red dead online special snake oil glitch fix

Red Dead Online Special Snake Oil Glitch Fix

Red Dead Online players are continuing to find issues in the beta that Rockstar will have to address ahead of its full release. The latest problem some have encountered is a Red Dead Online special snake oil glitch. Is there a Red Dead Online special snake oil glitch fix for this then?

What is the Red Dead Online Special Snake Oil Glitch?

Special snake oil is a consumable item, in Red Dead Online and Red Dead Redemption 2, that refills your dead eye meter and keeps it topped up for much longer. Players need to buy a pamphlet to learn how to craft this item though, and this is where the problem starts.

Red Dead Online players have taken to the Red Dead Reddit page to state that there’s an error when you purchase the recipe. Players have revealed that they read the pamphlet, in a bid to learn how to craft special snake oil, but that the game tells them they don’t know the recipe when they go to try and make it.

It seems that some Reddit users have reported issues with buying the recipe with gold bars, Red Dead Online’s in-game currency, but others have said that even buying the pamphlet with normal dollars fails to resolve the issue.

Is there a Red Dead Online Special Snake Oil Glitch Fix?

No, there isn’t a Red Dead Online special snake oil glitch fix right now. The development team is enjoying time off during the holiday season, and they won’t have patched in (or be patching in) a fix for this problem over the festive period.

You can make them aware of the issue by sending a filled out Red Dead Online feedback form to Rockstar though. They will receive it when the team is back in work after the New Year and, providing enough tickets are sent through about this, they should look to solve it as soon as possible.

For now though, you’ll have to do without special snake oil if you encounter this glitch.

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