Red Dead Redemption 2 Pipe

Where to find the pipe in Red Dead Redemption 2

You can’t upset the leader of the gang now, can you? The Red Dead Redemption 2 pipe can be a little tough to come by as you make your way across the Old West. But, if you’re looking to tick off the Errand Boy trophy/achievement then Dutch’s request is one of the main tasks for you to complete. So, what are you waiting for? Check out the Red Dead Redemption 2 pipe location just down below.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Pipe – Dutch’s Request

To trigger this gift request, you’ve just got to head to camp any time during Chapter 2, Chapter 3, or Chapter 4 and speak to Dutch by holding the L2 button/Left Trigger. After doing so, Dutch van der Linde will task you with procuring him a pipe. But not just any pipe. This is gotta be a purdy smoking pipe.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Pipe – Location

Red Dead Redemption 2 Pipe

To find the said pipe, you’re going to have to head to one of the westernmost points on the map. As circled above, you’ll want to head south at Little Creek River until you come across an area by the name of Vetter’s Echo. If you’re having trouble finding it, head to the dotted section (which marks an off the beaten path track) until you can spot a small rectangular object on your map icon. That’s the cabin you need to head in to, so make a note of it.

Go inside the cabin to find, most prominently, a man draped across the bed, having died from some unknown cause. But you’re here for the pipe, not a murder mystery. At the opposite corner of the room is a desk, complete with an old-timey typewriter. Rifle through these cabinets and drawers and you’ll eventually come across Dutch’s pipe. 

To complete the request, all you need to do is head back to camp and press Y/Triangle to gift Dutch the pipe. I love it when a story has a happy ending.

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