Destiny 2 Sheep Error Code

Destiny 2 Sheep Error Code Fix: What Does the Sheep Error Code Mean in Destiny 2?

The Destiny 2 Sheep Error Code is a common error code that will happen to players of the Bungie shared world shooter who like to play the game with others. The Error Code will basically happen when one of your Fireteam members has not updated their copy of the game to the latest update. Let’s dig into the details on how to fix Destiny 2 Sheep Error code.

What Does The Destiny 2 Sheep Error Code Mean?

The Destiny 2 Sheep Error Code will appear if one of the members of your Fireteam does not have the latest update to the game. It mostly occurs when you try to first enter into a Fireteam with other players.

How To Fix The Destiny 2 Sheep Error Code

To fix the Destiny 2 Sheep Error Code all players will need to update their copies of the game to the latest update. Across all platforms, to start the fix you must first close down Destiny 2.

  • For PS4  you have to first, return to the PlayStation 4 XMB by pressing the home button and close Destiny. Then press up on the d-pad to get to the notifications for the console. After that, click on “Downloads”, press X on the “Destiny Update File” icon, and then “Update Now” to start the installation. Once the download and installation have finished, you can restart Destiny 2. You can then enter a Fireteam without the Sheep Error code appearing up and continue gameplay.
  • For the Xbox One, it is a much simpler fix. Once you have received the error code, close the game and try to open it again. This should bring a prompt up to download the new update. Install it and you should be able to play the game without the error code appearing up when you try to join a Fireteam.
  • For PC players with this issue, you also need to first close the application. Then go to the Blizzard app and log in. Navigate to the Activision tab in the left-side pane, then Destiny 2. Click the Options drop-down menu and click “Check for Updates.” This should hopefully prompt an update for Destiny 2 and so removing the Sheep Erroc Code when you try to join a Fireteam.

It must be noted however that the Destiny 2 Sheep Error Code will appear if anyone in the Fireteam does not have the update. Therefore all of your team members must follow these instructions if you receive the code.

For more Destiny 2 guides, check out our game hub for it.

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