Invitation of the Nine Justice

Destiny 2 Invitation of the Nine Justice | Sample locations, rewards

The Destiny 2 Invitation of the Nine Justice bounty is here. The second Xur bounty tasks you with heading to Titan to collect Fallen Samples and Hive Samples. But where is the best place to farm Samples? We’ll straighten that out for you down below, as well as the location to start Savathun’s Song and also the rewards for completing the Invitation of the Nine Justice bounty.

Destiny 2 Invitation of the Nine Justice | Tasks

Invitation of the Nine Justice

You need to head to Titan to complete the Justice bounty, though you shouldn’t be there too long. Here’s the full list of tasks for the second Xur bounty:

  • Complete the Savathun’s Song Strike
  • Collect 9 Fallen Samples
  • Collect 9 Hive Samples

Collecting the Samples isn’t as easy as just killing a member of the Fallen or Hive race. You’ll need to grind (preferably in the locations below) for 10-15 minutes before the RNG falls in your favor and you have the amount required.

Destiny 2 Invitation of the Nine Justice | Fallen Samples location

Invitation of the Nine Justice

Siren’s Wrath on Titan would be a good a place to start as any. Start any of the Public Events in the area and you’ll soon be swarmed by Fallen to take down and you should get the nine Fallen Samples in no time.

Destiny 2 Invitation of the Nine Justice | Hive Samples location

Invitation of the Nine Justice

Perhaps the most efficient way of collecting Hive Samples would be to do a twofer and complete Savathun’s Song. You’ll face a whole host of Hive, especially during the mission’s boss, so you should easily collect all nine Hive Samples within two runs of the Strike.

Destiny 2 Invitation of the Nine Justice | Savathun’s Song Strike location

Invitation of the Nine Justice

Can’t find Savathun’s Song? Maybe you’re looking in the wrong place. Go to Titan’s map and highlight the white crest on the far side of the map. Click it to start the Strike. You have to go through the mission and Silence Savathun’s Song (kill it, essentially) to complete this part of the Xur bounty.

Destiny 2 Invitation of the Nine Justice | Rewards

Invitation of the Nine Justice

Once that’s done, you need to again head to the Gambit page under Destinations, just like last week. Click on the tiny green dot “Mystery and Potential” to be transported to The Derelict. Once there, move forward until you’re met by a scene involving The Nine and some interesting lore developments. You’ll also get a piece of Legendary Gear for your troubles.

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