hookshot on the target on the 
dragon in front of you.  Hit the diamond switch again and hookshot to the 
target on the right wall.  Climb over the dragon and hit the diamond switch 
again.  Hookshot to the dragon head, then hit that diamond again to lower 
the dragon behind you.  Climb on top of the dragon, then, finally, hit the 
diamond switch to move you higher up.  Get rid of the Blue Tektites, then 
lure the Like Like on the other side of the spikes to the side.  Hookshot 
to the target on the ceiling, then quickly enter the door.  It looks like 
we're outside, but not quite.  The door at the other end of this room is 
barred up.  When you go to the centre island, a gray figure that looks like 
you appears.  His name is Dark Link and he's a sort of mini-boss of the 
Water Temple.  See the boss section for details on beating him.  When he's
gone, the room turns to more like the other rooms in this temple.  Enter 
the newly unlocked door.  Open the chest and receive the *Longshot*.  
This is an updated version of the hookshot, only now it stretches farther.  
Play the Song of Time to the blue block behind the chest.  Fall down the 
hole to what looks like a watery basement.  Swim through the water 
avoiding the deadly vortexes and get the *Golden Skulltula* on the wall.  
Follow the pattern on the map to a platform.  Climb up and hit the eyeball 
switch on the right wall with an arrow.  The gate opens for a short time 
only.  Use the longshot on the chest to get over there quickly.  Open the 
chest for a key (you now have 1 key.)  Fall into the hole on the right.  
Make your way back to the main room.  Use the Iron Boots to sink down to 
the bottom.  Go to the room where we met Ruto (remember the two torches in 
front?)  Float up to the surface.  Play Zelda's Lullaby to the Triforce 
picture to drain the water.  Fall back down the hole and return to the 
main room.  Enter the giant tower in the middle of the room and get the 
*Golden Skulltula* on the wall.  Hookshot to the Triforce symbol and play 
Zelda's Lullaby to raise the water halfway.  Exit through the door and use 
the water spout elevator.  Play Zelda's Lullaby again at the top to raise 
the water again.  Take the door with a hookshot target above it and get 
the *Golden Skulltula* on the right wall without using the moving 
platforms.  Exit back and sink down, then enter the room where you met 
Ruto, surface, then drain the water.  Come back to the main room and 
enter the door on the block against the huge pillar.  Turn around and 
longshot to the Triforce picture.  Play Zelda's Lullaby to raise the 
water midway.  Go through the door behind you to return to the main room.  
Find a passage with a gate in front and an eyeball switch.  Shoot the 
eyeball with an arrow and hookshot to the target.  Push the big block 
as far as it goes and enter the right passage.  Get a key from the chest 
there (you now have 2 keys.)  Go left, hookshot up and return to the 
main room.  Sink to the bottom and find the path to a huge dent in the 
floor.  Enter the cove there.  Float to the surface and use the longshot
 to get over the spikes.  Enter the locked door there (you now have 1 key.) 
 Clear the path using arrows on the Blue Tektites.  Avoid the boulders and 
cross to the other side.  Enter the door at the end.  Get rid of the 
stingers underwater, then drop down.  Bomb the left and right corner 
walls to reveal a tunnel.  Push and pull the block from both sides until 
it's on the switch that wouldn't stay down before.  Enter the door that 
opens (it's on top of a bunch of blocks that look like fans.)  Get rid of 
the Tektites, then step on the switch to raise a few water spouts.  Use 
them as platforms to get to the other side.  Enter the door at the end.  
Use Z- Targeting to look behind the corner.  When a boulder passes by you, 
quickly get the *Golden Skulltula* on the wall above the hole, then walk to 
the right and, wearing the Iron Boots, sink down it.  Go through the 
passage, float up and enter the locked door (you now have 0 keys.)  Open 
the lovely blue and yellow chest for the Boss Key!  Backtrack to the main 
room by following the boulder in the previous room down.  Get the water to 
its highest point.  Look for the cove with a dragon head and a hookshot 
target.  Enter the door there.  This puzzle is quick, but kind of tough.  
Make your way up the slippery path, avoiding the spiked things.  This looks 
easy, but is quite difficult.  If you stop or are hit by the spiked thing, 
you're dropped to the bottom and have to start over.  When you make it to 
the top, enter the boss door using the key to face the boss of the Water 
Temple: Morpha.  See the boss section on beating him (and his nucleus!)  
Collect the Heart Container when he's finished and step into the blue light.  
You are once again transported to the Chamber of Sages where Ruto awakens as 
the Water Sage and you receive the *Water Medallion*!  On to the second to 
last temple!



                          *Shadow Medallion*

Items/Weapons:  Fire Arrows, Lens of Truth, Hover Boots, Shadow 
Heart Pieces:  6  //  30/36
Golden Skulltulas:  17  //  82/100
Songs:  Nocturne of Shadow, Scarecrow's Song

After talking with Shiek, you should see a little plaque on this island. 
It says something about shooting for the morning sun when water fills the 
land. Well, after beating Morpha, more water is added to Lake Hylia. When 
the sun comes up, shoot for it with an arrow. Swim across to the island 
and collect the *Fire Arrows* Cool! These use magic power, but aren't used 
too often.  Head back to the warp point and at night, hookshot to the 
branch of the tree and get the *Golden Skulltula* sitting on top.  Call 
Epona and hide her out into Hyrule Field.  In the fenced-in area just 
before Lake Hylia, bomb the centre area and enter the hole.  Deflect the 
Deku Nut back at the Deku Scrub and he'll give you a *Heart Piece* for 10 
rupees.  What a bargain!  Make your way to Kakariko Village. D'oh! What did 
you do? Oh, sorry. The village is on fire! Shiek appears, but is knocked 
away by an evil spirit, then you are attacked, too. After you're revived, 
Shiek teaches you the Nocturne of Shadow to warp to the Shadow Temple.  
Before we continue, you have some things to get with your new Longshot.  
While in Kakariko Village, head to the graveyard and re-enter Dampe's grave 
on the left side.  Race him again and beat him (finish in 1:00 or less) for 
a *Heart Piece* (see Games for help).  Warp to the Lost Woods and re-enter 
the Forest Temple.  There are two Golden Skulltulas you can now reach with 
the Longshot.  In the main room, shoot the yellow eyeball switch and enter 
the door under it to one of the outdoor areas.  On the wall by a ledge 
where Navi flies up and turns green, hookshot the *Golden Skulltula*.  Head
back to the main room and take the door where the Door of Time block was 
(Navi turns green at the door).  Outside, hookshot the *Golden Skulltula* 
on the wall adjacent to the ivy wall with Skullwaltulas.  All done here!  
You must go back in time to being a kid to get a special item and some 
extrathings. Play the Prelude of Light, drop the Master Sword into the 
Pedestal of Time and warp back seven years.   Now, warp to Lake Hylia.  
For some fun times, enter the Fishing Pond on the opposite side of the lake.  
Pay 20 rupees to fish and when you land a 10-pound (or greater) fish, you 
win a *Heart Piece*.  See my Games section for more details.  It's even more 
fun as n adult.  At night, head to the spot where you got the Fire Arrows, 
and nab the *Golden Skulltula* on the left pillar.  On the back of the lab 
at night is another *Golden Skulltula*.  Use your boomerang to catch it.  
A soft soil spot sits waiting for you by the lab.  Plant a bean there and 
use a bottled bug on the soil for a *Golden Skulltula*.  To learn a helpful 
new song, head to the scarecrows by the Fishing Pond.  Talk to the one 
named Pierre and show him the Ocarina, then play any 8-note combination.  
Be sure to write it down or keep it simple to remember it.  It does not get 
recorded on your subscreen with the other Ocarina songs.  Return to 
Kakariko Village. Go to the windmill guy (the door leading there is by the 
graveyard entrance under the windmill.) Play the Song of Storms that he 
taught you in the future and the windmill goes cucco (not the bird.) 
Screwing up the windmill drains the water from the well, revealing a 
dungeon. Enter the dungeon at the bottom of the well. This place is quite 
confusing, so bear with me.  Okay, let's begin. Crawl through the small 
tunnel in front of you. Climb down the ladder and walk right through the 
wall (no, I'm not kidding, it's invisible!) Go around the room and find a 
Triforce symbol on the ground. Play Zelda's Lullaby to drain the water. Go 
back to where you first entered this room. Enter the big hole. Go through 
the tunnel and get rid of the Giant Skulltula. Climb the vines behind it 
and enter the door at the top. You have to fight this enemy called Dead 
Hand. He's pretty easy. First, let one of the 4 hands there grab you. A 
guy appears. Quickily, press the A button a few times to escape the hand 
before the guy bites you. When you're freed, whack the guy with the sword. 
Repeat this process a few times until he's gone. Open the chest and receive 
the *Lens of Truth*!  For *three Golden Skulltulas* in this dungeon, please 
see my mini-walkthrough on my Golden Skulltulas page.  It's easier to 
follow from there.  Once finished, play the Prelude of Light to warp to the 
Temple of Time.  Don't change back to adult, but exit to the Market.  At 
night, enter the lit building for the Treasure Chest game.  Pay 10 rupees 
to play and use the Lens of Truth to uncover the key in the right chest.  
Continue this to get a *Heart Piece*.  Now go forward in time to an adult.  
Warp back to Lake Hylia and revisit the scarecrows.  Pierre is gone, but 
talk to Nabooru and play the Scarecrow's Song as you invented it in the 
past and Pierre will now be at your service whenever Navi flies to a 
distant unreachable spot.  At the lab, ride the plant to the roof and 
climb the ladder to get a *Heart Piece* (alternatively, you can use Pierre 
to reach the roof).  Head to the Fishing Pond and fish to your heart's 
content (see Games for info).  If you catch a fish more than 10 pounds, 
you'll win the *Golden Scale* which allows you to dive up to 8 metres.  
Head back to the lab and inside, dive in the water tank to touch the bottom.  
Talk to the guy there to win a *Heart Piece*.  Now, there are a few dungeon 
Golden Skulltulas that can be revealed by using Pierre.  Head to Dodongo's 
Cavern.  Inside, go through the cave to the room with the Baby Dodongos.  
At the spot where Navi flies up, play the Scarecrow's Song to summon Pierre, 
then hookshot to him and nab the hidden *Golden Skulltula*.  Warp to Death 
Mountain Crater and enter the Fire Temple.  Navigate to the top of the maze
room and at the beginning of the area, play the Scarecrow's Song where Navi 
flies up and hookshot to Pierre.  Hookshot to the target on the other side 
to ride up to a secret area.  Take the door and climb the grating to find a 
*Golden Skulltula* on another stretch of grating.  After that, continue to 
climb up and take the door.  You're now on the higher part of the room where 
you got the Megaton Hammer.  Hookshot the *Golden Skulltula* on the wall.  
All done!  and play the Nocturne of Shadow to warp to the Shadow Temple! 
Okay, I admit it. You're not quite in the Shadow Temple yet. Actually, 
you're on the high part of Kakariko Village graveyard. Enter the cave behind 
you and stand on the centre platform. Use Din's Fire to light all the 
torches. Enter the door that opens. Now you're officially inside the Shadow 
Temple. Walk around the corner and use the longshot on the target. Use the 
Lens of Truth and walk through the wall. Use the Lens of Truth again to see
the skull that's real. Push the bird so it's facing the true skull. When it's 
pointing in the right direction, the door across that huge gap opens, but 
it's too big of a gap to cross, so use the Lens of Truth again to see a hole 
through the wall on the right (not the one you came through before!) Enter 
that room. Use the Lens of Truth and look on the right wall for a hole. Enter 
the door. Get rid of all the enemies to make a chest appear. Open it for the 
map. Exit the door and keep looking right with Lens of Truth on.  Head 
further in the room via a doorway and look right to take a door.  Here's Dead 
Hand. Remember him from the Bottom of the Well? Same thing. When he's done, 
open the chest to receive the almighty *Hover Boots*! Backtrack to the last 
room with the bird. Put on the new Hover Boots and walk right across the gap 
(make sure you're walking straight at it or you won't make it.) Enter the 
cave. Continue to a Beamos in a small room. Go right and through the wall. 
Enter the door. Get rid of the Gibdos, then open the chest for the compass. 
Exit to the Beamos room, then go straight through to another door. A blade 
room (familiar?) Collect all the silver rupees. Use the longshot if 
necessary. When you get them all, enter the newly unlocked door and collect 
the key from the chest (you now have 1 key.) Backtrack to the Beamos room. 
Bomb the wall on your left side. Enter the locked door using the key (you 
now have 0 keys.) Watch the Giant Skulltulas and make your way down the 
path. Watch out for the dropping blades and the Ceiling Masters. Continue 
forward until you stop to fight a Stalfos. When he's gone, go left and use 
the Lens of Truth to see a door.  Take it and use the Lens of Truth again to
see a rotating blade (like in the Ice Cavern).  Beat the enemies (three Keese 
and a Like Like) to open a cove.  Get the *Golden Skulltula* there.  Exit back 
to the room with the Stalfos and, wearing the Hover Boots, go right onto a 
platform moving up and down. Jump over to the next area with a Beamos and 
spiky things moving in circles. Get all of the silver rupees. One of them is 
underneath the Beamos, so bomb it. Enter the newly unlocked door. Use the Lens 
of Truth to see the big block on your right. Pull it out over the face picture 
on the floor, then push it to block the spiked things from falling down.  Block 
both spiked things to reach a gated cove with a *Golden Skulltula*.  Go around 
and pull the block right to you. Climb up and jump on top of the spiked things.
Use it as a bridge to get to a switch on the right. Step on it to drop a chest 
on the other side. Use the spiked things as a bridge and open the chest for a 
key (you now have 1 key.) Exit to the last room with Beamos and rotating spiky 
things. Cross over to where it looks quite spacious. Use the Lens of Truth to 
see a path. Follow it to a moving platform, then move to a locked door and open 
it (you now have 0 keys.) Use the Lens of Truth to see a lot of spikes. Get all 
the silver rupees using the longshot. Enter the newly unlocked door. Go up the 
stairs and throw a bomb into the skull to make it explode. Get the key that 
pops out (you now have 1 key) and the *Golden Skulltula* revealed.  Get rid of 
all the Keese to re-open that door, then exit. Back in this room, use the Lens 
of Truth to see the hookshot target on the ceiling.  Longshot to it and enter 
the locked door at the top (you now have 0 keys.) Equip the Iron Boots to stop 
the fans from blowing you away. Continue until you see a big gap with a fan 
beside you and in front of you. Wait until the fan in front of you stops 
moving. Equip the Hover Boots and quickly cross the gap. Now, there are a 
bunch of fans blowing. Equip the Iron Boots and make your way to the end. 
A small flame comes out of the eyeball switch. Just use your shield on it. 
When the last fan on your right starts blowing hard, equip your hover boots 
and let it blow you to the left, through the invisible wall. Enter the door
there. Get rid of the ReDeads to make a chest appears. Inside are some 
rupees. Okay...bomb the little mound of dirt in the front right corner of the 
room to reveal another chest with a key inside (you now have 1 key.) Use it 
on the locked door to enter (you nowhave 0 keys.) Push the block on your left 
under the ladder on the right wall. Climb the ladder to a ship.  Play the 
Scarecrow's Song and use Pierre to reach a *Golden Skulltula*.  Then, play 
Zelda's Lullaby to the Triforce symbol to move the ship. Fight the two 
Stalfos, then wait until Navi says the ship will sink! Quickly, move to the 
left side of the room where there's land. Enter the door on the right. Use 
the Lens of Truth for this room. It's big with a few doors and Floor 
Masters. Ignore them, they're annoying, but you can walk by them. Two of the 
rooms have big, rotating skulls. If you bomb them, they'll reveal some items 
and rupees for you and a *Golden Skulltula* lurks behind them. Also, there's 
a room with wooden walls closing in, trying to squish you. Use Din's Fire to 
destroy them. Open the beautiful chest for...what else? The Boss Key! Now, 
look for a room with a Floor Master (you need the Lens of Truth to see it.) 
When you get rid of that little critter, a chest appears and inside is a key 
(you now have 1 key.) Backtrack to the room where you jumped off the ship. 
See those bomb flowers? Shoot an arrow at them to blow them up and drop that 
bird statue down to make a bridge. Cross it to the locked door and enter 
(you now have 0 keys.) Equip the hover boots and Lens of Truth to see the 
paths leading to theBoss Door. Cross over and open the door. Fall down the 
hole and face the boss of the Shadow Temple: Bongo Bongo. See the boss 
section for help on beating him. When he's singing the blues, get the Heart 
Container and step into the blue light. Impa appears as a Sage and gives you 
the *Shadow Medallion*. One more Medallion to go!



                          *Spirit Medallion*

Items/Weapons:  Gerudo Card, Biggest Quiver, Silver Gauntlets, Mirror 
Shield, Spirit Medallion, Ice Arrows, Biggoron Sword
Heart Pieces:  6  //  36/36
Golden Skulltulas:  17  //  99/100
Songs:  Requiem of Spirit

In Hyrule Field, past the market on the far right is a small river.  
Look for a lone tree and bomb it, then enter the hole.  Dive in the water 
to reach a *Heart Piece*.  Head to Gerudo Valley on the west side of 
Hyrule Field behind Lon Lon Ranch.  Outside the valley itself, use the 
Megaton Hammer on a rock surrounded by little stones.  Enter the hole 
and burn the spider webs to reveal a *Golden Skulltula* in a cove with a 
cow.  Now head into the valley.  On the left side of the broken bridge is 
a "no diving" sign.  We wouldn't DREAM of doing that!  Carefully drop to 
the ledge below with a grey boulder.  Hookshot the crate on the ledge 
opposite and bang into it for a *Heart Piece*.  You'll have to (gasp) dive 
down and follow the current to Lake Hylia, then re-route to Gerudo Valley.  
Once back in town, use Epona to jump over the broken bridge (in a cool 
cinema) or use the longshot on the bridge.  At night, get a *Golden 
Skulltula* behind the tent and another *Golden Skulltula* on a pillar at 
left.  Also, drop to the ledge below on the left side of the bridge.  If 
you look through the waterfall ahead, you can faintly see a ladder.  
Hookshot to it and climb up to a *Heart Piece*.  Sorry, but you'll have 
to re-route from Lake Hylia again.  If you talk to the master carpenter, 
he says that he and his men were working on the bridge, but they left for 
a better life as thieves in Gerudo Fortress.  Okay, let's go free the lazy 
workers!  Go forward to Gerudo Fortress and allow the guards to see you.  
You're thrown into a jail and Epona is placed somewhere (don't worry,
you'll get her later.)  Use the longshot on the wood to boost up to the 
window.  Use your arrow to shoot the guards down below (they're not dead, 
just stunned!)  You can jump down and they won't wake up on you.  Go 
through the immediate left passageway to the Thieves' Hideout.  Continue 
to a cell where you can talk to the first carpenter.  Then, you need to 
fight a Gerudo guard.  Use the sword on her, but be quick or you'll be 
re-captured.  When she's gone, she'll drop a key.  Use it to free the 
carpenter.  He'll explain about the Gerudos and how they're anti-men.  
Sheesh!  How do they expect to re- produce their race?  Exit this room 
and you're outside again, but in a different area.  Go left through 
another tunnel.  Go right and watch out for a guard walking by.  Stun 
her with an arrow, then turn right through the exit.  Before going 
around the corner, use Z-Targeting to see a guard around there.  Stun 
her with an arrow, then enter the tunnel there.  You're back in the 
hideout.  Talk to another carpenter, then fight another guard.  When 
she's gone, use the key to free the second carpenter.  Exit this room 
to the outside the same way the carpenter did.  Climb down the vines 
and enter the tunnel at the bottom.  Save yet another carpenter the 
same way, then exit the same way you came in (important!)  Climb back 
up the vines and enter the tunnel on your left.  Watch the two guards 
down below.  Shoot them with arrows, then drop down (By the way: Don't 
go into that red soup!  I did and couldn't get out!  Plus, you lose 
health.)  Climb up the stairs and exit again to the outside.  Climb the 
vines and you'll notice Navi fly out to a high platform.  Play the 
Scarecrow's Song and use Pierre to reach a *Heart Piece* in a big chest 
and a *Golden Skulltula* on the lower left wall at night.  Jump down to 
the next lowest area and go through the passageway.  Watch the Gerudo
guard who'll pass by (hide behind the box.)  Stun her with an arrow, then
continue to the right and save the fourth carpenter.  Now that you have 
all four carpenters saved, a Gerudo appears and gives you a *Gerudo Card*, 
so you don't get caught by the guards anymore!  Nice!  Now, you can play
the horse archery game for fun.  Ride Epona to the right ramp and into the 
course area.  See my Games section for help.  Get at least 1000 points for 
a *Heart Piece* and at least 1500 points for the *Biggest Quiver* (holds a 
maximum of 50 arrows).  At night, a *Golden Skulltula* rests on the left 
high target.  Later, you can do the Gerudo Training Grounds (you need the 
Silver Gauntlets first, see Side Quests).  Anyway, go back to where you 
entered the fortress where there's a gate.  Climb the ladder to the top 
and talk to the girl.  She'll open the gate for you.  Enter the Haunted 
Wasteland.  At the start of this area is a huge quicksand pit.  Can't 
cross it!  Use the longshot and aim for the box at the other side.  When
you're there, follow the red flags to a little brick hut.  Drop through 
the hole in the bottom to get a *Golden Skulltula*, then climb back and, 
on top, use the Lens of Truth to see a Poe Guide, who'll lead you to 
Desert Colossus.  Follow him until you get there.  Once in the desert, go 
right to a couple of palm trees and a cracked wall. Bomb it to reveal a 
Great Fairy Fountain.  Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol and this 
fairy will give you Nayru's Love.  Exit to the desert and at night, look 
for a *Golden Skulltula* on a palm tree by the dried out lake.  Now go 
inside the Spirit Temple.  Hmmm....well, you can't do anything here as an 
adult.  Just exit as soon as you walk in.  Nice seeing you temple....oh, 
it's Shiek!  He'll teach you the Requiem of Spirit to warp here.  When he 
disappears in the blinding sand, play the Prelude of Light to warp to the 
Temple of Time.  Go back in time seven years to become a kid again and 
play the newly learned Requiem of Spirit to go back to the desert.  As a 
kid, you can get another *Golden Skulltula* by dumping bugs on the soft 
soil by the temple entrance.  Plant a bean there as well (your last one 
if you planted the previous ones) for future use.  Re-enter the Spirit 
Temple.  Go up the stairs and to the left.  A woman named Nabooru is 
there (remember that name from the future in Gerudo Fortress?) and she 
has a dilemma.  She needs her Silver Gauntlets inside the tunnel, but she 
can't fit.  We'll help her out, even though she insults your name!  Crawl 
through the tunnel to a new room.  Get rid of the Armos and the Keese, 
then enter the right door.  Get the *Golden Skulltula* off the grating, 
then return back a room.  Enter the door on the left side of another 
tunnel.  Fight the Stalfos and get rid of the Green Bubble.  Use the 
boomerang to hit the switch on the other side (look familiar from Lord 
Jabu-Jabu's Belly?)  The fence drops, forming a bridge.  Cross to the 
other side, please, and enter the door.  Use Din's Fire on the Anubis 
monster to melt it away.  When it's gone, enter the newly unlocked door.  
First, grab the silver rupees in the room and a key from the chest.  
Remember to climb the fence to get two rupees.  When they're all found, 
a piece of the fence drops down and you can go to the other side of the 
room.  Enter the door where the torches are and you're back in the room 
you crawled into, only through the door on the right of the tunnel.  Now, 
you can actually go through that tunnel and enter the locked door at the 
end.  Clear the wall of Skullwalltulas, then climb it up to the top.  
Get the *Golden Skulltula* on the opposite wall from where you climbed up.  
There's a big wall here, with a boulder at the top and a sun face on the 
floor.  First, go to the right side of the room and nab the two Lizalfos 
that appear.  Next, if you don't have bombchu, hit the diamond switch and 
a chest with bombchu inside will appear.  Use a bombchu and send it up to 
that boulder.  It explodes, leaving a hole and lighting the sun.  What a 
cute smile!  The door opens, so enter it.  This room has a huge statue of 
what looks like an Egyptian sand goddess (just guessing...)  At your left 
is an Armos statue.  Push it over the edge so it will hold down a switch.  
It opens a door, but first drop down to a couple of torches.  Use Din's 
Fire to light them both and a big chest appears with the map inside.  Climb 
back up to the entrance and go up the stairs.  Enter the newly unlocked door.  
Enter yet another door at the top.  Get rid of the annoying Beamos as 
usual and collect all the silver rupees.  A torch lights up, so.....use 
a Deku Stick to light all the other torches.  A small treasure chest drops 
down.  Find it and open it for a key.  Move the grey blocks.  Get the one 
with the sun on it over to the light from the wall.  When the sun is happy, 
go through the newly unlocked door.  Go forward a bit and then turn around 
to nab a *Golden Skulltula* above the door.  Climb the stairs to the next 
room.  This metal thing blocking your way is an Iron Knuckle.  Whack it 
with your sword to wake it up, then continue using your sword and backflip 
to avoid the axe attack!  After a while, he'll lose his armour and run at 
you, so continue attacking again until he disappears.  Go through the new 
exit behind his chair with a symbol above it and enter the outside.  The 
wise owl!  We haven't seen him in a while and this is the last time we 
actually will.  When he's finished talking, open the treasure chest for 
the *Silver Gauntlets*.  You can wear them for now, until we find Nabooru.  
What!?!?!?!  Nabooru is captured by two witches.  Okay...they wanna play 
hardball!  First, return to Gerudo Valley (you'll have to warp to Lake 
Hylia and walk back there).  At night, above a small waterfall at right 
upon entering, get the *Golden Skulltula*.  Further ahead, use a cucco to 
fly out right of the bridge to a ledge down below with a Gerudo, a cow, and 
some soft soil.  Plant a bean there and get a *Golden Skulltula* using a 
bottled bug on the soil.  Play the Prelude of Light, warp to the future and 
return to the Spirit Temple using the Requiem of Spirit.  Use the plant to 
reach a *Golden Skulltula* on a sandy rock face and the *Heart Piece* on the 
rock structure in front of the temple.  Enter the temple once again.  Go up 
the stairs and notice a big gray block.  It's different because you need to 
be stronger than before.  You are, now that you have the Silver Gauntlets.  
Push the block all the way until it falls.  Get rid of the Beamos and hit the 
diamond switch on the ceiling.  Enter the left door.  Defeat the Wolfos and 
stand on the Triforce symbol.  The obvious Zelda's Lullaby.  A 
chest drops down.  Longshot to it and open it for the compass.  Go back to 
the last room where you hit the diamond switch and enter the door right of 
the locked one.  Watch out for the big boulders rolling around and collect 
the silver rupees.  To get the one in the air, just walk across to it from 
the entrance, wearing the Hover Boots.  Play the Song of Time to get a 
*Golden Skulltula* in here, but if you get it first, play the same song 
again to move the block and get a silver rupee.  When you find them all, 
enter the newly unlocked door.  Smoosh the Like Like and get the key from 
the chest.  Backtrack to that room with the diamond switch on the ceiling 
and enter the locked door.  Get rid of the Like Like and climb the wall 
behind him.  Use the Lens of Truth at the top to see a Floor Master.  Use 
the sword to make him disappear, then push the mirror so that it faces a 
sun.  Only one sun will open the door, so choose carefully.  If it's the 
wrong sun, a Ceiling Master will come down and possibly return you to the 
very beginning.  If you hear the sound of one, move around quickly to avoid 
it.  When you hit the right sun, enter the newly unlocked door.  The Armos 
statue is alive, so beware.  Play the Scarecrow's Song and use Pierre to 
reach a *Golden Skulltula* across the room.  Hookshot to the target by the 
goddess' right hand to reach the upper part where you were.  Go up the 
stairs to the top and jump on the right hand of the huge statue.  Stand on 
the Triforce symbol and play Zelda's Lullaby.  A chest drops on her left 
hand.  Longshot to it and open it for a key.  Drop down to the bottom and 
use the longshot on the target on the left side of the room to return to the 
top of the stairs where you were before.  Enter the locked door on your right.  
Get rid of the Beamos, then enter the next room.  Clear this room of all 
enemies, then enter the newly unlocked door.  This is kind of tricky, so be 
quick!  Stand next to the barred door and face the Armos statues.  Shoot the 
statue on the upper right.  He'll come towards you, stepping on the switch.  
Go through the door quickly before he steps off it.  Go up the stairs and 
enter the door at the top.  Another Iron Knuckle.....  Same deal as before, 
but it's quicker now that you're an adult and have stronger weapons.  When 
he's gone, enter the new door behind his chair with a symbol above it and go 
outside.  Open the big chest for the *Mirror Shield*.  Cool!  Backtrack to 
the room with those Armos statues that you used to hold down the switch.  
Cross the room, then use the new Mirror Shield to reflect the light coming 
in on the sun.  Enter the newly unlocked door.  Get the small key from the 
chest and backtrack to the room before the last one (you beat some enemies 
to clear the room.)  Cross to the locked door and enter it.  Bomb the 
Beamoses, then longshot to the top of the moving wall (to avoid hassle!)  
Enter the door, then play Zelda's Lullaby while standing on the Triforce 
symbol.  Enter the door that opens.  Most of these doors are fake, but one
has an eyeball switch behind it.  You could bomb them all and find it....
or...bomb the one....left of....the....chest!  Hit the switch with an arrow 
to make a block of ice appear.  Longshot to the target on the ceiling and 
step on the switch to put the fire out.  Now, you can open the lovely chest 
for the Boss Key.  Exit to the last room with the Triforce symbol.  Enter 
the door on your right.  Duck!  Flying pots!  In this room is a diamond 
switch behind a gate.  Use the sword to activate it.  When it's hit, enter 
the door that unlocks.  Fight the Lizalfos and Bubbles in this area.  You 
have to turn the mirrors so they can reflect light on each other and a big
mirror in the room.  Bomb the wall with a bump in it in the second little 
area, then turn that mirror to face the big mirror in the newly revealed 
room.  Turn the mirror in the new room to face the gate.  Go back around 
to the last room and stand under the mirror with your Mirror Shield.  
Reflect the light to the sun on the wall.  The floor lowers to the middle
of the room with that big statue.  Use the Mirror Shield to reflect the 
light from the platform to the face and after a bit, the face will crack 
and reveal a door!  Longshot to it to fight yet another Iron Knuckle.  
But, this time Navi notices that this one looks different.  After you beat 
it, you learn that it's Nabooru.  She's been held here and put under a 
spell for seven years!  After that cinema, enter the next room in the back. 
Climb onto the centre platform and start the fight with the boss of the 
Spirit Temple.  Well, first it's two witches (Koume and Kotake), then they 
combine to form Twinrova.  See the boss section for details, then watch the 
funny cinema after you beat them.  He he he :o)   Remember to get the Heart 
Container, then step into the blue light and you're transported to the 
Chamber of Sages where Nabooru awakens as the Spirit Sage and you receive 
the *Spirit Medallion*.  Oh, yeah, she lets you keep the Silver Gauntlets 
after all :o)  You now have all the medallions!  For *Golden Skulltula* 
#99, head to Zora's Fountain and, at night, swim across to the cave where 
the Great Fairy rests.  Using the Silver Gauntlets, lift and toss the grey 
boulder and enter the hole.  Use the Lens of Truth to see the Giant 
Skulltulas and defeat them with arrows.  Head up the ladder and nab one 
more Giant Skulltula.  The golden one sits on the left wall.  Before 
continuing on, you can complete the Gerudo Training Grounds for the 
*Ice Arrows* and the Adult Link Trading Sequence for the *Biggoron Sword*.  
See my Side Quests page for details.  Now head to the Temple of Time (play 
the Prelude of Light.)



                   *Ganon's Castle & Its Barriers*

Items/Weapons:  Light Arrows, Golden Gauntlets, Double Defense
Heart Pieces:  0  //  36/36
Golden Skulltulas:  1  //  100/100
Songs:  None

Now that you're in the Temple of Time, safe and sound, Shiek appears to 
talk to you and is revealed as Zelda, who gives you the *Light Arrows*.  
Then, Gannondorf appears and takes Zelda away.  Head to the market, then 
to Ganon's Castle.  Look at the awful mess!  When you walk towards the 
castle, the six Sages form a rainbow bridge leading over the lava to the 
castle entrance.  Before entering, head right of the bridge and nab the 
last *Golden Skulltula* on the inside of the pillar.  If you head back to 
Kakariko Village's House of Skulltula, you'll get a gold rupee from the 
centre guy and he will continually reward you with them whenever you need 
it.  Now, as per my tradition, here is my master checklist for all items,
 weapons, etc.  Check your status subscreens for the following before 
continuing on:  Fairy Bow with a max of 50 arrows, Fire, Ice & Light 
elemental arrows, Longshot, 3 Magic Spells (Din's Fire, Farore's Wind & 
Nayru's Love), 4 Empty Bottles, Bombs (max. 40), Golden Scale, 3 Swords 
(Kokiri, Master, Biggoron), 3 Shields (Deku, Hylian, Mirror), 3 Tunics 
(Kokiri, Goron, Zora), 3 Boots (Kokiri, Iron, Hover), 36 Heart Pieces (20 
total hearts in health meter), Stone of Agony, Gerudo's Card, 100 Golden 
Skulltulas, 12 Ocarina Songs, 3 Spiritual Stones, 6 medallions, Lens of 
Truth, Megaton Hammer, Bombchu, and Silver Gauntlets.  There is a Gauntlet 
upgrade and Great Fairy upgrade to come.  Ready?  Enter Ganon's Castle.  
Head up the stairs and past the Beamos to what I will call the main room.  
The centre of the room has the entrance to Gannondorf, but it's blocked by 
six barriers (Light, Forest, Fire, Water, Shadow and Spirit.)  You must shut 
down each barrier to reach Gannondorf.  Okay, then.  First, you can use the 
Lens of Truth while on the bottom floor to see a hole in the wall with a 
bunch of small red fairies and some Business Scrubs.  How useful!  When 
you're ready to proceed, search for the green medallion (Forest Barrier) 
and enter the door.  Defeat the Wolfos, then stand in the centre platform 
and use Din's Fire to light all the torches.  What?!?!?!?  The door doesn't 
open.  Oh....there's a torch above the door.  Use a Fire Arrow to light it 
and enter the next room.  In here, you need to collect all the silver 
rupees.  Equip the Hover Boots and allow the fans to push you in the right
direction.  Step on the switch to reveal a hookshot target and use it to 
get a rupee.  Also, bomb the Beamos so he doesn't bother you.  When you have 
them all, enter the newly unlocked door.  Here is the source of the Forest 
Barrier.  Shoot the fat centre of the barrier with a Light Arrow to destroy 
it.  Saria appears and takes you back to the main room.  Next, find the 
orange medallion (Spirit Barrier) and enter the door under it.  Collect all 
the silver rupees in the room.  You can push the Armos statues to make the 
spiky things move a greater distance, giving you more time to grab some 
rupees.  Use the longshot on the target to get the rupee on the ceiling. 
When you have them all, enter the newly unlocked door.  First, beat the 
slugs, then use the sword to hit the diamond switch on the other side of a 
gate.  Open the chest that appears for bombchu.  Use the bombchu to go over 
the hole above the gate and hit the diamond switch on the other side of the 
gate.  When it hits it, you can walk through to the other side.  Continue to 
the next area.  Shoot the spider web on the ceiling with a Fire Arrow to 
reveal light.  Use the Mirror Shield reflecting the light on one of the suns 
on the wall.  Again, watch for the Ceiling Masters that drop down if you hit 
the wrong sun.  Move like crazy so you're not taken back to the beginning!  
The right sun should be on the right side of the entrance to this room 
(facing the entrance.)  When you do hit the right sun, enter the newly 
unlocked door.  Shoot a Light Arrow at the fat part of the Spirit Barrier.  
Nabooru appears and takes you back to the main room.  Now, look for a purple
medallion (Shadow Barrier) and enter the door under it.  First, use arrows to 
get rid of the Green Bubble floating around.  Use a Fire Arrow on the torch on 
your right.  Follow the path of ice blocks to a platform with a Like Like.  
Get rid of it and by then, the ice blocks will have disappeared.  Ignore the 
chest on the right (it just has rupees and is a waste of time, magic and 
arrows.)  Shoot the torch again, lighting it and follow the ice blocks on the 
right side of the room down to a switch.  When you hit it, a big chest 
appears.  Quickly get up to where the door is, then longshot to the chest.  
Open it for the *Golden Gauntlets*.  Yahoo!  Look on the left, using the Lens 
of Truth to see a path.  Follow it to a rusted switch.  Use the trusty 
Megaton Hammer on it to open the door, then longshot to the torch and enter 
the next room.  Shoot the Shadow Barrier down with a Light Arrow.  Impa appears 
and takes you back to the main room.  Before continuing on to the other 
barriers, exit the castle and go left to a bunch of boulders.  Clear the path 
to a big black pillar.  Lift it up, you strong thang :o) Enter the last Great 
Fairy's Fountain and receive *Double Defense*!  Awesome!  All the hearts in the 
health meter are enhanced, so that when you're attacked, only half of whatever 
you'd lose before is taken off!  Return to the castle's main room and look for 
another black pillar exactly like the one in front of the Great Fairy's 
Fountain.  Lift it up and toss it.  Open the door to the Light Barrier.  All 
of the barriers have some similarities to their temples, but there was no Light 
Temple, so let's see what this is like.  Use the Lens of Truth to see the 
invisible enemies.  Defeat them all to make a small chest appear.  Open it for 
a key.  All the other chests are fake, so DON'T OPEN THEM!  They'll freeze you 
and you lose some health.  Use the key on the locked door and enter it.  Stand 
on the Triforce symbol and play Zelda's Lullaby.  A chest drops down.  Open it 
for another key and use it on the locked door.  Enter, of course!  You have 1 
minute to collect all the silver rupees.  This room has a couple of boulders, 
but it's pretty easy.  Look around the centre, in the coves against the wall 
and use the longshot on the target to get the one on top.  When you have them 
all, enter the newly unlocked door.  This room should have the Light Barrier, 
sowhere is it?  Use the Lens of Truth to see a path through the front wall.  
Walk over to the Light Barrier and shoot it with the Light Arrow, as usual.  
Rauru appears and takes you back to the main room.  Now, look for a red 
medallion (Fire Barrier) and enter the door there.  Put on the Goron Tunic 
because it's hot in here!  Collect all the silver rupees in the room.  Watch 
for sinking platforms or you'll sink in lava and have to start this room over 
again.  One of the rupees is under a big black pillar.  Just lift it up to get 
it.  Then, the pillar you threw is used as a platform to get to another rupee.
When you have them all, the door opens.  Longshot to the target and enter the 
door.  Here's the Fire Barrier, so do the usual and Darunia appears, taking you 
back to the main room.  One more barrier to go.  Look for the blue medallion 
(Water Barrier) and enter the door under it.  This isn't like the Water Temple, 
but more like the Ice Cavern!  Fill one of your empty bottles with some blue 
fire and use it to melt the red ice blocking the door.  Chop up the 
Freezards to open the door.  The two chests are fake, so DON'T OPEN THEM!  As 
usual, you'll be frozen!  Re-fill the bottle with more blue fire, then go to 
the next room.  You now have 2 minutes to solve this block puzzle and move on
to the barrier.  First, push the block farthest from you to the right, then go 
behind it and push it into the hole.  Now, use the other block to get up to the 
red ice up high.  Push it right into a rock, then push it to the red ice.  
Perfect fit!  Climb up and use the blue fire on the red ice to reveal a rusted 
switch.  Hammer it to open the door.  Quickly, exit to the Water Barrier.  
Shoot it with a Light Arrow and your fiancee (Ruto) appears, taking you back to 
the main room (I personally would have liked her to say "Hurry up, honey!"  
That would've been cute!)  Now that all the barriers are gone, you can enter 
the centre room to face Ganondorf.  Make sure you have at least one green 
potion and one small red fairy or red potion.  Ganondorf might not take too 
much health, but it takes up a lot of magic.  Enter the door and make your way 
all the way up all kinds of stairways.  Along the way, you'll have to stop and 
fighta couple of Dinolfoses to open the barred door. Continue and then you'll 
need to fight two Stalfoses to get the Boss Key.  Continue along and you'll 
need to fight two Iron Knuckles (a funny anecdote for you: When I played the 
game all the way through while writing up this walkthrough, I got to the Iron 
Knuckles and hit them both at the same time!  YIKES!  Actually, it turned out 
to be just as easy when both are awake and more fun!)  When the knuckleheads 
are gone, go up the stairs and through the boss door, then through the next 
door, up a long staircase, then through another door to finally reach 
Ganondorf, tickling the ivories.  Time to fight!  See the boss section for 
details on beating him.  When he's gone, Princess Zelda is released, but 
Ganondorf uses his last breath of power to destroy the castle.  Follow Zelda
around the castle and she'll open the barred doors for you.  How sweet!  At 
one point, Zelda will be trapped in fire.  Beat the Stalfoses quickly to free 
her, then continue.  At another point, a ReDead will block your way.  Avoid it 
by rolling to the right, but ifyou do get caught, just keep tapping the A 
Button to escape.  Continue to the outside and the castle flattens so it's 
perfectly flat.  Maybe too perfect...What was that?!?!?!?  Investigate the 
rubble and whoa!  Ganondorf has transformed to the almighty villain: Ganon.  
Again, see the boss section forhelp in beating him.  When he's gone, watch a 
beautiful, long cinema of celebration and peace.  Congratulations, you brave 
warrior!  You have mastered the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time!     



                            *Heart Pieces* 

Heart Pieces are found all over Hyrule. 4 Heart Pieces makes a Heart 
Container, which is added to your life meter. There are 36 pieces in 
total. Also, to get heart containers, collect each one you get when 
you beat a final boss. Here are where to find all the heart pieces:  

YL= Young Link; you can only get the Heart Piece as a kid  
AL= Adult Link; you can only get the Heart Piece as an adult  
BL= Both Links; you can get the Heart Piece as a kid or adult  

Lon Lon Ranch:
(YL): Behind the horse field is a shed. Go inside and move the boxes to 
the right side to reveal a hole. Crawl through it to find a Heart Piece 
on some hay.  

Dodongo's Cavern:
(AL): Plant a magic bean in the soft soil just outside the cavern as YL. 
Come back as an adult and ride the plant to receive your heart piece on 
top of the cavern.  

Hyrule Field:
(BL): Go past the market entrance to the far right on the other side of a 
wall where there's a small river with lots of trees and a boulder. On the 
bigger side of the river is a lone tree. Bomb it and go down the hole it 
reveals. Either dive down as a kid or adult to get it as long as you have
the golden scale or, as an adult, use the Iron Boots to sink down.  
(BL): Bomb the area in front of the entrance to Lake Hylia (inside a 
fenced-in area; you should feel a vibration on your Rumble Pak if you have 
the Stone of Agony and, of course, a Rumble Pak!!) Bop the Business Scrub's
nut back at him and he'll sell you the Heart Piece for 10 rupees. What a 

Kakariko Village:
(YL): Go outside to Hyrule Field and wait until the wolf howls, then go 
back to the village. Go to the graveyard and you'll see an old man named 
Dampe (he's the guy the little boy pretends to be during the day). Pay him 
10 rupees to dig in soft soil around the graveyard (not the hard brown 
spots, the ones that make scratchy noises when you walk on them). I've found 
the Heart Piece in the soft soil in the second row of graveyards going up in 
the first spot on the left, but it could change. In other spots, you might get 
rupees or you might get nothing!!  
(BL): As an adult, use the longshot to hook onto the roof next to the long 
tower. A guy up there will give you a Heart Piece. You can get up there as a 
kid, but it's kind of tough. Climb the tall tower and Z-Target to look forward. 
Dash to the left side towards the guy on the roof and side-jump (use the stick 
and A button). You might get lucky and land on the roof or fall to lose some 
(YL): While on Death Mountain (after getting the Magic Meter from the Great 
Fairy's Fountain), the owl will give you a lift to Kakariko Village and drop 
you on a roof. Carefully drop down to a small loft and walk inside the hole. 
You're in a cage with a cow (which is inside Impa's house by the way) and a 
Heart Piece is there for you.  
(AL): Go to Dampe's grave and re-race him after you get the longshot. Finish 
the race in 1:00 or less and receive a Heart Piece. Use the Longshot at the 
end targeting the torch up the long stairwell and that'll cut some time. I've 
also heard that you can play warping songs to cut some time, because they won't 
let you warp and you can walk without any time being ticked off. You can also 
roll to cut some time, but I find it easier to walk.  
(AL): After beating Dampe for the Heart Piece (see above), exit to the 
windmill. Land on the turning platform and jump to another platform (or use 
the Hookshot if you miss) for a Heart Piece.  
(BL): Collect 50 Golden Skulltula tokens and go to the House of Skulltula in 
Kakariko Village. The child you freed will give you a Heart Piece.  
(AL): Plant a magic bean in the soft soil in the graveyard as a kid and come 
back as an adult. Ride the plant to a platform with a box. Bang into it to 
receive a Heart Piece!  
(BL): Pull out the second gravestone left of the path to the Royal Family's 
Tomb at night as a kid or anytime as an adult and destroy the Re-Dead (just 
play the Sun's Song to freeze him and then slash him with the sword until he 
collapses), then play the Sun's Song again against the front wall. Open the 
chest that appears to get a Heart Piece. Cool!  

Zora's River:
(YL): Just before the platform next to a bridge is a log. Navi points out 
that some frogs are underwater staring at you. Stand on the end of the log 
and pull out the ocarina and play all non- warp songs. They give you a rupee 
for each song you play and give you a Heart Piece when you play the Song of 
(YL): Again, with the frogs, continue to play all non-warping songs until all 
the frogs are big. Then, they'll invite you to play a fly-catching game. 
Guess what each frogs' note is and play it until you have a full tune (it can 
take a while, so write down each note when you get it and if the frogs jump 
back in the water, pull out the ocarina and start over from the beginning of 
the tune). When you're finished, they'll give you another Heart Piece.  
(BL):  You can get this one just as easily either way.  This Heart Piece is 
located on a high platform in the water. Take the magic bean plant you planted 
beside the seed seller and drop off on some land where there are a couple of 
holes (one being a Great Fairy Fountain). Walk across a thin log, jump over to 
the pillar (you may need Hover Boots) and receive your prize!  As a child, you 
can get it using cuccos. First, grab the cucco at the entrance to Zora's River 
and make your way to the land near the log where the frogs are (it's just 
beforethe bridge.) See that pillar on the left? It's got a piece of land 
sticking out of it. Float over to it, then drop the cucco and climb the ladder. 
Here's another cucco for you. Use it to float to the other pillar with the 
Heart Piece on top.  
(BL): This other Heart Piece is located on another high platform, this time 
against a wall near the waterfall leading to Zora's Domain. Go left from the 
path across a little bump than right to more land. Make sure you have the Hover 
Boots and walk across to a platform with a bush, then turn right and walk 
across again to aplatform with the Heart Piece. You can get this as a child as 
well. Just take the cucco from the entrance to Zora's River and walk across to 
the bridge. Go forward to the area with winding paths and the waterfall at the 
end. Float over to the platform and grab the Heart Piece.  

Zora's Fountain:
(AL): When you jump across the ice blocks, you should see a nearby Heart Piece 
on an ice block. Jump across to collect it.  
(AL): When you get the Iron Boots and Zora's tunic, go down in the water 
behind where Lord Jabu-Jabu sat and you should find a Heart Piece around some 

Zora's Domain:
(YL): This one can be tough. Starting from King Zora's room, light a Deku Stick 
up with fire from his torch. Go down the stairs and light that torch. Then make 
your way left to the store and light that torch. Then go across the shallow 
water to light another torch, then light the two torches behind the waterfall 
(just walk behind it where it's dry). When they're all lit, a chest will 
appear. Open it to receive a Heart Piece.  

(YL): During the night, go to the market (actually, be inside the market and 
play the Sun's Song to turn it into night). Find a dog in the market that is 
sort of dirty gray near the table where a man is looking out the window. Bump 
into him and start walking away and see if he will follow you. If he does, go 
to the Back Alley off of the market and go right to another part, then right 
again to two doors. The one on the wall facing you is the right house (the 
other is the Bombchu Shop against the left wall). Enter and talk to the fat 
lady. If you got the wrong dog, start again. If you got the right dog, she'll 
give you a Heart Piece. You can do this over and over again when you're a kid, 
but instead of a Heart Piece, you'll get a rupee and there's a rupee in the 
box in her house (just bang into it).  
(YL): At night in the market, look for the building with lights on. Enter and 
pay 10 rupees to play the Treasure Chest Game. It's nearly impossible to win 
this game without the Lens of Truth to see through the chests and find the key 
to open the next door. Either way when you win, you'll receive a Heart Piece 
from the guy and he doesn't complain that you "cheated."  
(YL): During the day, enter the door next to the beggar and pay 30 rupees to 
play the Bombchu Bowling Game. A random prize is a Heart Piece. This could take 
up some time and money.  

Lost Woods:
(YL): Go right from the entrance to the Lost Woods from Kokiri Forest. Go down 
the ladder and stand on the stump. Two Skull Kids appear. Pull out your Ocarina 
and follow the tunes they play. You may want to write down the notes, as they 
can get long. Keep playing until they give you a Heart Piece.  
(YL): Go left from the entrance to the Lost Woods from Kokiri Forest. Stand on 
the stump and play Saria's Song for the single Skull Kid. He'll give you a 
Heart Piece because you know Saria.  

Ice Cavern:
(AL): Follow the walkthrough until you come to a room with a Heart Piece 
hidden in red ice. Use the nearby Blue Fire, captured in your bottle on the 
ice to melt it and collect your prize.   

Death Mountain Crater:
(AL): Behind the warping point in the crater is a climbable wall. Make your 
way up to the top floor where the exit to the top of Death Mountain is or use 
the magic bean plant to reach it. Carefully drop down and land on the wall. 
This can be tough, but I don't know how else to explain this. If you do miss 
the wall, you'll fall down into the lava and you'll have to start over. When 
you do get on the wall, search for a hole and drop in to get your Heart Piece. 
I suggest wearing the Goron Tunic.  
(AL): Plant the magic bean next to the warp point as a kid (I would wait until 
you've gone into the future, then come back as a kid later when you have the 
Bolero of Fire song). Come back as an adult and ride the plant to a large 
volcanic rock (the first rock the plant takes you to). The Heart Piece is 
on top.  

Goron City:
(YL): Light all the torches on the bottom floor of the city with a Deku Stick 
(use the lit torch in Darunia's room). That will cause the big pot on the 
bottom floor to spin. From one of the top floors, throw a bomb into the pot. 
When it explodes, the pot will spin out of control and if it shows a big 
smile, a Heart Piece will pop out. Go back down to the bottom floor to 
retrieve it.  

Lake Hylia:
(YL): At the fishing pond, catch a 10 pound fish and the owner will give you 
a Heart Piece when you ask him to weigh it.  
(AL): When you have the Golden Scale, go in the laboratory and dive down in 
the little pond there. You'll hear a little chime. Talk to the scientist 
and he'll give you a Heart Piece. Iron Boots supposedly don't work.  
(AL): Plant a magic bean in the soft soil next to the lab as a kid. Come 
back as an adult and ride it to the lab's rooftop (or use the scarecrow, 
Pierre, as a hookshot target). Climb the ladder and watch out for the 
birds! Collect your Heart Piece at the top.  

Gerudo Valley:
(AL): This can be achieved as a kid, but I find it easier as an adult. 
Drop down to the ledge on the right of the bridge (easier when next to 
the tent on the other side). You will lose some health (sorry!) Go to the 
end of the ledge towards the waterfall. Use the longshot to hook onto the 
ladder behind it. Climb up to get the Heart Piece.  
(AL): On the left side of the bridge, drop down to the ledge with a gray 
boulder (if you have the Silver Gauntlets, you can lift it up and throw it 
over the edge to reveal a hole with Business Scrubs below.) Use the Longshot 
to hook onto the box on the other side. 
Bang into it to get a Heart Piece.  

Gerudo Fortress:
(AL): Score over 1000 points on the Horse Archery Game to get a Heart 
(AL): Following the walkthrough, when you come outside while rescuing the 
carpenters, Navi will fly up to an area and turn green. Play the Scarecrow's 
Song to summon Pierre. Use the longshot to hook onto him and get up to that 
area. Open the nearby chest to receive the Heart Piece. You can also get a 
Golden Skulltula there at night.  

Spirit Temple:
(AL): Plant a magic bean in the soft soil next to the Temple as a kid. 
Come back as an adult and ride the plant. On top of a big rock is a Heart 
Piece. At night, a Golden Skulltula is on another large rock. That's number 



                         *Golden Skulltulas* 

Kokiri Forest:
(YL): Next to the Kokiri Shop, use a bottled bug on the soft soil spot to 
make a Golden 
Skulltula pop out!  
(YL): At night, get the Skulltula on the back of the Know-It-All-Brothers
House, which is next to the little Training Area with the hole leading to 
the Kokiri Sword.  
(AL): Use the Hookshot to get the Skulltula higher up on the House of Twins.  

Hyrule Field:
(BL): Go left from Kakariko Village and bomb the tree. Drop down the hole and 
use the Hookshot or Boomerang to nab it.  
(AL): Near the entrance to Gerudo Valley, use the Megaton Hammer on the big 
boulder surrounded by little rocks, then bomb the centre spot. Enter the hole 
and use Din's Fire or Fire Arrows to burn the spider webs. Find the Skulltula 
on a small spider web in the cove with a cow.  

(YL): Go in the little house when you first enter the market at night. Inside 
is a bunch of pots and some boxes. Bang into one near the guard in the back 
and receive the Skulltula.  

Hyrule Castle: 
(YL): Bang into the tree when you first enter the Castle outside from the 
Market to receive it.  

(YL): Play the Song of Storms to another tree just before the area where you 
woke up Talon and fall down the hole.  Bomb the walls and use your boomerang 
to nab it.  Voila!  

Ganon's Castle:
(AL): Past Ganon's Castle to the right is the tall structure where the guard 
used to block the entrance to the Castle (and you'd always get behind the bars, 
he he!) On the back of the left side of the structure is the Skulltula.  

Lon Lon Ranch:  
(YL): At night, on the left side of the house where Talon has his Super Cucco 
Game up on the windows. You need the Boomerang to catch it.  
(YL): Bang into the tree on the left side of the ranch to receive it.  
(YL): On the back side of the fenced-in area on the wood part (again, at 
(YL): At the very back of the ranch is a tall stone tower (where you can 
get a Heart Piece inside). Look around and listen for that familiar scratching 
sound. Use the Boomerang to reach the token.  

Kakariko Village: 
(YL): At night, look at the back of the brick structure in that little area 
across from the House of Skulltula near the Cucco Lady.  
(YL): At night, high up on that tall tower near the guy on the roof.  
(YL): At night, on the right wall of the graveyard. Use the Boomerang to 
reach it.  
(YL): On the left side of the House of Skulltula at night (the side facing 
Impa's House.)  
(YL): Near the entrance to the village is a tree. Bang into it!  
(YL): At night, on the side of a house facing the gate leading to Death 
Mountain (where the guard you gave the Keaton Mask to.)  
(YL): Place some bugs from a bottle on the soft soil spot in the graveyard 
for one to pop out!  
(AL): Finally, an adult one! At night, on the wall off the roof of Impa's
House.  Hookshot to the roof from the other reachable roofs.  

Lost Woods: 
(YL): Go left and left again. Use a bottled bug on the soft soil spot.  
(YL): Another soft soil spot that needs bugs. Go right, left, right, left, 
(AL): Where you planted a bean where the two Business Scrubs and the secret 
mask judging area are. Take the plant up at night and grab the Skulltula on 
the high ledge.  
(AL): On top of the Sacred Forest Meadow Maze on the left wall (coming from 
Saria's spot.)  

Death Mountain Trail:
(YL): Use a bottled bug on the soft soil spot in front of Dodongo's Cavern.  
(YL): Coming from Kakariko Village on the right wall is a funny looking spot 
(you should also hear the usual sound of the spider.) Bomb that part of the 
wall and collect the token by climbing the wall.  
(AL): Where you threw a bomb flower to open Dodongo's Cavern is a rock against 
a wall. Use the Megaton Hammer to break it and collect the Skulltula.  
(AL): While climbing Death Mountain (where, in the past, all those rocks fell 
on you), you should hear the scratching sound. If you do or don't, well, just 
use the Megaton Hammer on all those rocks. The one against the right wall is 
blocking a Skulltula.  

Death Mountain Crater:  
(YL): Upon entering the Crater via the top of Death Mountain, bang into the
box and receive a you-know-what!  
(YL): Use a bottled bug on the soft soil spot next to the warping point (it's 
easier to do when you've already been in the future: Learn the Bolero of Fire 
and at least one other warping song. Play the Bolero of Fire to go to the 
warping point in the Crater. Put the bugs on the soil, collect the Skulltula 
and perhaps plant the bean while you're there. Warp out of there, then return 
as an adult to use the plant to get two Heart Pieces.)  

Goron City:  
(YL): In the room with a lot of boulders inside. At the end is a box. Bang 
into it to receive the Skulltula.  
(AL): At the top of the room is a little platform where the Goron's Ruby 
originally sat (though we never saw it there, Navi says it was.) On the side 
of the platform is a Skulltula. Use the Hookshot/Longshot as an adult to nab 
it (get it from another level of the area, not actually on the platform, it's 
tough when you're standing right on it!)  

Zora's River:  
(YL): Down by the waterfall, you can go into the wall and not sink right down. 
Walk along the shallow water and find a ladder. At night, a Skulltula awaits.  
(YL): Bang into the tree right at the entrance of Zora's River.  
(AL): Take the plant up and jump to the platform with stones surrounding a 
hole. Jump to another platform with a hole. At night, a Skulltula is on the 
(AL): On the wooden bridge at night, a Skulltula is high up on the left wall. 
Use the hookshot to get it.  

Zora's Domain:  
(AL): Go where you played the Diving Game as a kid. Look left and nab a 
Skulltula at night using the Hookshot or Longshot.  

Zora's Fountain:  
(YL): Use the Boomerang to nab one on the right wall (stand on the log in 
the water.)  
(YL): Bang into the tree at the very back of the area, where the Great Fairy 
Fountain is as an adult (quite a ways behind Lord Jabu-Jabu.)  
(AL):  At night, where the Great Fairy Fountain with Farore's Wind is and the 
tree where you got a Skulltula in the past (see the above one!) Use the 
Silver Gauntlets to pick up those boulders. One of them has a hole underneath. 
Drop down and use the Lens of Truth to see the Giant Skulltulas. Get them out 
of the way and climb the ladder. One more Giant Skulltula and behind him on 
the wall is a Golden One! 

Lake Hylia 
(YL): At night, on the island where you later get the Fire Arrows. It's on 
one of those short pillars.  
(YL): Use a bottled bug on the soft soil spot next to the laboratory.  
(YL): On the back of the lab at night is a Skulltula. Use the Boomerang and 
stand on the bridge to see it.  
(AL): Use the Iron Boots to sink to the bottom of the little pond inside the 
lab. Bang into the box down there to receive the special item!  
(AL): Next to the warping point where you land after playing the Serenade of
Water. Use the Hookshot/Longshot on the tree nearby. It's up there somewhere!  

Gerudo Valley: 
(YL): On your right after entering the valley where you walk on a narrow 
walkway, above a small waterfall.  
(YL): Use a bottled bug on the soft soil spot on the ledge way down by the 
big waterfall (it's a big drop so use the Cucco!)  
(AL): At night, on the wall behind the Carpenters' Tent.  
(AL): On the left side of the valley near the tent at night. It's high up on 
a pillar (use the hookshot or longshot.)  

Gerudo Fortress:

(AL):  During the walkthrough where you save the carpenters, use the 
Scarecrow's Song to reach Pierre and open the chest.
(AL):  In the Horse Archery game area, at night on the left high target.
Haunted Wasteland 
(AL): Where you see the Poe Guide, drop down the hole at the bottom of the hut. 
Get the spider down there.  

Desert Colossus: 
(YL): Use a bottled bug on the soft soil spot next to the Spirit Temple 
(AL): Use the bean plant to ride to a big rock platform on the sand at night. 
You should see it while you're riding.  
(AL): On a palm tree near the huge "fairy fountain" (you play the Song of 
Storms to fill this void with water and a lot of small red fairies come out.) 
Use the hookshot to nab it.  

Inside the Great Deku Tree: 
(YL): Where you get the Compass (see walkthrough for Kokiri Emerald), there is 
a cove with a Giant Skulltula blocking it. Get rid of him, then go up there 
and grab the Golden Skulltula.  
(YL): In the watery basement on the ivy covered walls that you can climb.  
(YL): Also in the watery basement, on the bars covering a tunnel. You can 
just wait until you get the Boomerang and then come back, or try jumping 
from the nearby platforms or even try attacking it with the sword lunge (Z 
+ A) or lunge with the Deku Stick!  

(YL):  Return after getting Bombs and the Boomerang.  In the room where you 
crawled through a tunnel to get to the higher platform of the watery basement. 
Burning one of the spider webs reveals a Deku Baba and a weak wall.  Bomb the 
wall and inside is a Giant Skulltula and a Golden Skulltula.  

Dodongo's Cavern: 
(YL): In the room with the Baby Dodongos that blow up after whacking them with 
the sword. Lure one of them to a weak wall on the right side and make them blow 
up the wall. Enter the door and it's behind the torch on the wall.  
(YL): In the room with all those bomb flowers that all blow up to reveal a 
stairway. On the top floor is a small web with a Skullwultula and a Golden 
(YL): After going through the big dragon head in the main room, go through 
the tunnel, climb the blocks and blow up the weak wall on your right side. 
Inside the door is another Armos statue with the Skulltula behind it.  
(YL):  Return when you have the Boomerang.  I want to thank Marshmallow for 
his great explanation of how to get it (see my Links page for Game FAQs. He 
is listed on that site.) First, leave Dodongo's Cavern and come back in to 
reset things. Come back inside (duh!) and go right in the main room to the 
high elevator pillar. Go through the door at the top. Drop down to the maze 
with those spiky things. Climb up the ladder, but not the one with the blue 
block under it! Go across the bridge. Move the Armos blocking the ladder. 
Step on the switch and enter the newly unlocked door. Now you're in the room 
with the stairway formed by all those bomb flower,'re on the high 
part of the room before you bombed the flowers to form the stairway! It 
honestly didn't look so different when I followed these instructions and 
saw it, but when you walk around, you see clearly that it is. Go left down 
the path, climb the vines against the pillar and grab that hard Skulltula. 
(AL): In the room where you got the Skulltula with help from the Baby Dodongos 
in the past (see the first Skulltula for Dodongo's Cavern), Navi will fly up 
when you walk towards the left wall. She turns green, so play the Scarecrow's 
Song (if you don't have that, see the Ocarina Songs section.) Hookshot or 
longshot to Pierre and grab the Skulltula. All done in Dodongo's Cavern!  

Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly: 
(YL): In the room where you hit the switch to raise the water slightly (you 
threw Ruto over to the platform) and ignored the bubbles & stingers. Anyway,
on the right wall of ivy is a Skulltula. Use the Boomerang to get it.  
(YL): After falling down the hole in the room where you first met Ruto (where 
the green tentacle was), there's a Skulltula on the wall.  
(YL): In the same area as above is another Skulltula. Very, very close 
(YL): Just before the Boss Room is a Skulltula on the vines just before you 
used the Boomerang around that glass wall to hit the switch.  

Forest Temple: 
(AL): In the main room with the torches. Look on the wall near one of the 
(AL):  Return when you have the Longshot.  In the second outdoor area, use 
the Longshot to nab one on a grassy wall where Navi flies up and turns green 
(there's a small chest just below that.)  
(AL): In the first room where you climb up to get a key. It's on the right 
wall on vines.  
(AL):  Return when you have the Longshot.  In the first outdoor area, when you 
clear the wall of Skullwultulas and watch that last, high one that you can't 
reach, you come to a cove. Turn around and look on the right wall. Use the 
Longshot to reach it.  
(AL): In the room before the Boss, you turn the walls to rotate the room. 
One of the coves that is revealed has a Golden Skulltula inside.  

Fire Temple: 
(AL): On the left side of the big lava room where you freed a Goron (where the 
blue block is; you play the Song of Time to move it.) Inside the room with the 
fake tiles and Like Like on the back wall.  
(AL): Next to a door where you freed a Goron. Listen carefully for the usual 
sound and it should be on the left side of it, exiting the door. Bomb the wall 
on that side and it's there for you!  
(AL): In the room before you get the Boss Key, there's another Like Like with 
fake tiles. Another Skulltula lies on the back wall.  
(AL):  Return when you have the Scarecrow's Song.  On the top level of the maze 
room, play the Scarecrow Song to the spot where Navi flies up and turns green. 
Longshot up to Pierre and hookshot to the target on the other side.  Ride the 
elevator up and take the door, then climb the grating.  Bingo!  
(AL): After getting the Skulltula before this one, continue to the next room. 
You're on a high part of the room where you got the Megaton Hammer. Get the 
Skulltula there.  

Ice Cavern: 
(AL): In the room with the big rotating blade in the centre, look on the wall 
near a cave which had red ice over it. Again, listen for the noise. It helps.  
(AL): In the room where you got the compass and a Heart Piece, plus it has a 
blue flame. Look behind the little pillar next to the Heart Piece.  
(AL): In the room where you pushed that block around to collect the silver
rupees. Look on the wall.  

Water Temple: 
(AL): Inside that tall pillar in the main room. Use the Longshot to hook up 
to the high platform.  Light the torch to enter the door.  Hookshot to the 
highest platform.  The water must be drained to the bottom in order to get 
there (go to the room where you met Ruto to drain it out.)  
(AL): In the room where you hookshot up a small waterfall using those 
platforms with the targets on them. Look on the right wall. You need the 
Longshot to reach it.  
(AL): In the watery basement with the vortexes. Equip the Iron Boots to walk 
in the shallow water and find it near the second vortex.  
(AL): Facing the room where you met Ruto, go right to a passageway. Inside 
it looks like a dead end, but the floor at the end looks funny. Bomb it to 
reveal an opening! Use the Iron Boots to sink down. Surface to a switch. 
Step on it to raise the water slightly. Get rid of the Blue Tektites, then 
hookshot/longshot to the target on the dragon head. Use the Sword Spin (hold 
the B Button) to activate the diamond switch on the other side of the gate. 
The gate opens (no time limit) and the Skulltula is inside.  
(AL): Before collecting the Boss Key, you avoided the boulders falling down 
a small waterfall and dropped down the hole behind it using the Iron Boots. 
On the wall above the hole is a Skulltula. Use the hookshot or longshot to 
grab it.  

Shadow Temple: 
(AL): In the room with the dropping blades, you followed the path to a 
Stalfos. When he's out of the way, go left this time, using the Lens of 
Truth and enter the door there. Use the Lens of Truth again to see the 
rotating blade (like in the Ice Cavern!) Beat the three Keese and the Like 
Like to open a cove. Enter to receive the Skulltula and a chest with a blue 
(AL): In the room where you pushed a block to stop the dropping spikes. 
Make the block stop both spikes and go around to the left, where there's 
bars surrounding it. That wasn't too hard now, was it?  
(AL): Before playing Zelda's Lullaby to the Triforce moving a ship, play the 
Scarecrow's Song to a green Navi and longshot to Pierre. Grab the Skulltula 
there. If you don't have the song, either go get it or get really close to 
the spot at the front of the ship and use the Longshot.  
(AL): A room in the big room where you use the Lens of Truth to see walls 
and Floor Masters. Enter one of the doors to see some rotating skulls. Get 
the Skulltula on the wall behind them.  
(AL):  After bombing the skull to get a key, it is revealed behind it.  

Spirit Temple:  
(YL)- In the room where you had to push the Sun Icon on a block into the 
light, go through the exit that leads to the Iron Knuckle. Go forward a bit, 
then turn around and look above the door. Use the Boomerang, obviously.  
(YL)- After crawling through the hole where Nabooru was standing, go through 
the right door. This Skulltula is across the chasm and on the grating. Use 
the Boomerang.  
(YL)- After crawling through the second tunnel, and going through the locked 
door, climb the wall (beat the spiders with your slingshot or boomerang), 
then turn around and you'll be eye-to-eye with a Golden Skulltula.  
(AL)- In the room with the rolling boulders, play the Song of Time to move 
the blue block, then collect the Skulltula behind it.  
(AL)- In the room with the big sand goddess (you jump on her two hands), 
there is a Skulltula in a tall pillar against a corner of the room. Play 
the Scarescrow's Song to make Pierre appear, then hookshot to him to get 
the spider.  

Bottom of the Well: 
This dungeon is quite hard, so I'll give you a brief walkthrough of it to 
get the Skulltulas in here. Enter the well as a kid from Kakariko Village 
and make sure you have the Lens of Truth from the other walkthrough I gave 
you (just before the Shadow Temple Walkthrough.) Crawl through the small 
tunnel and use the Lens of Truth to see a fake wall (oh yeah, get the Giant 
Skulltula out of the way.) Walk through it to the main room, which is what
I may refer to it as. Use the Lens of Truth to walk around this room. Look on 
the left side for a small cove with a chest. Open it for a key (you now have 
1 key.) Look some more for another cove on the right wall with another chest 
and key inside (you now have 2 keys.) If you've been around, you'd notice one 
of the Skulltulas we're going to get with a Like Like. Anyway, across from that 
cage is a room right through the wall. Enter that room. Watch out for the 
Ceiling Masters and go straight through the room. Watch out for the invisible 
hole in the centre of the room (don't fall down it!) Go straight trough to the 
hall and some grating, fall down, grab a Recovery Heart from the chest, go up 
the vines and enter the door there. Use your Deku Stick to light all the 
torches and open all the coffins. Don't worry, the only mummies that come out 
are the ones already standing there. Just use the Sun's Song and your trusty 
sword to get them out of the way. Opening the chest may result in Keese flying 
out, Recovery Hearts or nothing. One of the coffins in the back has a key 
inside. Grab it and exit (you now have 3 keys.) Backtrack to that invisible 
room in the wall with the Ceiling Masters. Find a locked door to your left. 
Enter it (you now have 2 keys.) Get rid of the enemies, then find the *Golden 
Skulltula*. Exit the room the way you came in. Go forward until you can't 
anymore, then go left. Enter the locked door there (you now have 1 key.) Use 
the Lens of Truth to see a real path. Get rid of the annoying Keese, then go 
around the path. Get the *Golden Skulltula* at the end, then exit. Go to the 
left quite a bit and through the wall to the main room. Find a painting on 
the wall with a hole underneath it (use the Lens of Truth to see the hole.) 
Enter the tunnel on your right. Enter the locked door there (you now have 0 
keys.) Use your Lens of Truth to see all those holes. Don't drop down any of 
them! Get rid of the enemies in the room, then open the chest over there for 
rupees. Enter the door at the other end of the room. Whoa, you're in a closed 
area with a huge Like Like! Get rid of him, then get the *Golden Skulltula*. 
You're finished in here! Warp out of this place. Anywhere, just get out! If for 
some reason, you want to collect the Silver Rupees at the bottom where the Re-
Dead is, it's not too difficult. Drop down one of those holes from the last 
room. Collect the Rupees among the poison water, climb the ladder and enter the 
door. Use the Lens of Truth to see another exit out of here in the wall. 



                           *Ocarina Songs* 

Zelda's Lullaby: C-Left, C-Up, C-Right C-Left, C-Up, C-Right 
Info: Taught by Impa in the past after seeing Princess Zelda. Many uses to 
reveal secrets and other things. 

Epona's Song: C-Up, C-Left, C-Right C-Up, C-Left, C-Right 
Info: Taught by Malon in the past at Lon Lon Ranch. Used to call Epona in 
the future. 

Saria's Song: C-Down, C-Right, C-Left C-Down, C-Right, C-Left 
Info: Taught by Saria in the past. Used to talk to Saria in the past and 

Sun's Song: C-Right, C-Down, C-Up C-Right, C-Down, C-Up 
Info: Seen on a wall in a grave. Used to freeze zombies and mummies and also 
to move time forward from day to night and vice versa. 

Song of Time: C-Right, A, C-Down C-Right, A, C-Down 
Info: Taught by Zelda telepathically in the past. Used to open the Door of 

Song of Storms: A, C-Down, C-Up A, C-Down, C-Up 
Info: Taught by the music man in Kakariko Village windmill in the past after 
coming back from the future. 

Minuet of Forest: A, C-Up, C-Left, C-Right, C-Left, C-Right 
Info: Taught by Shiek in the future. Used to warp to the Sacred Forest Meadow. 

Bolero of Fire: C-Down, A, C-Down, A, C-Right, C-Down, C-Right, C-Down 
Info: Taught by Shiek in the future. Used to warp to Death Mountain Crater. 

Serenade of Water: A, C-Down, C-Right, C-Right, C-Left 
Info: Taught by Shiek in the future. Used to warp to Lake Hylia. 

Nocturne of Shadow: C-Left, C-Right, C-Right, A, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down 
Info: Taught by Shiek in the future. Used to warp to the high part of Kakariko 
Village Graveyard 

Requiem of Spirit: A, C-Down, A, C-Right, C-Down, A 
Info: Taught by Shiek in the future. Used to warp to Desert Colossus. 

Prelude of Light: C-Up, C-Right, C-Up, C-Right, C-Left, C-Up 
Info: Taught by Shiek in the future. Used to warp to the Temple of Time. 

Scarecrow's Song: any 8 notes 
Info: Song made by you! Make it up and play it to the scarecrow in the past. 
Come back in the future and play it again to the same scarecrow. Now, whenever 
you see Navi turn green from a far distance, play that song and the other 
traveling scarecrow, Pierre, will appear. Hookshot/longshot to him to reach 
the spot.

Ocarina Notes for Real Songs: 

The Ocarina isn't limited to just A and the yellow C-buttons. You can use the 
Z button and the Control Stick to control the pitch and tone of the notes. Here 
is the legend of the notes for real songs: 

A= A button 
Cu= C-Up 
Cd= C-Down 
Cl= C-Left 
Cr= C-Right 
Z or R= Z and/or R with the corresponding A or C button 
U or D= move the Control Stick up or down with the corresponding A or C button 
(example: U- R-Cu means stick up, R and C-Up all at the same time. If there is a
number in front of it, press the corresponding note that number of times.) Here 
are songs to try (these are the easiest ones I know; for harder ones, go see 
Marshmallow's page on Game FAQs on the links page): 

The Simpsons Theme Song: 
Cd, Cr, Cl, Cu, D-Cu, D-Cl, Cd, A, 3-Z-D-A, D-A 

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star: 
2-D-A, 2-D-Cr, 2-Cr, D-Cr, 2-Cd, 2-Z-Cd, 2-A, D-A 
2-D-Cr, 2-Cd, 2-Z-Cd, A, 2-D-Cr, 2-Cd, 2-Z-Cd, A 
2-D-A, 2-D-Cr, 2-Cr, D-Cr, 2-Cd, 2-Z-Cd, 2-A, D-A 

Mary Had a Little Lamb: 
Cl, Cr, D-Cr, Cr, 3-Cl, 3-Cr, Cl, 2-Cu 



                    *Boss & Mini-Boss Strategies* 

Level of Difficulty:  
*= very, very easy  
**= pretty easy  
***= hard  
****= very hard  
Queen Ghoma (boss of Inside the Great Deku Tree): 
Use Deku Nuts or the Fairy Slingshot to stun her. When she's stunned, slash 
that red eye with the sword. I've heard that using Deku Nuts can freeze the 
game, but I've used them many times before with no problem. You can hit her 
when her eye turns red when she's on the ceiling laying her eggs. Otherwise, 
beat the Ghoma Larva that are released, then repeat the process on the Queen 
until she's gone. She takes 10 sword slashes before she's gone.  
Difficulty: *  

King Dodongo (boss of Dodongo's Cavern): 
He's big but dumb. First, get close and throw a bomb in his mouth when he 
opens it wide enough. When it blows up, go over and slash him with the sword 
while he's down. When he's back up, he'll roll into a ball and try to crush 
you. Just stand close to the centre lava pit (without going right in!) or 
against the wall. Continue the process until he's gone. It's an easy 4 sword 
Difficulty: *  

Big Octo (mini-boss of Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly): 
If you hit his face with the boomerang, cancel the Z-target and run around 
him.  He will turn around and rotate the other way. Get close, then Z-target
again and quickly use the boomerang on his back, then slash the green spot 
while he's stunned. If the platform stops and turns the other way, change 
direction and run!  Repeat this process. He takes 4 sword slashes, then he's 
Difficulty: ***  

Barinade (boss of Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly): 
This boss is a bit tough. He's got a bunch of electric jellyfish surrounding 
him and he's attached to the ceiling via a few tentacles. First, hit the all 
tentacles with the boomerang to cut him off. Then, use the boomerang on the 
electric jellyfish. Now, it's a bit easier. Just hit him with the boomerang 
and he'll be stunned. Slash him with the sword now. Eventually, it will just 
attack alone, hiding and revealing its weak point.  Repeat this process of 
stunning and slashing until he's gone.  
Difficulty: ***  

Phantom Ganon (Boss of the Forest Temple): 
This boss is really easy if you have good hand-eye coordination. First, walk 
onto the centre of the platform. Boring room, right? So, try to exit. The gate 
shuts and Phantom Ganon appears. Stand in a corner of the room and equip your 
Fairy Bow. Two Ganons will try to appear through paintings. One will come out 
and the other will turn around and leave. When a big purple light appears, get 
an arrow ready and hit him with it when he's about to come out. Never stand in 
the middle, because he releases an electric power that will surely hit you if 
you stand there. Anyway, when he's had enough of this, he'll come off the 
horse and shoot a ball of light at you. Use the sword to whack it back and 
forth (or use an empty bottle for a little fun!). When he's finally hit with 
the light, he's down and stunned. Run up and slash him with the sword. Repeat 
the processuntil the real Ganondorf talks to you telepathically about his 
terrible phantom.  
Difficulty: **  

Fire Dancer (mini-boss of Fire Temple): 
This guy shows up twice in the Fire Temple to prevent you from continuing. Very 
easy if you know what to use. When he comes out and starts spinning, quickly 
throw a bomb at him (preferably right at him) before he spews out small flames. 
When the bomb blows up, he'll shrink to a small thing! Chase him around and 
slash him with the sword. When he gets past you, turn around the other way and 
catch him. Repeat this process until he's gone.  
Difficulty: *  

Volvagia (boss of the Fire Temple): 
This boss has three attacks, one of which is annoying and quite harmful to 
your health meter. One of his attacks is to just chase you around. That's 
easy, just Z-Target him and watch your step. You can step on the fire holes, 
but not for too long or he'll lose a bit of health. His other attack is to 
disappear and throw down big rocks at you. If you walk into a rock or get hit 
by a rock of any size, you'll lose quite a bit of health, so watch yourself. 
His third attack is pretty lousy. He sticks his head out of one of the holes 
and stares at you. You must hurry to him or he'll attack you with something 
else. Use the Megaton Hammer on his head. Now, he's just stunned, so quickly 
slash him with the sword. Also, remember that he can trick you into which hole
he'll appear from. He can switch around, especially towards the end of the 
battle. Continue the above process until he's gone.  
Difficulty: *** 1/2  

Dark Link (mini-boss of the Water Temple): 
Dark Link is a good replica of you! do you fight yourself? You 
can easily use Din's Fire, but keep a bottle of green potion on hand. I've 
also heard that you can use the Megaton Hammer to prevent him from copying 
you (he can't use a replica of the hammer.) Using the sword on him is quite 
hard, so I suggest Din's Fire or the Megaton Hammer. Continue fighting until 
he's gone.  
Difficulty: **  

Morpha (boss of the Water Temple): 
Morpha is pretty easy if you stay a good distance from it. Jump onto a 
platform to start the fight, then jump back to the path around the room. 
Use the Longshot to hit it's nucleus (that ball-shaped thing), then slash 
it with the sword. Continue this process until he's gone. Don't get too 
close to it or he'll choke you and then throw you across the room! Also, 
watch out for the spikes on the lower wall.  
Difficulty:  *** 1/2  

Bongo Bongo (boss of the Shadow Temple): 
This boss is incredibly easy if you have the Biggoron Sword. Without it, 
it's a big longer to fight.  First, use the Lens of Truth to actually see 
him. Then, use an arrow to stun both of his hands. Then shoot an arrow at 
his eye, thenslash it with the sword. If you have the Biggoron Sword, he'll 
only take about 4 or 5 slashes until he's gone! Strange.... Anyway, continue 
this process until he's gone. The camera angles and constant thumping of the 
bongo is annoying, but bear with it for a fight that only lasts about two 
Difficulty: **** 

Twinrova (boss of the Spirit Temple): 
This boss is quite funny! First, you have to fight two witches separately. This 
is harder than when they combine. Use the Mirror Shield to reflect an opposite 
power on one of the witches (Use the fire power on the ice witch and vice 
versa).  Z-target the witch providing the power, then sidestep towards the 
other witch. When you've hit the witches for a while, they will combine to form 
Twinrova. This part of the battle is quite easy. Just take in three of the same 
power to the Mirror Shield and the shield will attack the boss. Then, jump over 
to the boss quickly and slash it with the sword. Continue this process until 
the witches, Koume and Kotake, become angels! Very funny cinema! But, there's 
one question: How do they get into heaven if they're so evil?  
Difficulty: **  

Ganondorf (half-boss of the game): 
Why did I say half-boss? You'll see. Ganondorf is tough, but not too hard. 
First, move back when Ganondorf makes path around the room, separating both 
of you. When he throws a ball of light at you, use the sword to bop it back at 
him (look familiar?) When he's been hit, quickly shoot a light arrow at him, 
then make your way over to him and slash him with the sword. When he's coming 
back up, move back. Another attack he uses sometimes is he'll have this purple 
thing above his head. Quickly, shoot a light arrow at it or he'll hit you with 
a lot of power! Then, attack him with the sword. When he's finished, Zelda is 
released, but the battle isn't quite over. The castle collapses and you need to 
escape, but then...  
Difficulty: ***  

Ganon (the final boss of the game): 
Ganon is truly THE boss of the game. After the castle collapses, you'll hear 
a noise. Walk up and Ganon emerges. He knocks away your Master Sword, but 
never fear, for you have the Biggoron Sword (I hope)! Z-Target him and shoot 
a light arrow at his face when he's not covering it. Then, when he's stunned, 
quickly use the sword on his tail.  If you lack the Biggoron Sword, use a 
Light Arrow instead. Continue until he's gone, but not quite.  Grab the Master 
Sword back, then continue fighting as usual.  When he's down again, Zelda will 
hold him down and you deliver the final blow. Z-Target him and get close. 
Swing the sword, then sit back and enjoy the wonderful cinema coming up! I'm 
so proud of you *tear, sniff*  
Difficulty: **



                           *Enemy Bestiary* 

What is it?: A brown monster
Its attacks: Unknown
Navi says: "It's vulnerable to fire attacks"
Where it's located: Spirit Temple
My advice: Use Din's Fire or Fire Arrows 

What is it?: A statue
Its attacks: Runs into you!
Navi says: "Stop its movement and then destroy it."
Where it's located: Dodongo's Cavern, Spirit Temple, Ganon's Castle
My advice: Touch it to make it come alive, stun it with a Deku Nut, then 
whack it with the sword, and move out of the way because it will blow up! 

What is it?: An electric jellyfish
Its attacks: Shocks you with electricity if you touch it
Where it's located: Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Navi says: "If you touch it, you will be electrocuted!"
My advice: Use the boomerang 

What is it?: A rotating robot with an eye
Its attacks: If the eye spots you, it shoots a laser beam
Where its located: Dodongo's Cavern, Bottom of the Well, Shadow Temple, 
Spirit Temple, Ganon's Castle, Gerudo Training Grounds.
Navi says: "Watch out for its searchiung beam! I bet it doesn't like to 
get smoke in its eye!"
My advice: Throw a bomb directly at it or use bombchu or just ignore it! 

What is it: a small version of Bari
Its attacks: same as Bari
Where it's located: Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Navi says: "If you touch it, you will be electrocuted!"
My advice: Use the boomerang 

Blue Bubble
What is it: A skull with a coloured flame around it
Its attacks: Its fire and skull can hurt you
Where it's located: Forest Temple
Navi says: "Use your shield"
My advice: Use the shield to put out the flame, then use your sword on 
the skull 

Blue Tektite
What is it: A big spider
Its attacks: Jumps at you
Where it's located: Lake Hylia, Water Temple, Zora's River
Navi says: "It's hard to beat on the water. Lure it onto the land!"
My advice: Use a sword or arrows. Hookshot/longshot only stuns it. 

Business Scrub
What is it: A scrub that sells potions, items or upgrades
Its attacks: Spits nuts at you to get attention
Where it's located: In hidden areas almost everywhere!
Navi says: "If you get close to it, it will hide in the grass."
My advice: Use the shield to bop its nuts back at it, then go up 
and talk to it. They're quite useful. 

Deku Baba
What is it?: A plant
Its attacks: Tries to bite you
Where it's located: Kokiri Forest, Forest Temple, Inside the Great Deku 
Navi says: "Though it looks withered, it will hurt you if you touch it!"
My advice: Use the shield to block and the sword to attack 

Deku Scrub
What is it: A plant-like creature
Its attacks: Spits nuts at you, but when you bop it, it gives useful 
hints or tips
Where it's located: Inside the Great Deku Tree
Navi says: "Deflect their projectile back at them with your shield!"
My advice: Do what Navi says, then, in the Deku Tree dungeon, you just 
chase them. 

What is it: A dinosaur-like creature
Its attacks: Fights you with a sword
Where it's located: Gerudo Training Grounds, Ganon's Castle
Navi says: "Use your shield well and fight with Z-targeting 
My advice: Use the shield to defend and the sword to attack 

What is it: A slow-moving dragon resembling the boss (King Dodongo)
Its attacks: Breathes fire at you if you get close
Where it's located: Dodongo's Cavern
Navi says: "Watch out for its fiery breath! Use Z-Targeting 
My advice: Just ignore it in the one room where you see it!

Dodongo Larva
What is it: A small version of Dodongo (I call it "Baby Dodongo")
Its attacks: Crawls after you, then explodes after it's been attacked
Where it's located: Dodongo's Cavern
Navi says: "Watch out for it's leaping attack! It will explode after 
it's defeated."
My advice: Just whack it with the sword, then move out of the way when 
it's about to explode! 

Fake Chests
What is it: An evil replica of a treasure chest
Its attacks: Freezes you when you open it
Where it's located: Ice Cavern, Spirit Temple, Ganon's Castle
Navi says: Nothing about it
My advice: I'll warn you if there are fake ones in a certain room and 
tell you which one is safe to open. 

Fake Doors
What is it: An evil replica of a door
Its attacks: When you try to open it, it will flatten you
Where its located: Fire Temple, Spirit Temple, Gerudo Training Grounds
Navi says: Nothing about them
My advice: Bomb them if they look suspicious. Again, I'll warn you if 
a certain door is fake. 

Fake Pots
What is it: An evil replica of a pot
Its attacks: When you get near it, it lifts off the ground and flies at 
Where it's located: Fire Temple, Shadow Temple, Spirit Temple
Navi says: Nothing about them, but he'll help you Z-Target them
My advice: Use your shield to block them 

Fake Tiles
What is it: An evil replica of a floor tiles
Its attacks: Same as Fake Pots
Where it's located: Water Temple
Navi says: Nothing about them, but helps you Z-Target them
My advice: Use your shield 

Floor Master
What is it: A big hand
Its attacks: Chokes you if you get close to it and also can turn green 
and come at you
Where it's located: Shadow Temple, Spirit Temple, Ganon's Castle
Navi says: "Quickly, kill all the small hands before they join back up!"
My advice: Use the sword on the big hand, then quickly use the sword on 
the three hands that come out or they'll turn to individual big hands! 
Use the shield to protect against the hand if it turns green. 

What is it: A small ice-blowing thing
Its attacks: Blows any icy wind at you if you get close.
Where it's located: Ice Cavern, Ganon's Castle
Navi says: "Watch out for its freezing breath! Destroy it completely 
before it revives."
My advice: Wait for it to stop blowing and use your sword or Din's Fire 
to get rid of it 

Gerudo Guard
What is it: A female Gerudo thief
Its attacks: It uses a sword-like weapon
Where it's located: Gerudo Fortress, Thieves' Hideout
Navi says: "Draw her close and strike her when her guard is down! If you 
don't defeat her, you'll be captured."
My advice: Use your sword on her. If you don't attack her often, she'll do 
a different sword spin move and you'll be sent back to that little jail 

Ghoma Larva
What is it: Small spiders hatched by Queen Ghoma
Its attacks: When it spots you, it'll jump at you
Where it's located: Inside the Great Deku Tree
Navi says: "Look out when it gets ready to pounce!"
My advice: They're easy, just use your sword. 

Giant Moblin
What is it: A large and more powerful version of Moblin
Its attacks: It uses a club to make shockwaves on the ground
Where it's located: near the end of the Sacred Forest Meadow (in the 
Navi says: Nothing about it
My advice: Dodge the shockwaves and make your way up to him. Use your 
sword to get rid of him. 

Giant Skulltula (see Skulltula) 

What is it: Similar to the ReDead, only it looks like a mummy
Its attacks: If you get close, it will grab you and bite
Where it's located: Bottom of the Well
Navi says: "It's gaze will paralyze you. If it bites you, tap any 
button to escape."
My advice: Don't get too close. Use Din's Fire or play the Sun's Song 
to freeze it, then use your sword a few times until the body collapses. 
If you do get close, the screen will freeze and you can't move. If he 
grabs you, continually tap the A Button, then get away! 

Golden Skulltula
What is it: A special spider that holds a token to free the people in 
the House of Skulltula in Kakariko Village
Its attacks: You do lose health if you touch it, but it has no real 
Where it's located: All over Hyrule
Navi says: Navi does not find them like she does for other enemies, so 
look carefully!
My advice: See my Golden Skulltula list for help in finding all 100 Gold 

Green Bubble
What is it: Similar to the Blue Bubble
Its attacks: It's fire and skull can harm you
Where it's located: Forest Temple, Spirit Temple
Navi says: "Wait for the flames to go out, then attack!"
My advice: The green bubble is slightly different than the blue bubble, 
besides its colour. The green bubble's fire goes out on its own. Attack the 
skull with the sword when the fire goes out. 

What is it: An annoying bird
Its attacks: If it sees you, it will fly right at you
Where it's located: Lake Hylia and Lon Lon Ranch (at night)
Navi says: "Destroy it before it flies into you."
My advice: Use your sword, hookshot/longshot, slingshot, boomerang or fairy 
bow on it 

Iron Knuckle
What is it: A strong person with lots of armour
Its attacks: It uses a big axe!
Where it's located: Spirit Temple, Ganon's Castle
Navi says: "Watch out for its axe attack! It hurts a lot! Strike it when 
it drops its guard!"
My advice: Attack it with the sword, then quickly backflip before it hits 

What is it: Annoying bats
Its attacks: It flies into you, plus can also have fire or ice on it
Where it's located: Almost all dungeons
Navi says: "When you get close to it, use Z-Targeting. Even if it flies 
away, you can still target it."
My advice: Attack it just like Guay 

What is it: Another annoying enemy! A green, round thing.
Its attacks: It quickly spins around and follows you for a while
Where it's located: Haunted Wasteland, Desert Colossus
Navi says: "Watch it's movements closely and let it go by."
My advice: You can use your sword or shield to get rid of it, but more will 
just come up, so basically, ignore it! 

Like Like
What is it: A fat, gross thing!
Its attacks: If you get close at the right time, he'll eat you and steal your 
shields and tunics (except the Kokiri Tunic and Mirror Shield.)
Where it's located: In some dungeons
Navi says: "An enemy that eats shields and certain clothes. Beat it quickly t
o get your gear back!"
My advice: You can get any gear that he eats back as long as you beat it. Use 
the sword when it walks towards you. You can't hit it when it's reaching out
to eat you; it's like hitting a wall with the sword. Pretty easy enemy. 

What is it: A lizard with a sword
Its attacks: Uses a sword to fight you. Acts just like the Stalfos and 
Where it's located: Dodongo's Cavern, Spirit Temple, Gerudo Training 
Navi says: "Use Z-Targeting techniques to bring it down quickly!"
My advice: Use the shield to defend and the sword to attack 

Mad Scrub
What is it: Just like a Deku Scrub, only it doesn't give you hints, it 
just runs away!
Its attacks: Spits nuts at you
Where it's located: Sacred Forest Meadow (in the past.)
Navi says: "If you get close to it, it will hide in the grass."
My advice: Use a shield to bop the nuts back at it, then chase it and use 
the sword to get rid of it. It leaves a pretty flower on the ground! 

What is it: A huge, but dumb, giant
Its attacks: If it sees you, it will use a spear to stab you
Where it's located: Sacred Forest Meadow (in the future.)
Navi says: Nothing about it
My advice: Look around the corner using Z-Targeting, then use the hookshot/
longshot to get rid of it. 

What is it: An aquatic form of the Deku Scrub
Its attacks: Spits rocks at you
Where it's located: Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly, Zora's River, Zora's Fountain, 
Kokiri Forest
Navi says: "Bounce back the rocks they spit at you"
My advice: Use your shield to hit them back with the rocks. If you walk close 
to them, they'll sink down into the water. 

Parasitic Tentacle
What is it: A tentacle!
Its attacks: Rears back and heads right for you
Where it's located: Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Navi says: "The thin part is it's weak spot. Looks like you'll need a certain 
item to defeat it."
My advice: Z-Target and use the boomerang 

What is it: A huge machine-like plant
Its attacks: During the day only, it shoots Peahat Larva at you
Where it's located: Hyrule Field
Navi says: "It's weak point is its roots!"
My advice: I usually ignore the Peahat, but if you do have to fight it, use 
the Fairy Slinshot on the bottom of it 

Peahat Larva
What is it: Mini-Peahats that shoot out of the big Peahat
Its attacks: Just comes at you!
Where it's located: Hyrule Field
Navi says: "Defend with your shield!"
My advice: Use your shield to make it disappear 

What is it: A ghost
Its attacks: Not really many, but if it's a normal Poe, it may shoot out 
small flames
Where it's located: Hyrule Field (in the future), Kakariko Village 
Graveyard, Forest Temple
Navi says: "If you stare at it with Z-Targeing, it will disappear."
My advice: There are different kinds of Poes. The ones in Hyrule Field that 
are white and move quickly are Big Poes. Catch these while on Epona to sell 
at the Ghost Shop (see the Hyrule Games section.) When you beat a Big Poe 
and come back, it's now a Normal Poe and is purple. They're slower and just 
move around you in a circle, dropping small flames. You can capture a Normal 
Poe and get a few rupees for it from the Ghost Shop. There are Poes in the 
Graveyard that act as normal Poes, but are invisible except for their lantern 
and attack you. These Poes are like the ones in the Forest Temple. The four 
Poes in the Forest Temple are Joelle (red), Amy (green), Beth (red) and Meg 

Red Bubble
What is it: Like the Blue and Green Bubbles, they're skulls with a 
flame around them.
Its attacks: The fire and skull is hurtful if you touch it
Where it's located: Death Mountain Crater, Fire Temple, Gerudo Training 
Navi says: "Guard against its attack with the shield."
My advice: Use the shield to put out the flame, then attack with the 

What is it: A zombie similar to Gibdo (the mummy)
Its attacks: If you get too close, it jumps on you and bites
Where is it located: Royal Family's Tomb, Bottom of the Well, Market 
in the future), some hidden areas, Ganon's Castle
Navi says: "It's gaze will paralyze you. If it bites you, tap any button 
to escape!"
My advice: Tap the A button continually if you're grabbed. Play the Sun's 
Song to freeze it, then attack with the sword until the body collapses or 
just use Din's Fire. 

Red Tektite
What is it: A big spider
Its attacks: It jumps onto you
Where is it located: Death Mountain Trail
Navi says: "Lock onto it as it jumps with Z-Targeting."
My advice: Use the sword to get rid of it 

What is it: A white bubble. Weird how an actual bubble has a different 
name than a fiery skull called a Bubble!
Its attacks: If you touch it, it hurts you and pops
Where is it located: Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Navi says: "If you try to cut it, it will bounce off your blade."
My advice: You can use a sword or the boomerang to pop it. Even Ruto works 
when you're carrying her. Just throw her at it and it'll pop! 

Shell Blade
What is it: A clam with sharp spikes on it
Its attack: It opens it's mouth, then charges at you with its spikes
Where it's located: Water Temple
Navi says: "The internal muscle is its weak point."
My advice: Use the hookshot/longshot when it opens its mouth, revealing the 
muscle (a red line.) 

Skulltula (I refer to it as Giant Skulltula)
What is it: A big spider
Its attack: It hurts you if you bump into it or hit its head with the sword
Where it's located: In many dungeons
Navi says: "Its soft belly is its weak point."
My advice: When he turns his back on you, slash it with the sword. 

What is it: A spider about the same size as a Golden Skulltula
Its attack: If you climb the wall near it, it will turn purple and charge 
at you!
Where it's located: Inside the Great Deku Tree, Forest Temple, Death 
Mountain Trail, Dodongo's Cavern.
Navi says: "Be careful not to touch it."
My advice: Shoot it with the slingshot, fairy bow or hookshot/longshot 
to get rid of it 

What is it: A spiky ball
Its attack: Sharp, pointy spikes that hurt!
Where it's located: Water Temple
Navi says: "Aim for it when it retracts its spikes!"
My advice: Use the hookshot/longshot to lose its spikes, then hit it again 
to get rid of the ball. 

What is it: An annoying skeletal monster
Its attack: If you get close, it will whack you with its arm
Where it's located: Hyrule Field at night (in the past.)
Navi says: "Don't be afraid of Stalchild, just attack it repeatedly."
My advice: Ignore them, wear the Bunny Hood to stop them from popping up or 
use your sword on them. 

What is it: A big, skeletal thing
Its attack: Like the Dinolfos and Lizalfos, it fights using a sword and 
Where it's located: Forest Temple, Shadow Temple, Spirit Temple, Ganon's 
Castle, Gerudo Training Grounds
Navi says: "Lure it close to you and watch its movements carefully. Attack 
it when it drops its guard!"
My advice: Keep hitting it with your sword. Use your shield to defend. Right 
after it hits your shield, you can hit him. 

What is it: An aquatic stinger
Its attacks: If you get close to it, it flies up and at you
Where it's found: Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly, Water Temple
Navi says: "Destroy it before it flies into you."
My advice: Use your sword on it 

What is it: A long stingray
Its attacks: If you get close to it, it comes up and at you
Where it's found: Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly
Navi says: "Its tail is its weak point!"
My advice: Ignore it or use your sword 

Torch Slugs
What is it: A gross fast-moving (weird, eh?) slug with fire on its back
Its attacks: When it sees you, it charges at you
Where it's found: Fire Temple, Ganon's Castle
Navi says: "When the fire on its back is extinguished, it will run away. 
Destroy it before it relights."
My advice: Keep hitting it with the sword until it's gone 

Wall Master
What is it: A big hand that waits on the ceiling
Its attacks: If you just stand there in certain rooms, he'll pick you up 
and drop you off at the beginning of the dungeon or temple!
Where it's found: Forest Temple, Shadow Temple, Spirit Temple, Ganon's 
Navi says: "Watch for the shadows of monsters on the ceiling!"
My advice: When Navi warns you of the Wall Masters, just quickly run around. 
If you hear a wind sound or see a shadow on the floor, run! 

White Bubble
What is it: A big skull with no fire
Its attacks: If you get too close, it will knock you down
Where it's found: Spirit Temple
Navi says: "Wait for it to stop, then attack."
My advice: Use the sword on it 

What is it: A wolf (there are also Snow Wolfos, which is nearly the same 
Its attacks: It uses it's arms to whack you
Where it's found: Forest Temple, Spirit Temple, Gerudo Training Grounds, 
Ice Cavern, Ganon's Castle, inside one of those holes.
Navi says: "Lure it close and watch its movements, then strike when it lets 
its guard down."
My advice: Use the sword when it's about to attack you or just after it does. 
Use the shield to defend. You can't just keep hitting the Wolfos, because it 
blocks and it's like hitting a wall. 



                            *Side Quests* 

Young Link's Trading Sequence:

1) After you talk to the guard at the entrance to Death Mountain, he'll 
mention about a mask he wants to get for his son from the Happy Mask Shop 
in the Market. If you go there, the shop is open for business and you can 
borrow the Keaton Mask. Give it to the guard and he'll wear it for the rest 
of the game (in the past, when he's there.) I wonder if he actually got it 
for himself.....  
2) Next, borrow the Skull Mask and bring it to the Skull Kid in the Lost 
Woods (go left from the entrance.)  
3) Next, borrow the Spooky Mask and bring it to the kid playing in 
Kakariko Village Graveyard.  
4) Next, borrow the Bunny Hood and bring it to the running man in Hyrule 
Field. He's always running behind Lon Lon Ranch. Follow him during the day, 
then give the mask to him at night. Now, when you see him, he'll be running 
much, much faster!  
5) Now, you can borrow the Mask of Truth to get hints from Gossip Stones or 
borrow the other masks you sold or even borrow the Goron, Zora and Gerudo 
masks just for fun.

Adult Link's Trading Sequence:

1) Go to the Cucco Lady in Kakariko Village and she'll give you a Pocket 
Egg. Play the Sun's Song twice for it to hatch. When it hatches, it becomes 
a Pocket Cucco. Go to the house on the left side of the village next to the 
stairs going up. Talon is in there, sleeping. Stand next to him and bring out 
the Pocket Cucco. He'll awake and later leave for Lon Lon Ranch. Bring the 
cucco back to the Cucco Lady and she'll give you a blue Cucco named Cojiro. 
He rarely crows, only to his owner, the lady's brother (he's the weird guy 
who sits under the tree in the village at night when you're a kid.)  
2) Go to the Lost Woods and turn left. Show Cojiro to the man sitting there. 
He'll give you an Odd Mushroom. You have 3 minutes to bring it to the old hag 
in the Potion Shop in Kakariko Village. Go back to the village on foot, using 
Epona in Hyrule Field (warping never works) and go to the Potion Shop near the 
Death Mountain entrance. Then go through the back door and use the stairs
nearby to get to the old hag. She'll give you an Odd Potion.  BTW, if it's
nighttime, the store is closed.  Exit back to Hyrule Field and quickly play 
the Sun's Song to daytime, then re-enter. 

3) Take the Odd Potion back to the Lost Woods. The guy isn't there, but a 
Kokiri girl is.  Give her the potion and you'll get a Poacher's Saw.  
4) Take the Poacher's Saw to Gerudo Valley and give it to the master 
carpenter standing in front of the tent. He'll give you a Broken Goron's 
5) Take the broken sword to Biggoron on top of Death Mountain. His eyes 
are bothering him, so he'll give you a Prescription.  
6) Take the prescription to King Zora in Zora's Domain. He'll give you an 
Eyeball Frog. You have 3 minutes to take it to the lab in Lake Hylia. Run, 
Forrest, run! 
7) Take the eyeball frog to the weird scientist in the lab in Lake Hylia. 
He'll give you Eyedrops. You now have 4 minutes to take them to Biggoron on 
top of Death Mountain. Run again!  Use the plant on the trail to reach the 
part of the mountain where you climb up. 
8) Give the eyedrops to Biggoron and watch the funny cinema. He'll give you 
a Claim Check. Play the Sun's Song a few times and he'll finally give you 
the Biggoron's Sword!  Whew!

Gerudo Training Grounds:

Pay the girl 10 rupees to enter the Training Grounds. Finish the training 
to receive the Ice Arrows. You need to have the Hover Boots, Megaton Hammer, 
Longshot, Silver Gauntlets and Lens of Truth in order to get the prize. In the 
training, you must collect a bunch of keys to open some doors in one room, 
leading you to a big chest with the Ice Arrows. Here is what to do:  
After entering the training grounds, go through the door on your left. You 
have 1 minute to beat both Stalfoses. Slash away with the sword until they're 
gone. Get the key from the chest (you now have 1 key.) Enter the next room. 
You now have 1 1/2 minutes to get all the Silver Rupees in this room. First, 
go left and grab one. Then, go forward and get one where boulders come out. 
Near there is a hookshot target. Hook up to a ledge, then drop down to get 
it. Go a bit further back to another target and grab another rupee. Then, the 
final rupee is blocked by a firewall. Find the path around it and grab it. All 
done! Find a firewall blocking a door. Hookshot to the target and enter that 
door. Defeat the four Wolfos that appear (you have to move to certain spots 
for them to come out.) Open the chest to receive some arrows. That door is 
fake. Instead, use the Lens of Truth to see an invisible hole above the door. 
Hookshot to the target and step on the switch. Backtrack down to the room and 
push the gray block using your Silver Gauntlets (that's what they mean by 
"silver hands.") Push the block all the way, then enter the door ahead. Beat 
the Like Likes, but don't open any chests, except the one that appears after 
beating the enemies. All the other chests are fake and will freeze you. In 
the good chest is a gold rupee! Now, use the Lens of Truth to see another 
chest with a key inside (you now have 2 keys.) Exit to the room before with 
the Wolfos. Go back up to the invisible cove above the door, then enter the 
door up there. Drop down to a rotating path around the room. Use the arrows 
to shoot each eye on that big statue. When you do, a chest appears. Hookshot/
longshot to it and open it to receive another key (you now have 3 keys.) 
We're kind of stuck on the platform. There is a door up high in this room, 
but I can never seem to get up there, so let's leave it. It's not necessary 
to go there. Anyway, longshot to the target and enter the door, hopping over
a small hole with lava underneath. Get rid of all those annoying enemies, get 
arrows from the chest, then use the Megaton Hammer on those statues. One of 
them has a switch behind it. Step on it for the fire to disappear from that 
chest. Quickly, open it and receive a key (you now have 4 keys.) Exit this 
room to a big lava-filled room with silver rupees. Guess what? You have to 
get them all :o) But, not quite. First, jump to that spot where Navi turns 
green at. Play the Song of Time to reveal two blue blocks. Climb up them and 
receive a key out of its chest (you now have 5 keys)! Now, you can get all 
those silver rupees. On one platform is a switch. Get over there wearing the 
Hover Boots and step on the switch. The fire covering a rupee is gone. Get 
over there and grab that last rupee. Enter the newly unlocked door. Play the 
Song of Time to make that block disappear, then equip the Zora Tunic and Iron 
Boots. More wonderful silver rupees! First, use the hookshot on the Shell 
Blades to get rid of them. Then, use it to hookonto the targets and grab some 
rupees. Then, take off the Iron Boots and swim around to get the other high 
ones. When they're all gone, go back up to thesurface and get the key from 
the chest (you now have 6 keys.) Go back to the big lava room and go through 
the left door. You now have 1 1/2 minutes to beat all the enemies (2 Dinolfos 
and 1 Beamos). When they're gone, get the key from the chest (you now have 7 
keys.) Exit to the first room with the lion heads and doors. Go through the 
middle door to the room with all kinds of locked doors and the big chest with 
the special prize in the middle. Go through the left side and you should be 
able to open all the doors, open some small chests on the way for some items 
and then, finally, open the big chest for the Ice Arrows. Way to Go! 
Backtrack to the main room with the three lion heads and doors, then exit. 




Fun Meter: 
*= boring 
**= fair to good 
***= fun 
****= very fun 
*****= fasten your seatbelts! 

Super Cucco Game 

Located: Lon Lon Ranch in the past (left door from entrance.) 

About this game: Talk to Talon and pay 10 rupees for the first try (then 
5 rupees after that) to find three Super Cuccos. Before talking to him, 
there is a secret to try. Take all the cuccos walking around and throw 
them in the hole beside Talon. Most of them stay there to make the game 
easier, but to be honest, I find the game simple without doing this. After 
Talon throws 3 Super Cuccos into the pile, you can quickly turn around and 
see them land. When you find all three, your prize is a bottle of Lon Lon 
Milk and after you drink it all, you have an Empty Bottle! 

Fun Meter: **  

Shooting Gallery 

Located: Market (in the past) and Kakariko Village (in the future.) 

About this game: Pay 20 Rupees to play. Shoot the rupee targets with your 
slingshot (past) or fairy bow (future.) Hit 0-7 targets and pay up to play 
again or just quit. 8-9 rupees gets you a free game. All 10 rupees and you 
win a Deku Seed Bag upgrade in the past and a Quiver upgrade in the future. 
After you win those prizes, it's a purple rupee after that in the past and 

Fun Meter: **  

Bombchu Bowling 

Located: Market (in the past only) next to the stairs and the selling guy 
(looks like a beggar.) 

About this game: Pay 30 Rupees to play. Press the B Button to release a 
bombchu. Dodge the obstacles and hit the hole to win. The first level has 
a centre hole with a spiked thing for a boundary. The second level has a 
hole either left, right or centre with two boundaries (the spiked thing 
and a cucco.) The third level has a hole in the centre with three 
boundaries (the spiked thing, a cucco and a larger cucco.) The spiked 
thing moves left to right, the small cucco moves all over the place and 
the large cucco stays in a little cove and moves left and right. Prizes 
are random. You can win a purple rupee, a Heart Piece, a Bomb Bag Upgrade, 
bombs or bombchu. There is also a cute glitch in the game (see the Secrets 
and Rumours section.) 
Fun Meter: *** 

Fishing Pond 

Located: Lake Hylia 

About this game: This game is by far the best! Pay 20 Rupees to get a rod. 
If you have a Rumble Pak, the game is even better. Press B to throw out 
the line, move the Control Stick or press B repeatedly to wiggle the line 
and when a fish grabs on, press A and the Control Stick down to hook it. 
Then, hold the A Button to reel it in! You can win prizes for how heavy the 
fish is. There are also some secrets! As a kid, you can only fish using a 
normal line and the biggest fish you can catch is 10 pounds. For a 10-
pounder, you get a Heart Piece and the fish is kept in a tank on the counter 
with your name on it. How cute :o) As an adult, the fishing is much more 
fun! The cost is still 20 Rupees. But this time, you can get a Sinking Lure, 
the Hyrule Loach, bigger fish (the biggest I've caught without the sinking 
lure is 21 pounds!) and you can get the fishing guy's hat! See the Secrets 
and Rumours section for details on these.  

Fun Meter: *****  

Ocarina "Jam" Session 

Located: Lost Woods (in the past only) 

About this game: For free, you can earn a Heart Piece. Go right from the
entrance and climb down the ladder. Step onto the platform and pull out 
your ocarina. Follow their notes and win rupees. After a while, you'll 
get a Heart Piece. After that, you can come back and get more rupees. You 
better write down the nots, because it gets hard to memorize them.  

Fun Meter: **  

Treasure Chest Game 

Located: In the Market at night (in the past only) in the building with 
the lights on 

About this game: Pay 10 rupees to play. Equip the Lens of Truth to see 
through the chests and win the key every time. At the very end, there is 
one chest and you win a Heart Piece. After that win, you get a purple 
rupee. Not too fun, even without the Lens of Truth, but you should play 
it at least once to get the Heart Piece. 
Fun Meter: * 

Diving Game 

Located: Zora's Domain (in the past only) to the left of King Zora's 

About this game: Pay 20 rupees to play. Dive down and collect the 
rupees that the Zora person drops. Good diving practice. Winning the 
first time gets you the Silver Scale. After that, you just get to keep 
the rupees that are thrown down there. The diving effect from up high 
is awesome!  

Fun Meter: ***  

Horse Race With Ingo 

Located: Lon Lon Ranch (in the future for one time only) 

About this game: First pay Ingo 10 rupees to ride a horse. Instead of 
riding the horse given to you, play Epona's Song that you learned in 
the past and ride her. After a while, Z-Target Ingo and talk to him. 
Pay a 50 Rupee wager to race him. Use the A button to increase speed, 
but never use up the last carrot or you'll slow down quite a bit. Stay 
close to the fence and block him from passing if he gets really close. 
Beat him once and he'll offer you Epona if you win again. You have to 
win twice in a row to get the horse. Beat him a second time and you get 
the horse, but you need to escape by jumping over the fence. If you come 
back, Ingo is nicer, but you can't race him again! Not totally fun, but 
Ingo is quite funny when he loses!  

Fun Meter: **  

Obstacle Course 

Located: Lon Lon Ranch (in the future only) 

About this game: After beating Ingo in the horse race (see above game), 
come back and talk to Malon. For free, you can ride in the obstacle course. 
Again, don't use the last carrot or you'll really slow down. Only use 
carrots on the big jumps. Don't waste them on small ones where you don't 
have to use any! If you break Malon's record of 50 seconds, you win a cow,
which is delivered to your house in Kokiri Forest! Cool!  

Fun Meter: **  

Marathon Run 

Located: Start at Gerudo Valley, end at Kokiri Forest (in the future only) 

About this game: Remember the running man that you sold the Bunny Hood to 
in the past? If not, see Young Link's Trading Sequence. Go inside the 
carpenter's tent and talk to him. He'll ask you to break his record, 
running from here to the bridge in Kokiri Forest (warping doesn't work.) 
It's free to play, but you can never beat him, no matter what rumours you 
see on the Internet. Nintendo admits that you can't. I think you can beat 
his record, but it's tough. There's no secret prize and no way to beat him.  

Fun Meter: *  

Horse Archery 

Located: Gerudo Fortress (in the future only) around the corner where the 
Gerudo Training Grounds are 

About this game: Pay 20 rupees to play (be on Epona while talking to her 
or she won't let you play.) While on Epona, shoot for the pots and targets. 
Get over 1000 points to win a Heart Piece, then at least 1500 points to get 
a quiver upgrade.  

Fun Meter: *** 

Ocarina Frogs 

Located: Zora's River (in the past only) on a log between the wooden bridge 
and the pillars 

About this game: This game is free. Play every non-warp song you have (6). 
When you play the Song of Storms, you get a Heart Piece. When you've played
all 6 songs, the frogs are all big and ask you to play the Bug-Eating Game. 
Each frog represents one note. Play so they can eat the butterflies above 
them. It takes a while to win, since you write down the notes they have (they 
aren't always the same note after winning, but I think the song to play is A, 
C-Left, C-Right, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down, A, C-Down, C-Right, C-
Left, A.) When they're all stuffed, you win a Heart Piece.  

Fun Meter: *  

Dampe's Graveyard Race 

Located: In Kakariko Village Graveyard at the other grave with flowers in 
front of it, next to the soft soil spot (in the future only.) 

About this game: Just run the race and you get the hookshot. Play again and 
win under 1 minute to get a Heart Piece. The trick is to use the longshot at 
the last big room on one of the torches up there. You can never beat Dampe, 
but you can always try to beat your best time (like the Obstacle Course and 
Marathon Run.)  

Fun Meter: **

Fairy Fountains

Fairy Fountains are big fountains with tons of tiny red fairies that fill up 
your health meter. Here are where they're located:  
1) In the Sacred Forest Meadow on top of the maze in a hole.  

2) In the graveyard, pull back the gravestone where you got the Hylian 
Shield. Bomb the back wall.  

3) As an adult, ride the Magic Bean Plant in Zora's River to the top area. 
Bomb the big boulder surrounded by small rocks. Enter the hole.  

4) In Desert Colossus, find a big sand pit. Stand on the rock nearby and 
play the Song of Storms to reveal an outdoor Fairy Fountain!  

5) Exiting the Market, go right and bomb the boulder. Enter the hole.  

6) In Gerudo Fortress, play the Song of Storms near the crates by the 
entrances to the Thieves' Hideout. A hole opens up in the wall.  

7) In Zora's Domain, stand on the rock island down by the ladder near the 
entrance. Play the Song of Storms and enter the hole.  

8) On the bottom floor of the main room in Ganon's Castle. Use the Lens of 
Truth and enter the hole in the wall. Inside are some Business Scrubs and 
small red fairies.

Great Fairy Fountains & Items

1) Found on top of Death Mountain. Bomb the little area next to the Death 
Mountain Crater entrance. You get the sword's spin attack and a magic 
2) Found in the yard before Hyrule Castle ( behind the sign reading "Dead 
End.") You get Din's Fire (see Items section.)  
3) Found in Zora's Fountain, behind Lord Jabu-Jabu. Bomb the back wall of 
the small island. You get the useless Farore's Wind.  
4) Found in Death Mountain Crater. Hammer the boulders blocking the 
entrance. You get a longer magic meter.  
5) Found in Desert Collosus beside the Spirit Temple. Bomb the boulder 
blocking the entrance. You get another useless magic power: Nayru's Love.  
6) Found near Ganon's Castle. Using the Golden Gauntlets from the Shadow 
Barrier inside the castle (see walkthrough for Ganon's Castle), lift the 
black pillar on the right side of the castle to reveal the entrance. You 
get the wonderful Double Defense which cuts the amount of hearts you lose 
in half when attacked by an enemy.

Cucco Locations- Kakariko Village in the Past

1) Near the entrance to the village.  

2) Near the cucco lady.  

3) Inside a box next to the first house on the left.  

4) Next to the House of Skulltula. Use a cucco and float there from the 
little construction area with a brick structure  

5) Between the not-yet-opened Potion Shop (an empty house with a guy 
inside) and graveyard kid's house  

6) Use a cucco and stand near the door leading inside the windmill. Run 
and jump to that little platform with a door, some pots and a fence, while 
staying close to the fence. Throw that cucco over and then grab the one at 
the bottom and throw it over the fence.  

7) After getting cucco # 6, climb the ladder and get the cucco at the top 
near the windmill. Collect the other two cuccos that you threw back and 
get them all in the cucco pen.  
Your prize from the Cucco Lady is an empty bottle. After that, you can 
collect them again anytime in the past to get a purple rupee.

Big Poe Locations- Hyrule Field in the Future

1) Near the sign pointing to Lon Lon Ranch in front of the drawbridge  

2) Near the tree in front of Lon Lon Ranch  

3) Stand on the ledge facing the entrance to Kakariko Village and it 
appears down below (a hard one!)  

4) Near the stream by the entrance to Zora's River  

5) Near the tree and bushes behind Lon Lon Ranch near the entrance to 
Gerudo Valley  

6) On the southeast side of Lon Lon Ranch near a gray boulder  

7) Among a big grove of trees by the entrance to Kokiri Forest  

8) West of the market near the small stream with a boulder on the other 

9) At the path leading to either Gerudo Valley or Lake Hylia  

10) Looking at the map, it's at the "Y" shape. It's a rock ledge in the 
middle of Hyrule Field.  
Bring each Poe in a bottle to the Ghost Shop in the first door you see 
when you first enter the Market. Each Poe gives you 50 rupees and adds 
10 points to a card he keeps track of. When you have 1000 points for 10 
Big Poes, you win an empty bottle! 

Soft Soil Locations

Each soft soil spot has a plant and likely a Golden Skulltula. In the past, 
you can drop a bottled bug on it for the special spider and, also in the 
past, plant a Magic Bean there for a little sprout. Come back in the future 
and that sprout has grown to a magic plant, leading you to a variety of 
things. Here are the 10 soft soil locations:  
1) In Kokiri Forest, next to the Kokiri Shop. The plant brings you around 
the forest and leads you to a small cove with many rupees inside.  
2) In Kakariko Village Graveyard on the left side next to Dampe's future 
grave. The plant brings you up to a platform with a Heart Piece inside a 
3) In the Lost Woods, go left and left again. Its plant brings you around 
the area.  
4) Also in the Lost Woods, go right, left, right, left and left. The plant 
takes you to a Golden Skulltula at night.  
5) In Zora's River, next to the seed seller. Brings you up to a Fairy 
Fountain and a Heart Piece, then continues to the wooden bridge leading to 
the waterfall going to Zora's Domain.  
6) On Death Mountain Trail at the entrance to Dodongo's Cavern. Brings you 
up to a Heart Piece, then up the mountain to Goron City and even futher up 
to the place where all those rocks fell in the past.  
7) On one side of Lake Hylia's Labratory. Brings you to a Heart Piece on the 
roof, then around the area.  
8) Next to the warp point in Death Mountain Crater (where you land after 
playing the Bolero of Fire.) Brings you to two Heart Pieces.  
9) In Gerudo Valley, below the bridge on that little ledge. There is also a 
cow, a Gerudo lady and a box. This plant brings you around the waterfall area 
and possibly a Heart Piece (you can get there without the plant.)  
10) Next to the Spirit Temple's entrance. It brings you to a Heart Piece and 
a Golden Skulltula.




Written as -->  

item- cost (quantity)


YL= Young Link- can only be accessed in the past
AL= Adult Link- can only be accessed in the future
BL= Both Link- can be accessed at either stage

Kokiri Forest (BL)

Arrows- 20 (for 10), 60 (for 30)
Deku Nuts- 15 (for 5), 10 (for 30)
Deku Seeds- 30 (for 30)
Deku Shield- 40
Deku Stick- 10
Recovery Heart- 10

Market/Kakariko Village Bazaar (YL/AL)

Arrows- 20 (for 10), 60 (for 30), 90 (for 50)
Deku Stick- 10
Bombs- 35 (for 5)
Recovery Heart- 10
Hylian Shield- 80 (alone), 60 (with guard's discount)
Deku Nuts- 15 (for 5)

Market/Kakariko Village Potion Shop (YL/AL)

Blue Fire- 300
Bugs- 50
Deku Nuts- 15 (for 5)
Fairy- 50
Fish- 200
Green Potion- 30
Red Potion- 30
Poe- 30

Market Bombchu Shop (YL)

Bombchu- 100 (for 10), 180 (for 20)- limit 4 purchases each bundle

Goron City Shop (BL)

Red Potion- 40
Recovery Heart- 10
Goron Tunic- 200
Bombs- 25 (for 5), 50 (for 10), 80 (for 20), 120 (for 30)

Zora's Domain Shop (BL)

Arrows- 20 (for 10), 60 (for 30), 90 (for 50)
Deku Nuts- 15 (for 5)
Fish- 200
Red Potion- 50
Zora Tunic- 300

Business Scrubs (YL)

Found in various secret caverns (holes).  Sells collectible
items more expensive than most shops.  Also sells item upgrades
for Deku Sticks & Nuts, and a Heart Piece

Talon (YL)

Milk- 30

Old Hag's Potion Shop (AL)

Blue Potion- 100 + Odd Mushroom

Haunted Wasteland Magic Carpet Shop

Bombchu- 200




*You can touch wandering butterflies with a Deku Stick and they will 
turn into small red fairies, re-filling your health and magic meters!  
*You can play Epona's Song to a cow and get one of your bottles filled 
with free Lon Lon Milk!  

*You can chop up big signs (the square ones) with your sword, then play 
Zelda's Lullaby to fix them!  
*You can use your sword on the cuccos, then it will call their friends and 
attack you (losing health)!  
*Epona the horse is invincible! You can cut up plants, destroy enemies, hit 
the edges of trees and get cuccos to chase after you without losing health!  
*If you wear the Bunny Hood while in Hyrule Field at night, the Stalchildren 
won't come out. If you wear the Skull Mask in dungeons, Keese won't bother 
*In Hyrule Castle, in the room where you talk to Princess Zelda, you can hit 
the two windows at the sides with your slingshot. The window on the right 
shows pictures of Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Princess Peach and Yoshi from Super 
Mario 64! Hitting the window gives you a red rupee. Hitting the left window 
shows a guard and he throws a bomb at you!  
*In Goron City, you can buy the Giant's Knife for 200 rupees as an adult 
from Biggoron. This sword breaks after a couple of hits!  
*When fighting Ganondorf, you can hit the ball of light back at him with 
an empty bottle!  
*If you have an item that you don't use (like the Claim Check), do this 
trick to get a fifth bottle. First, equip an empty bottle. Stand in front 
of a fish or small red fairy. Swing the bottle, but pause quickly before 
you catch it. Put the Claim Check in place of the bottle. The Claim Check 
turns to a fifth bottle and you capture the fish or fairy that you aimed at! 
You can do this on all your items, but DO NOT SAVE or you'll lose your items 
and can't get them back!  
*In the Lost Woods, there is an area called the Forest Stage where you can
wear the masks from the Mask Shop in the Market and get judged on their 
appeal. From the entrance, go right, left, right, left and left. Carefully 
walk in the grass and fall down a hidden hole. Stand on the light and cute 
Scrubs will judge your mask. Here are their reactions:  

Mask of Truth- Deku Nut upgrade (max. 40)  
Bunny Hood- no response  
Skull Mask- Deku Stick upgrade (max. 30)  
Zora Mask, Keaton Mask- rupees  
Gerudo Mask, Goron Mask, Spooky Mask- Deku nut assault!  
*Have you seen these small gray statues with an eye on them? They're called 
Gossip Stones. Navi says that their gaze stares into your mind. If you hit 
them with your sword, they wiggle and tell you the time. If you bomb them, 
they rocket into space. If you wait until they change blue or red before 
blasting off and hit them with your sword, they'll stay that colour. If you 
play Zelda's Lullaby or Epona's Song to them, they'll send you a small red 
fairy. If you hit them with the Megaton Hammer, they'll flatten out. If you 
wear the Mask of Truth and talk to them, they'll give you a useful hint or
*If you stand on the drawbridge, it'll pull you into the market when it 
closes for the night. You can climb the chains on the bridge during the 
day and collect three red rupees up there!  

*As an adult, the fish at Lake Hylia's Fishing Pond are bigger, but you can 
get the really big ones using a Sinking Lure, unlocked after catching a fish 
at least 20pounds. Search in the lily pads, reeds, in-between rocks, between 
the rocks at the back where the crack in the wall is, in the stream there or 
on the log. The SinkingLure is a worm and sinks your hook right underwater! 
You can catch bigger fish this way, but if you break the record, the man won't
give you a prize for using it and on the tank, it'll say you cheated!  
*To use C-button items while on Epona, play the game until the fight with 
Ganon. When he knocks away the Master Sword, save and reset the game. Get on 
Epona and press the C-Buttons (you can't see them on the screen, but they're 
there.) I've never seen this, because it only works on the Gold Edition Zelda 
game (the game cartridge is gold, not gray.) Mine is gray, so it doesn't work.  
*In the Haunted Wasteland, if you head left, you'll come across a salesman on 
a carpet floating in the air. Cross over to him using the Hover Boots and he'll 
sell you something special for 200 Rupees.'s Bombchu. RIP-OFF!  
*When shooting at Big Poe #3 for Empty Bottle #4 in Hyrule Field, you can 
shoot an arrow right through Epona's head. Remember how I said she is 
invisible? She will whinny, but is otherwise unhurt  
*Here's a Skulltula secret I got from Pheonix013 and also seen on other sites 
(Thanks for the tip Pheonix013!): 
You can get unlimited Skulltulas by doing this trick. Go to the Hyrule Castle 
grounds and make your way to the moat before entering the courtyard. Next to 
the tree, play the Song of Storms to open a hole. Jump down and blow up all 
the weak walls. One of them has a Golden Skulltula. Stand next to the rainbow 
platform that takes you back outside. Using the boomerang, hit the Skulltula 
to change it to a token. When the boomerang grabs the token, quickly move 
onto the platform to get out. You are credited with the token, but if you go 
back into the hole again, the Skulltula is back!   

*Here's a secret from Ocarina_player (Amanda) which I had never heard of 
before (Thanks for the tip, Amanda!): 
If you go to the Kokiri Shop in Kokiri Forest as young Link, you can get some 
free rupees. Go inside the shop and on the right side, there is a gap where you 
can walk beside the counter. Free rupees! 

*Fishing Secrets:
This is a new section on fishing secrets and my own experience catching the 
HyruleLoach. What is the Hyrule Loach, you ask? It's a black, eel-like fish 
that is found in the Fishing Pond within Lake Hylia and is extremely difficult 
to catch. Here's some tips that will help you:  
*The Sinking Lure is a long worm used as bait that attracts bigger fish as the 
Lure sinks to the bottom of the lake. To get the Sinking Lure, you must be an 
adult and catch a fish that weighs at least 20 pounds to unlock it. Search the 
lily pads, reeds, between rocks, at the cracked wall, and on the log to find 
it. The upside is you'll catch bigger fish, the downside is that the fisherman 
at the counter will footnote any new fishing records with "use of illegal 
sinking lure". Bummer!  
*The Hylian Loach is, as I said, a tricky fish, much more sly and clever than 
theother loafers that lunge at any wiggling hook you throw at them. To catch 
the Hylian Loach, you must first find him in the pond. To do that, you 
should enter the Pond in the early morning. What I do is play the Sun's Song 
at night, count to 4 slowly, then open the door to the pond just before the 
cucco crows. Use the Iron Boots and Zora Tunic to sink in the pond and look 
closely for a black eel (I think it looks like a garter snake when it sits on 
the bottom of the lake without moving). The ideal time to fish for the Loach 
is in the early morning when the water is a murky orange or a cloudy blue. 
Clear conditions are usually a sign of no Loach. Once you spot it, find the 
Sinking Lure and position yourself on shore, relatively lined up with the 
Loach. Throw out your line and have it sit by the Loach's face. Don't move 
it until the Loach starts to swim. He's coming up to the surface for air. 
That's when you should wiggle the worm in his face like crazy to really irk 
him, then he will likely bite the line. If you hear what sounds like a "pfft" 
sound (I call it a "static fart", he he), that is the Loach breathing on the 
surface. It's helpful, especially when you haven't found him yet! Keep trying 
this strategy. At some point, you'll either nail him or he will plumb disappear 
fromt the lake. This happened to me before, usually in the clear afternoon 
weather when he's had enough sunbathing time. You'll hear a big splash and 
*poof*, he's gone! When you DO get a hold of him on your line, hold that A 
button and pull the Control Stick constantly. NEVER LET GO!! This will take 
about 10-15 minutes so long as the Loach continues to bite the line. Of course, 
it can let go whenever it wants. Remember that time passes by very slowly in 
the pond area and that eventually, the weather and the time of day will come 
into effect. The fishing guy unfortunately doesn't keep the loach in the tank 
because they're nearly extinct, plus he only gives you a purple rupee. But it's 
fun while it lasts.  
*I caught the Loach myself a few years ago on my first file, though I think I
had beaten the game and came back to try the Loach trick. It took a while just 
to find the Loach in the pond, because I kept thinking I had to enter the pond 
right when the cucco crowed for morning. I learned that it's not entirely true, 
instead enter the pond before the morning crow. I searched the pond and found 
it. I spent at least a half hour trying to lure it. I wiggled the worm in front 
of its face and I remember he bit the line when he was coming up for air. After 
about 15 minutes of reeling, he was MINE! I should have taken a picture, but I 
didn't have this walkthrough at the time and I also didn't know that the 
fisherman would make me let him go! The loach weighed 30 pounds when I caught 
it and it was very long and took up the length of the screen! Good luck Loach 
hunting :o)  
*In the fishing pond, to get the fishing guy's hat, stand to the right of the 
sign, about knee-deep in the water or less, then aim at the 90-degree angle of 
the counter. The guy will be looking at you, so this is best to do. If you got 
the hook at him, his hat will come off and he'll be surprised! If you look at 
him, he's now bald after seven years! AHHHH! You can give him the hat back and 
he'll put it on, or you can fish with it. Well, not really. You can throw the 
line out with the hat, but it doesn't go too far. Send it out, wiggle it a lot, 
then reel it in and repeat the process until the hat sinks into the water. 
You'll need to pay 50 rupees for the hat! If you don't have 50 rupees, he 
doesn't chargeyou anything for it! If you do this, he won't wear a hat for the 
rest of the game and if you leave the pond, the hat disappears from the water. 
If you beat the game and watch the ending with all the people, look for that 
guy. He's not wearing his hat there, either! He he he!

*The Poe enemies are named after writer/poet Edgar Allan Poe.

*The Poe sisters in the Forest Temple (Beth, Meg, Amy & Joelle) are named for
the characters in Little Women (Joelle being a longform of Jo).



                       *FAQs & Other Oddities* 


Q:  Is there a way to go back in time?  Say I didn't plant all of my magic 
    beans before I grabbed the Master Sword.  Can I go back in time and do 

    You should enlarge the FAQ section in your guide, but you don’t have to, 
    it's just a suggestion.  Thank you for your time!-- from Kathi Lamb

A:  The only means of time travel in Ocarina of Time is via the Pedestal
    of Time in the Temple of Time by pulling the Master Sword.  The idea
    with the Magic Beans is to buy as many as you can as a kid and plant
    them before pulling the Master Sword, however there is a soil spot in
    front of the Spirit Temple that requires you to return to being a kid
    after accessing the temple as an adult.  As an adult, of course, you
    can access any Magic Beans planted as a kid to ride them to prizes
    big and small.  As for the size of my FAQ section, like my own
    FAQ below, it all depends on the e-mails I receive, and you happen
    to be my first FAQ for this game!


Q:  When are more FAQs going to be listed?  -- from nintendo_girl21
A:  When more people e-mail me with questions!  Sheesh (lol).



                 *Copyright, Thank-Yous & Contact Info*

This walkthrough is copyright (c) Megan L., 2007-...
This walkthrough is authorized to appear on the following sites: (duh)
My own Geocities site:

This walkthrough is intended for personal, private use only and may NOT be
posted on other web sites without written (e-mailed) permission from the 
author (a.k.a. me).

Legend of Zelda is a registered trademark of Nintendo and I am not directly
affiliated with the corporation.  Of course, you knew that already, right?


I would like to thank Nintendo for creating such excellent games.  
Thanks to Marshmallow for his great Ocarina of Time walkthrough that I used 
throughout the game and for the inspiration to make my own Zelda walkthroughs.
He also contributed some enemy information and Ocarina tunes for real songs.
Thanks to all the Zelda sites out there for spending so much time in making 
their walkthroughs and FAQs.  

Thanks again to Geocities for hosting my web sites.

Thanks to for an awesome community of gamers and walkthroughs.  
And thanks for giving my walkthroughs another home on the Web.  

Thanks to:

Dennis at 
Leo at
Tyler at and

...for posting my walkthroughs.

Thanks to the following for their FAQs:

Kathi Lamb

My Other Sites, also known as shameless advertising ;o)
Megangirl's Home Page

My Mario Site


Contacting Me...

Please do.  I can really only be reached by e-mail at
mlynch2[at]  Remove the brackets & change at to @ before 
sending (or keep them there if you like to get Mailer-Daemons...
freakazoid).  The brackets and "at" are there only to avoid additional 
spam e-mail.  I get enough of those already as it is.


E-mail me with additional information, secrets, errors within my
walkthrough or checklists, to share game anecdotes, shoot the breeze,
etc.  If you need additional help with the game, please keep e-mails
as detailed as possible.  Any e-mails with @&*&@&* excessive profanity, 
speling erors (thats a jok btw), 2 manE shrt frms lk ths, eMaILs tYpEd 
lIkE tHiS, or otherwise unreadable e-mails will be promptly deleted.


Any additions to this walkthrough will be credited to you, faithful
reader, in the Thank-You section.  I look forward to the sleepless
nights reading your messages by the light of the moon...he he he.

                                  **THE END**

...*cue Zelda music*

...*twiddles thumbs*

...what?  Do you want me to be a clown, amuse you in some way?

...BAH!  :oP

...I'm ejecting you....

...NOW!  (your cue to exit).
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