Master Chief Collection Development Update

Master Chief Collection Development Update 5: Patch Notes, Intelligent Delivery, Playlist Update

It may have flown under the radar in recent years, but the Halo series is still going pretty strong. 343 Industries are hard at work again, if their Master Chief Collection development update 5 is anything to go by, promising not only a fix to the not-too-inconsiderable pain of waiting for a 70GB install, an update to matchmaking playlists as well as hundreds (and I mean hundreds) of little changes in the full patch notes that add up to a far more engaging title overall.

Master Chief Collection Development Update 5: Main Changes

Taking to the Waypoint blog, Brian ‘Ske7ch’ Jarrard has laid out the update plans for the Master Chief Collection. They include a LAN setup for Insiders, players remaining anonymous before matchmaking lobbies kick off, a change to the core playlist selection, and, crucially, steps have been implemented to ensure install times aren’t quite the pain they used to be with the 70GB behemoth.

Master Chief Collection Development Update 5: Intelligent Delivery

Ever wanted to re-install the Master Chief Collection but were too impatient to wait several hours? Intelligent Delivery has got your back. It’ll soon be possible to optimize which part of the game you want to install first. That means, should you want a quick round of Halo 2 multiplayer before anything else then, in theory, you’ll be able to do so. Which isn’t too shabby.

Master Chief Collection Development Update 5: Playlist Update

The playlists in the Master Chief Collection will soon undergo a bit of an overhaul. You can see the full list in the full patch notes below, but here are the core playlists that’ll be transferring into the game in the near-future.

  • H1 Team Doubles
  • H2C Team Arena
  • H2C Team Hardcore
  • H2A Team Arena
  • H3 Team Arena
  • H3 Team Hardcore
  • H3 Team Doubles

Master Chief Collection Development Update 5: Full Patch Notes

The full list of patch notes can be found at Halo Waypoint. They’re pretty extensive, but offer greater insights into playlists, as well as the most minor of minor tweaks that I’m sure even SPARTAN-117 wouldn’t give two hoots about even if it was buzzing around in its visor. Still, it’s there for you all to see.

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