PUBG Prime Loot

PUBG Prime Loot: How to Link PUBG to Twitch and Get The Deadmau5 Crate

Ah, PUBG Prime Loot. You always seem to tempt us with extra goodies and this Prime Day 2018 is no different. To get your hands on the Deadmau5 crate, you’re going to need to link PUBG to Twitch and, wouldn’t you just know it, we’ve laid it all out for you down below.

What is This Week’s PUBG Prime Loot (Prime Day 2018)?

In conjunction with Amazon’s Prime Day 2018, PUBG are offering players a Deadmau5 crate for those who 1) Play on PC and 2) Link their Twitch accounts. Inside the Deadmau5 crate you’ll get seven snazzy items:

  • The Mau5 Hat
  • Tee-5hirt
  • Mau5hoes
  • 5porty Jacket
  • 5lick Blazer
  • Black Jean5
  • Blue Jean5

Yes, using 5 instead of an ‘S’ is incredibly obnoxious, i5n’t it?

How to Link PUBG to Twitch and get PUBG Prime Loot

Linking PUBG to Twitch is, thankfully, relatively painless. Open up your PUBG client on PC and make your way to the main menu. Once there, spy the purple Twitch logo in the top-right corner of your screen. Click it. You’ll then be whisked away to another window where you’ll be asked to sign into your Twitch account and link to your PUBG account. Simples!

How to Get This Week’s PUBG Prime Loot: The Deadmau5 Crate

Once you’ve linked PUBG to Twitch (see above for instructions), all you have to do is head on over to your inventory (under ‘Store’) and open the crate from there. You’ll then have access to all seven of the clothing items below, which you can use to give a Deadmau5 twist to your avatar in-game.

PUBG Prime Loot: End Date

You only have, understandably, until the end of Prime Day 2018 to pick up your PUBG Prime Loot. For the US, that’s right on 11:59 p.m. PDT, extending to 2:59 a.m. EST on the East Coast. Be warned, however: Amazon (and Twitch) is seeing significant slowdown thanks to the flurry of fantastic deals currently available, some of which you can see here on our Prime Day 2018 Deals page.

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