Resident Evil 2 remake Switch

Resident Evil 2 remake Switch release date – Is RE2 coming to Switch?

A Resident Evil 2 remake Switch release would be the stuff of dreams. Creeping around Racoon City PD while out and about undocked or even seeing Resident Evil 2 remake go alongside the likes of Mario on Nintendo Switch would be a massive boon for the system. But is there a Resident Evil 2 remake Switch release date on the horizon? The answer is fairly obvious, but with a massive chin-scratching caveat.

Is there a Resident Evil 2 remake Switch release date?

Resident Evil 2 remake Switch

At the time of writing, we can unequivocally say that there is no Resident Evil 2 Switch announcement, nor is there a Resident Evil 2 Switch release date waiting in the wings. For now, this is a strictly Xbox One, PS4, and PC-only affair.

Will the Resident Evil 2 remake come to Switch?

Resident Evil 2 remake Switch

Never say never. While AAA titles very rarely make their way to Nintendo Switch, there’s a couple of intriguing reasons as to why Resident Evil 2 remake Switch is less of an impossibility and more of an improbability.

The first, and most pertinent reason, is that the last mainline Resi entry, Resident Evil 7, actually made its way to Nintendo Switch. In a weird curio, the seventh mainline Biohazard (as it’s known in Japan) game was playable in the Far East thanks to Nintendo’s cloud-based service, allowing users to stream both Resident Evil 7 and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

While there’s no plans to break the West with this intriguing piece of tech, it’s clear that, as both the Resident Evil 2 remake and Resident Evil 7 both utilize the same “RE Engine” game engine, that the means of producing a Resident Evil 2 Switch version is certainly available. It’s simply a case of Nintendo wanting to put the time and effort into porting it to the US and Europe which, admittedly, looks increasingly unlikely.

So, to summarize, there’s been no official Resident Evil 2 Switch announcement, but the door remains tantalizingly open for Japanese players, at the very least, to get their hands on what’s shaping up to be one of 2019’s best games before the year is out judging by the series’ recent history with the Nintendo home console.

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