destiny 2 1.2.3 update

Destiny 2 1.2.3 Update: What’s Changed in the Latest Update?

Destiny 2 1.2.3 marks the last big update for Bungie before Forsaken arrives in the fall. With it comes Bounties, a bevy of much-needed fixes, as well as several quality-of-life changes. See below for the link to the full Destiny 2 1.2.3 patch notes, a look at Bounties, and an overview of the main changes in Destiny 2 1.2.3.

Destiny 1.2.3 Update: Main Changes

Bounties, a sorely-missed feature from Destiny 2, returning is undoubtedly the highlight of the 1.2.3 update. However, there are plenty more smaller additions to dig into. Strike Modifiers have received a series of nerfs and buffs to make the challenges a little more bearable in most cases. There’s also a PC clan chat text function to allow clans to have a natter separately away from the community.

Destiny 1.2.3 Update: Bounties

Bounties, essentially tasks given by NPCs which then reward you with a serious chunk of XP, are in Destiny 2. They were a feature missing from the game after appearing in the original Destiny and it can be a quickfire way to earn XP. Think of them as tiny side-quests but, as with all good things, there’s an imposed limit, which is as follows:

  • 5 Crucible bounties a day will now be available from Shaxx.
  • 5 Vanguard bounties a day will now be available from Zavala.

That’s still a hefty amount of Destiny 2 content for you to pore over, though. It certainly adds to the Destiny 2 lifespan while we eagerly twiddle our thumbs whilst waiting for Forsaken.

Destiny 1.2.3 Update: Full Patch Notes

The Destiny 1.2.3 update patch notes require someone with a vast knowledge of the game to even make sense of in some cases. There are minor Exotic armor nerfs and buffs, plus the most minute of changes that you simply aren’t going to be aware of unless you’ve properly looked into the stuff. That’s why, at the risk of clogging up this page, you should absolutely take a look at Bungie’s full patch notes here. What are you waiting for?

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