spider-man suits

Spider-Man PS4 1.13 Update Patch Notes – Sam Raimi Suit and More

Hello, true believers! You’ve waited and waited and waited for the Spider-Man PS4 1.13 update and it not only brings the Sam Raimi suit, but also immediately follows a Spider-Man 1.12 update that features essentially a New Game Plus (Plus), plus a handful of bug fixes, the Silver Lining DLC, new difficulties, and three fresh Photo Mode filters. It’s all down in the Spider-Man PS4 1.13 update patch notes.

Spider-Man PS4 1.13 Update – Sam Raimi Suit

Oh boy. After weeks of whining and hand-wringing, Insomniac has finally given a handful of entitled people exactly what they want. Half of me wishes they hadn’t but, here we are: the Sam Raimi suit from the original Spider-Man 2002 movie is now in the game, free of charge. You can use it to your heart’s content. It’s a looker, too.

Spider-Man PS4 1.13 Update – New Game Plus (Plus)

Excuse me? No, you’re not seeing things. Insomniac has now included what could technically be referred to as a New Game Plus (Plus), because finished save games on New Game Plus can now be rolled over yet again. There’s no end to the Spidey fun and, as you’re about to find out, you’ll be able to breeze through some of these save runs too thanks to a new difficulty.

Spider-Man PS4 1.13 Update – New Difficulty and Photo Filters

A “Friendly Neighborhood” difficulty has been added, indicating that there’s going to be a new super easy mode for you to get your webs around. Alongside that, there’s three new photo filters (8bit, EGA, and Retro), plus even more frames and stickers. Insomniac really is giving us an early Christmas gift with the sheer amount of content on offer. That’s without talking about the big (final) DLC pack.

Spider-Man PS4 1.13 Update – Silver Lining DLC

If you own the Season Pass, or just wanted to buy the final Silver Lining DLC story pack separately, downloading 1.13 now lets you do so. There’s also a couple of fixes from bugs in 1.12 that are immediately recitified in 1.12, which is neat.

Spider-Man PS4 1.13 Update Patch Notes

For the complete log of Spider-Man PS4 1.13 update patch notes, check out Insomniac’s latest post on Reddit.

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