Destiny 2 Merciless

Destiny 2 Merciless Exotic Fusion Rifle – How to Get

Destiny 2 has a lot of weapons, so it can sometimes be hard to choose the best one. If you going to pick a weapon to stick with, you could do far worse than the Destiny 2 Merciless Exotic Fusion Rifle. But what is this scary-sounding rifle, and how get the Merciless Rifle?  We’ve got the answers.

What is the Destiny 2 Merciless Weapon?

The Destiny 2 Merciless weapon is a very powerful Solar Exotic Fusion Rifle. It’s rated at 330 Power, and can scale up depending on your own Light Level.

Notably, it’s a weapon returning from the first Destiny, where it was a Rare Hand Cannon instead. It has a number of excellent perks, including Conserve Momentum, which accelerates the weapon’s charge rate every time you hit an enemy but don’t kill them. It works great on bosses, and if you don’t have a more powerful weapon to use against them it’s a great alternative. Another excellent perk is called Impetus, and it increases weapon damage if you reload immediately after a kill. It’s also got an extended magazine, and increases to recoil and stability.

How to Get the Destiny 2 Merciless Exotic Fusion Rifle

You can normally get Merciless either as a random drop from enemies, if you’re very lucky, or through exotic engrams. Heroic public events give you your best chance at getting it, since the chest at the end often drops these exotic engrams. If you’re quick, there’s an easier way to get hold of it, however.

Is Xur Selling Merciless?

Starting today, December 21, and going right up to Christmas Day, December 25, Xur does indeed have the Merciless Exotic Fusion Rifle in his inventory, along with a couple of helmets and some gauntlets. His current location is at the Tower, in the Hangar area. You’ll need 23 Legendary Shards in order to buy the weapon from him.

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