Death Stranding Multi-Platform

Death Stranding PC and Xbox One Release Date | Is Death Stranding cross-platform?

Following another strange and mysterious new trailer, Hideo Kojima’s Death Stranding is a hot topic among many a gamer out there. It’s a game that’s shrouded in mystery, including whether or not we’ll ever see a Death Stranding cross-platform release. Is Death Stranding coming to PC and Xbox One? Read on to discover the answers to both questions. We’ve got all the information on whether or not there will be a Death Stranding PC release date or a Death Stranding Xbox One release date. Let’s get untying these ropes, shall we?

Death Stranding PC Release Date | Is Death Stranding coming to PC?

Death Stranding Multi-Platform

Well-known for being a confusing game with just about everyone you ask (we’re not even sure if Mr. Kojima knows what’s going on at this point), the Death Stranding cross-platform question is a confusing one to answer, too. While it is clear that Sony is publishing the game and that it is releasing on PS4 on November 8, 2019, we don’t know if it’s a proper PlayStation exclusive or a timed exclusive. As such, a Death Stranding PC port might just come to fruition.

Going back to the original teases of Death Stranding back in 2015, after Kojima’s messy breakup from Konami, it was announced that the legendary developer was creating a game for PlayStation. However, it’s often overlooked that a PC release was also mentioned. In a now-deleted Medium interview with Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE), a potential PC port of Kojima’s (as then unnamed) upcoming game was spoken of.

When asked “what other platforms will Kojima’s first independent title be available on besides PS4?” SCE’s answer was a simple one: “The title is planned to become available on PC (after PS4).” When asked how long the PS4 exclusivity deal was in place for, SCE explained that it was “not disclosing details.” While this makes it sound like a Death Stranding PC release is definitely on the cards, this isn’t necessarily the case.

Although it was announced that Hideo Kojima’s first game released by his independent studio would be a timed PS4 exclusive and eventually see release on PC, Death Stranding is not guaranteed to do so. Since that 2015 interview, no further mention of a PC port has been made. Neither Sony, Kojima Productions, nor Hideo Kojima himself has confirmed the existence of a Death Stranding PC version. That is, aside from the original 2015 interview.

Of course, this could mean that it is still scheduled to release on PC, but all parties have an agreement in place that it won’t be confirmed until after Death Stranding releases on PS4. The likes of Heavy Rain, Journey, and Detroit Become Human are all releasing on PC in 2019, too. This shows that PlayStation timed exclusives can and do make their way over to PC, even if it often takes a little while.

There’s another hint as to the existence of a PC port, too. SCE hasn’t used the “Only on PlayStation” badge in any trailer or pre-order materials, a badge which is typically reserved for its PS4 exclusives. We could well see a Death Stranding PC release date of late 2020, a year after its initial PS4 release date. Only time will tell, however. Keep those fingers crossed.

Death Stranding Xbox One Release Date | Is Death Stranding coming to Xbox?

Death Stranding Multi-Platform

While it is unknown if a Death Stranding PC release date will ever happen or not, the outcome for a Death Stranding Xbox One port is more clear cut: don’t get your hopes up. In the interview linked to above, it is only PS4 and PC that are mentioned by SCE. In 2015, SCE wouldn’t comment on the multi-platform nature of future Kojima Productions’ games beyond Death Stranding.

As it is, though, Death Stranding is a PlayStation exclusive. While an eventual PC port may release, an Xbox One version seems highly unlikely given Sony’s relationship with Kojima, and the company helping fund the development of his latest project. Despite the fact that previously PS4 exclusive titles such as Nier Automata have made the jump over to Xbox One, a Death Stranding Xbox One version very likely just won’t ever happen. The main reason for this is simple: Death Stranding is being published by Sony. This means that it will need SCE’s say-so before it got the green-light to release on Xbox, and it would be highly unorthodox for Sony to allow the game to launch on one of its key competitor’s consoles.

While stranger things have happened, it just doesn’t seem likely in the slightest. Even with a potential timed-exclusivity deal with an eventual release for PC on the cards. You can always hope, however. For now, though, we’ll file this one under “delusional fantasy.” Is Death Stranding coming to Xbox One? You can never rule it out completely, but it isn’t a likely scenario in the slightest.

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