Klingon Honor Guard khg_some_tips.txt

Star Trek – The Next Generation – Klingon Honor Guard
Some Tips That Helped Me
Version 1.06
Copyright JCPMA – August/September 2012
This is provided to show hints / info that have helped me & to provide
some rambling.  This is not a walkthrough guide.
– *SPOILER ALERT*  –  This document will give away some plot sequences and storylines.
Acknowledgements and Special Thanks:
Most or all of the secrets I have found were made possible by Antoine Chaperon’s Secrets FAQ guide version 1.00 April 2009.  Without his guide, I would only have found 1/4 or less of the secrets available in the game.
walkthrough.txt – This document appears to be authored by Neil Mohr, (but I could be wrong), is a very helpful guide.  I found it at two websites: possibly http://users.bart.nl/~jamin and http://gaming.trekcore.com/klingonhonorguard/walkthrough.txt
Martin Cole provides tips on four of the missions in the document Klingon Honor Guard Mission Help. Jul.27.2011  http://www.ehow.com/info_8794630_klingon-honor-guard-mission.html
Gagkh – the bowl of Klingon squirming delicacy adds a super amount
of health points
BloodWine – For the duration of the wine’s effect, your damage
inflicted on others elevates.  It is like Asterix’
magic potion. (x-ref Asterix and Obelix).
Choose your character
When you start a new game, you have your choice of Human, Ferengi,
Klingon, or Nausican.  This is more than a matter of aesthetics.
I was confused that no matter which character I chose, during
gameplay, my character would always look like a Klingon.  Well, I
had it all wrong.  The character choice doesn’t affect your
appearance. It affects the difficulty of the game.  Klingon is
either the most difficult or the easiest of the four.
(*Best Circle Prevention)
The observation I made which is one of the *easiest ways to avoid
walking in circles is to go back to a room with a switch and
activate the switch again.  Sometimes, you pull a switch and then
move on, but for some strange reason, the door triggered by the
switch does not open.  This will cause you to waste time and walk
around in circles.  You must backtrack and trigger it again.  I
have observed this phenonmenon on levels:
M03 Rure Penthe – access to 2nd level of guard tower
M14 Praxis – the door which is partially blocked by a fallen beam
M16 Reactor – If you wait too long you must re-hit the “reactor access” button
M18A Sisters – I seem to ?recall? this on the upper level of the cove
This faulty switch phenonmenon may occur on other levels, but I
can’t remember where.
Levels of Play
M01 : The Battle of Tong’Ve
-setting| underground in a cave like area.
-This mission can have different and unpredictable durations.  The
mission briefing may be somewhat misleading.  The objective is to
fix?/destroy? the power shaft/cooling duct?
M02 : Assassins
-setting| A rustic village/city.
-a challenging mission where you have to navigate the city and possibly
do some backtracking to solve the locks of this puzzle.  Especially
frustrating is the sewer where one keeps going in circles.
Objective: Kill the traitors
M03 : Rure Penthe
-setting| Snow mountain.
-the big white snowMonsters are more vulnerable to certain types of weapons.
Objective: get past the guardTower.
M04 : Rure Penthe
-setting| a mining cavern
-a mining operation; with rail carts which look like an IndianaJones movie.
This is also a challenging & backtracking & frustrating type maze/puzzle.
Objective: find the exit of the mine.
M05 : The Prison
-setting| A modular penal facility
-more puzzles.  There are 4 cell blocks.
Objective: reach the top levels to find the Warden.
M06A : The Warden
-setting| multi-room levels w henchmen as security
-This level is straightforward (for a change!)
Objective: Follow the Warden
M06B : The Warden
-setting| sort of a biological lab – booby trap hybrid
-Disapointing how much of a pushover the warden is.
Objective: Confront the Warden
M07A : Qualor II
-setting| a small city w Klingon aircraft in the skies.
-A trip to the sewers is a must.  A key is there.  There is also a suit of
armor.  The hardest thing to find is the sewers’ access.  It is in a place
not offically classed as one of the two secrets.  I consider it the third secret.  This secret3, is the most difficult.
The sewers access is not outside.  It is indoors and not at Harry’s.  It is
found in a secret room behind one of the bars. (It took me 3 days to access
the sewers without using cheats!!).  Secret1, gagh, is in the nightclub where there is dancing.  Secret2 is in a side room inside the sewer maze.  There are several (many) diagonal channels which transport sewage using gravity.  Secret2 is found by going through one of these diagonal channels.  Keep your eyes open while doing this for the side (secret) room.
Objective: board the SkyRail.
M07B : Qualor II
-setting| deeper into the city; more sewers and sewerFish; smugglers haven.
If you want to skip the checkpoint; just remain on the skyRail until the
train car moves forward again.  This shortens the game and lowers your
number of kills.  In the last 1/4 of this mission. There is a communications room w 2 guards.  On the wall next to an electronics panel, there is a black&red digital key.  Activating this panel will play the briefing message from Kern, which is Brief08.avi (from CD-ROM 2).  There are five secrets in this level;  The main prizes are:
-knives; -gagh; -armor; -tricorder; -medikit
Objectives: Establish communication w Kern; Board the cargo pod.
M08 : The Space Station
-setting| a spaceStation – (lowerLevels?);
Secret1:mousehole; Secret2:reg.size; Secret3&Secret4 are very very close to each other
Objective: Access the central elevator.
M09A : Thress
-setting| a spaceStation – (midLevels?)
Ascend levels within the middle section of the spacestation; In the last half of the mission in a secure looking room, receive a mission update from Kern via viewer panel.
Objective: disable communications & disable sensor panel?
M09B : Thress
-setting| a spaceStation – (upperLevel/spaceShuttle)
This mission is short but challenging.  In the main central room, there are 2 secrets.  Outside the airlock, after a short walk near the corridor which connects to the shuttle, there is gagh?/wine?, but this is not considered a secret. The 3rd secret is near the shuttle’s transporter.
Objective: take over the spaceShuttle.
M10 : The Kor-Van
-setting| Andorian Spaceship
If like me, you cannot find all the keys, you can walk out of the airlock and enter one the other airlocks around the ship.  Not all airlocks are helpful.
This ship is symmetrical. Expect to see two or more of the same rooms.
Objective: Get info from Thress
M11 : Rendez-Vous
-setting| Klingon Spaceship
Objective: set the explosive charges
M12 :  The Fek’Lhr
-setting| Klingon Spaceship
-spoiler- Sequence is important. If you proceed out of order, keys won’t be revealed in time, and you will be like me, walking in circles for a long long time.  Here’s a very important tip for me, but maybe not for more intelligent players.  A Klingon Bird of Prey, like other StarShips is symmetrical.  So, I assumed the boom clamps, the three of them would be placed in a symmetrical fashion.  They are not!!  If you assume the clamps are symmetrically placed, you will walk around in cirles for a long long time.
Another funny note, sad but true.  This is a timed mission.  Even using all the cheats available, I could not finish this mission within the alotted time because of my afore-mentioned assumptions, and I ended up walking in circles.  This mission is a tough and frustrating one.  I can expect a long mission each time I play it.
-subsequent post- more details:
a) In the room w Passcardkey lock(s), kill one of the guards, & he will then release the Passcardkey. This key leads to lower ship and clamp1
b) Transporters may be helpful & time-saving for some; for others, transporters may actually confuse.
c) Get digital palmKey in a ready room.  This room either has 3 cushy chairs and/OR 3 AndorianGuards.  One of the guards has this key.  A small bridge (w two entrances) requires digitalPalmkey.  In this bridge you can get a power-up belt. (Stealth Or Antigrav??)
d) Pass through tactical centre (upper level) and adjoining room w advancedSuit and then to airlock. Outside the ship not too far, is the clamp2, easily seen.
e) Now go back in and kill a guard either in airlock, adjoining room, or the adjoining tactical centre.  The guard will release retinaKey.  RetinaKey room will lead to the 3rd clamp.
Objective: release 3 boom clamps (within the alotted time).
M13 : Krax
-setting| Klingon Spaceship
This is a fun mission.  It is not timed, and you get to meet Krax,leader of the crew.  Capitalize on exploring the entire ship before you go to Krax’s room.  This way you can encounter more baddies and get all the power-ups.  A new power-up is the antiGravBelt. The antiGravBelt will be helpful for exploring the ship.
Secret1 – prisonCell; Secret2 – 1stUpperChamber’s SithHar; Secret3 – torpedoTube Gagh?; Secret4 – viewingLounge’s hiddenWall
Objective: Subdue Krax
M14 : Praxis
-setting| One of the Klingons’ base planets; Security/Ops
Objective: open doors and switches to go on to the Training Compound
M15 : The Crew Complex
-setting| Training Compound
Objective:- proceed to the next level in the Game of Death.
M16 : The Reactor
-setting| An energy generation plant.
Frustrating level. This level is timed.  More emphasis on solving the labyrinth of puzzles and then double-backtracking through this hamster maze.  It again is difficult to finish this mission on time. [personal note: this is the least enjoyable mission of the twenty.]
[Subsequent entry] – I re-played this level emphasizing speed and forgetting about killing every enemy in sight as well as ignoring getting the “power-ups”.  With this strategy I was able to repair the reactor with about 3 minutes to spare.  The frustration source is primarily the liquid tanks.  This game is inherently dark.  Crank up the brightness of your computer monitor, to maximum, if you must in order to see the pipe exits once you are immersed in the tanks’ solution.  If your screen is not bright enough you will miss some pipe channels.
Hints – you must activate pillar (columnar) switches to deactivate an electrical forcefield.  This has nothing to do directly with the main reactor.  The main liquid tank has 3 exits.  At least 1 exit is one-way, that is, you can go in one direction, but you cannot return because one end is missing a ladder.  The other paths should be two-way, that is, both ends have ladders.
Objective: Repair/Secure the reactor.
M17 : The Warehouse
-setting| A Warehouse.
This level is fun.  Tip. Find some stuff via the transporter.
Hints: There are 2 unofficial secrets:
a) Crawl under the crate to get power-ups
b) Use the crate as a bridge to get to an area with a ding-bat.
Objective: kill bad guys before the Klingon Bird of Prey Arrives.
M18A : The Sisters
-setting| Landing Pad for SpaceCraft
Objective: gain access to the bird of prey
M18B : The Sisters
-setting| Inside the bird of prey
Objective: gain access to the main bridge and the rest of the ship.
M18C : The Truth
-setting| Main bridge of the bird of prey
This is a very short mission.
Objective: Confront the 2 sisters Lursa and ?Betor? (spelling).
M19 : Vengeance
-setting| booby-trapped Klingon planet
You will not be able to complete this mission without going through
the booby trapped sections.  The toughest to me, would be jumping from
one end of a pool to the other, using the stone pillars as jumping
stumps.  It is very difficult but possible.  If you don’t have the
patience for this, you can use one of the cheat codes to go to the
other side.
Objective: Confront the boss.
M20A : The Gauntlet
-setting| the underground caves of The Battle of Tong’Ve
You have to complete a more treacherous version of the Battle of Tong’Ve
Objective: get to the surface
M20B : The Gauntlet
-setting| the city of Tong’ve
This is another puzzle type stage, where you need to find keys to
open locks to advance to the end.
Objective: disable the cooling system
M20C : Blood Oath
-setting| a make-shift arena with weapons to pick up.
This is the final mission.  Tip: If you find this level very difficult, proceed to a switch to activate laser spikes.  The spikes will help you indirectly.
Objective: confront the final boss.
This is a really wonderful game; And even more surprising is that it
is a fun StarTrek game.  It is old and made for computers of the
“hey-day” of the Windows98 era.  Yet is still stands on its own and
is mostly playable on modern Windows7 boxes.
I say “mostly” bc the .avi video briefings from CD-Rom 2 will not play, eventhough I have installed the proper Indeo codecs.  The audio background music tracks however, are playable.  One insufficient workaround is to view the video tracks using an external vid player, like VLC media player, so you can get a sense of what is missing.  Similarly you can convert the .avi videos into another format like .mp4 or other.  I don’t know how to integrate these videos into the game play, but at least you can view them. (I am able, however, to successfully play the game w CD-Rom2 videos on older machines, a Window98_Pentium2 and a WindowsXP_Pentium4.)
After you complete the game, you can do what Seymour Skinner does. You can restart the game but try to uncover all the secrets in the game. (look on the internet for publications of the secrets list/locations).
The game has a straight-forward story. but I don’t know how to interpret
the ending.  It is either a plot where the villian uses the holo-deck
technology to aid in assassinations,  OR it is a plot where the villian
IS a holo-deck character.
====index of CD 2's video clips:
[File name]      [Sequence] – [VideoContents]
boplands.avi      Intro of game? – bird of prey lands
breakdn.avi       view screen segueway – view screen deactivates after briefing
Brief0102.avi      begin of game – Kern introduces you to Tong’Ve
Brief03a.avi       end of M01 Battle of Tong’Ve – computer announcement
Brief03bcd.avi      end of M01 Battle of Tong’Ve – Koreg briefs your mission
Brief04.avi      end of M02 Assassins – briefing of next location – - cold planet
Brief05.avi       end of M03 Assassins – Kern briefs you about a prison
Brief06.avi       end of M04B Rure Penthe – confront the Warden
Brief07.avi      end of M06B the Warden – pre Qualor II
Brief08.avi      mid of M07B Qualor II – message after you access comm panel
Brief09.avi      mid of M09A Thress – message after you access viewer panel; Kern commands you to steal sStationShuttle
Brief10.avi       end of M09B Thress – go to AndorianShip’s bridge; find Thress
Brief11.avi      end of M10 Kor-Van – Rendezvous with evil ship, the Fek’lhr
Brief12.avi      end of M11 Rendezvous – a timed mission on board the Fek’lhr
Brief13.avi       end of M12 Fek’lhr – take commander Krax alive
Brief14.avi      end of M13 Krax – go to Praxis to find sisters
Brief15.avi       end of M14 Praxis – go to the crew complex
Brief16.avi       end of M15 Crew Complex – go and fix the reactor
Brief17.avi       end of M16 Reactor – purge baddies at the warehouse
Brief18.avi       end of M17 Warehouse – secure the bird of prey
Brief19.avi      end of M18A Sisters – go to planet Beta Korador?
buffer.avi         1 second of black screen / transition
buildup.avi       view screen segueway – view screen activates for briefing
death.avi       footage of a death of a klingon — this shows after mission failure
f_bopo.avi       begin M07A Qualor II – orbiting Qualor II
f_d7x.avi           ??end of M11 … footage of a damaged space cruiser
f_decloak.avi      ??begin of M15… bird of prey decloaks toward Praxis
f_hullsep.avi       ??end of M11 Rendevzous … – shot of the space cruiser
f_iceorb.avi       begin M04A Rure Penthe – Klingon spaceship flies to cold planet
f_kv2d7.avi      begin M11 Rendezvous – shuttle from Kor-van to Fek’lhr
f_prax.avi      ??fail of M14 -  hostile environment of the planet Praxis
f_s2kv.avi       begin M10 Kor-van – ship flies to the Kor-van
f_ss.avi       end of M07B Qualor II – Freighter sends cargoPod to SpaceStation
kcs4-1.avi       end of M18C spoiler alert -  an intercepted communication?
victory.avi       This video plays if you complete the final mission.
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