Destiny 2 New Light release date

Destiny 2 New Light free-to-play release date

Destiny 2 is entering a whole new period of its life very soon, as it migrates away from under the wing of Activision and developer Bungie spreads its feathers to fly as a free bird. The Shadowkeep expansion launches very soon, the PC version will leave Activision Blizzard’s in favor of Steam, and most importantly, the game’s due to go free-to-play as Destiny 2: New Light. But when is the Destiny 2 New Light release date? When does Destiny 2 go free to play? We’ve got the answers below.

When does Destiny 2 go free to play? What is the Destiny 2 New Light release date?

Destiny 2: New Light was announced earlier this year at E3 2019, and it’ll release at the same time as the game’s big new expansion Shadowfall. The release date for New LightShadowfall, and Destiny 2‘sfree-to-play rebirth will be October 1, 2019. But what does Bungie mean by free-to-play, in Destiny 2‘s case? Does it include Shadowfall?

What is Destiny 2 New Light?

Destiny 2: New Light isn’t a new expansion; it’s a complete repackaging of the Destiny 2 experience. Of course, it’s also free-to-play. It’s essentially the main Destiny 2 game, along with all the year one content that Bungie released. All locations are free, Gambit mode is accessible, and there’s even a few Raids to try out.

The launch Red War campaign can be completely played through for free. However, any other expansion such as Forsaken and the new Shadowfall campaign will need a separate payment. Players will still be able to access the new Shadowfall destination of the Moon, as well as the Armor 2.0 system, but most of the actual content such as missions, gear, and the new Raid will be inaccessible. Nevertheless, for anyone looking to get into Destiny 2 but who didn’t want to buy it, New Light is pretty much the game that released in 2017, for free.

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