Resident Evil 2 remake valve handle

Resident Evil 2 remake Valve Handle location | How to shut off steam in the Shower Room

That Resident Evil 2 Remake Valve Handle location can be a bit of a hard find, right? If you’re a RE2 vet, you know how to shut off steam in the Shower Room, but you might not know where to find the Valve Handle needed to progress. As for those newcomers, you might have picked up the Round Handle item and don’t have a clue what to do with it. Here’s a double-header: where to use the Valve/Round Handle and where to find the Valve Handle location in the first place.

What does the Valve Handle do in Resident Evil 2 remake and where do I use the Round Handle?

Resident Evil 2 remake valve handle

So, you’ve picked up the Resident Evil 2 Remake Valve Handle (curiously, called “Round Handle”) in this version, and are stuck lugging that around in your inventory. Want to get rid of it and put it to some good use? Simply head to the Shower Room on 2F in the West side of the building.

To get there, you can either head through Reception, make your way round to the Operations Room, jump and slide into the gap in the Ops room, and then take the stairs up to the 2F by the Dark Room. Or (and this is easier), unlock the West Office once you’ve had the required key and cut through towards the stairs by the Dark Room and trudge up to the 2F, but be wary of a zombie on the landing.

Once you’ve made your way into the Shower Room, make your way to the left of the room and, at the far end, you’ll see some steam shooting out. Interact with the pipe to the left of the steam firing out and you’ll be able to “Use” the Round Handle. It’ll automatically turn and, hey presto, you can progress through the newly-uncovered area towards the STARS office.

Resident Evil 2 remake Guides and Walkthrough

How to turn off the steam in the Shower Room with the Round Handle in Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2 remake valve handle

You can only find the Valve Handle and turn off the steam in the Shower Room once you’ve:

From the Main Hall, head upstairs to 2F and through to the Waiting Room. Open the door and go right and outside to the Fire Escape. If this is your first time through (it shouldn’t be if you’ve already got the Bolt Cutters), then be careful of the pair of zombies roaming the corridors here.

Open the door at the bottom of the Fire Escape via your Bolt Cutters and head through to the East Office. Make your way into the office-within-an-office at the far-left side of the room as you enter and, on the desk, you’ll see the Valve Handle. Easy peasy. Now time to turn off the steam in the 2F Shower Room. See above for directions if you’re feeling a bit lost!

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