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PUBG Horizon Zero Dawn Crossover | How to unlock all items and the Zero Dawn Pan

PUBG Horizon Zero Dawn crossover is now a thing, because battle royale wasn’t brilliant enough already. There’s even a bunch of Aloy-themed gear for you to collect during March’s event, and each one needs a pre-requisite to be met before you can claim it for yourself. Here’s how to unlock all PUBG Horizon Zero Dawn items on PS4, as well as a look at why your PUBG Horizon Zero Dawn items are missing, but probably aren’t.

When does the PUBG Horizon Zero Dawn crossover start?

pubg horizon zero dawn

This is the easy part. The PUBG Horizon Zero Dawn start time is set for March 5 “after maintenance.” It’s unclear when that maintenance will be, however, so keep an eye on all official PUBG channels for further updates on the day in question.

The end date is more definitive. It’s exactly one month later on April 5 at 12:00 AM Pacific/3:00 AM Eastern/8:00 AM BST.

How to unlock the PUBG Horizon Zero Dawn items

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Before we get started, here are the full list of PUBG Horizon Zero Dawn items:

  • Horizon Zero Dawn Eclipse top
  • Horizon Zero Dawn Eclipse mask
  • Horizon Zero Dawn Eclipse Kar98k
  • Horizon Zero Dawn Eclipse pan

To unlock the Horizon Zero Dawn Eclipse top, you just need to log in between March 5 and April 5.

The method for unlocking the Horizon Zero Dawn Eclipse mask is a little tougher. You’ll need to play 10 PUBG games on PS4.

You’ll need to put your hand in your pocket to unlock the Horizon Zero Dawn Eclipse Kar98k. This weapon will cost 8,000 BP.

Unlocking the PUBG Horizon Zero Dawn pan

This is a bit of a trickier one, as it requires you to use a certain weapon. You’ll need to get 10 kills (or down 10 enemies) using the crossbow. Even if you’ve already done this challenge before, you need to get a further 10 kills during March 5-April 5 get the Horizon Zero Dawn pan.

Where are my PUBG Horizon Zero Dawn items?

The Kar98k aside, you might be wondering where your items are. That’s because they’re not immediately claimed after polishing off the tasks above. Instead, you need to wait until every Monday or Thursday at 12:00 AM Pacific/3:00 AM Eastern/8:00 AM GMT for the item to appear under its suitable slot in the Customization menu.

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