SimCity (2013) City Buildings: Utilities Reference Guide

City Buildings - Utilities Reference Guide

Here is a basic quick-reference table for all the city buildings you can construct under the utilities field, which includes those for power, water, and sewage. In order to choose the best power for energy, you should look at your map and check the wind tables, resource tables, and water tables. This will determine which you place your buildings and will form a general shell of where you should optimally place your utilities.

Definitely make sure you have enough coal or oil deposits if that's the area which you want your city to specialize. Also be careful as to the amount of pollution that some of the dirtier power plants create, as you'll need to keep up with hospital upkeeps to manage all of the ensuing health problems of your Sims. That said, cleaner alternatives usually cost a whole lot more than its dirtier counterparts.

Name Description Prerequisites Max. Modules Cost Hourly Cost
Wind Power Plant Harness the green energy of the wind by building a sprawling wind farm. Power Production Rate: 3 MW in 10mph winds. Air Pollution Output: None. None N/A $8,000 $80
Service Road Allows workers to get out to the windmills. Has underground lines for power transmission. Extend the Service Road to fit more turbines if you need to! None N/A Free None
Wind Power Sign Put down a sign so all the pizza delivery drivers stop going past you. Wind Power Plant 1 $200 None
Small Horizontal Turbine The small horizontal-axis wind turbine produces a small amount of electricity. Must be plopped along a Service Road. Power Production Rate: 3 MW in 10mph winds. Wind Power Plant 24 $5,000 $40
Large Horizontal Turbine The large horizontal-axis wind turbine produces a moderate amount of electricity. Must be plopped along a Service Road. Power Production Rate: 5.1 MW in 10mph winds. Wind Power Plant 20 $10,000 $60
Vertical Turbine It looks crazy! It also produces huge amounts of power. Service Roads only please! Power Production Rate: 15 MW in 10mph winds. University with School of Engineering in region, complete research project at University in region 1 $20,000 $170
Coal Power Plant Imports coal directly from the global market to generate enough power for even a large city. It also creates pollution. A lot of pollution. Power Production Rate: 75 MW. Coal Burn Rate: 4.32 tons/day. Air Pollution Output: High. None N/A $17,000 $450
Coal Power Plant Sign Someone has smeared "Clean Coal, my foot!" onto this sign. Coal Power Plant 1 $200 None
Dirty Coal Generator For when all other considerations are secondary to cost. Requires a decent amount of coal to operate and pollutes a lot. Power Production Rate: 75 MW. Coal Burn Rate: 4.32 tons/day. Air Pollution Output: High. Coal Power Plant 3 $5,000 $425
Advanced Coal Generator Costs more but produces less pollution as well as making decent levels of power. Y'know, for when you care about the environment a tiny bit. Power Production Rate: 75 MW. Coal Burn Rate: 8.64 tons/day. Air Pollution Output: Medium. Coal Power Plant 3 $15,000 $375
Clean Coal Generator This is as "clean" as it's going to get, Bub. This is coal, after all. Power Production Rate: 75 MW. Coal Burn Rate: 8.64 tons/day. Air Pollution Output: Low. University with School of Engineering in region, complete research project at University in region 1 $20,000 $600
Oil Power Plant This *cough* sign says *cough* "Dedicated to the Environment" *cough* *cough*. Oil Power Plant 1 $200 None
Conventional Oil Generator Crude oil is used to convert water into steam to produce power. Power Production Rate: 150 MW. Oil Burn Rate: 360k barrels/day. Air Pollution Output: High. Oil Power Plant 4 $7,500 $756
Combustion Turbine Generator Crude oil is burned under pressure to produce power. Power Produciton Rate: 150 MW. Oil Burn Rate: 120k barrels/day. Air Pollution Output: Medium. Oil Power Plant 3 $20,000 $1,185
Clean Oil Generator After crude oil is used in a combustion turbine generator, excess exhaust is used to convert water into steam. Power Porduction Rate: 150 MW. Oil Burn Rate: 240k barrels/day. Air Pollution Output: Low. Oil Power Plant, University with Engineering Department, complete research project at University in region 3 $27,000 $1,295
Solar Power Plant Collect the power of the sun itself to give your city clean energy. By day, solar panels absorb power. At night, they use power stored in batteries. Power Production Rate: 4 MW during peak hours. Air Pollution Output: None. None N/A $33,000 $145
Solar Power Sign They'll see the sign. It'll open their eyes. They'll see the sign. Solar Power Plant N/A $200 None
Fixed Solar Array Bulky but cheap, these panels are the bread and butter of solar power. Power Production Rate: 4 MW during peak hours. Air Pollution Output: None. Solar Power Plant 16 $16,000 $105
Concentrated Solar Array These futuristic dishes are small, efficient, and expensive. They pack much more power than the basic panel and take up much less space! Solar Power Plant, University with School of Science, Complete Research Project at University 16 $40,000 $320
Nuclear Power Plant Educated Sims and large amounts of water can create free, albeit radioactive, power. Careful! If this power plant is staffed with unskilled workers, it may emit variable amounts of radiation. Power Production Rate: 300MW. Air Pollution Output: None. City Hall, Department of Utilities N/A $145,000 $1,300
Nuclear Power Plant Sign When headless fish start showing up in the daily catch, this will show people where to go. Nuclear Power Plant 1 $200 None
Gen I Thermal Reactor This standard reactor requires more water for coolant, but adds jobs and produces power that's almost problem free. Almost. Power Production Rate: 400 MW. Air Pollution Output: None. Nuclear Power Plant, University with Science Department 3 $45,000 $1,200
Gen II Thermal Reactor This mid-sized generator uses slightly more water and skilled workers, but produces slightly more power. Power Production Rate: 400 MW. Air Pollution Output: None. Nuclear Power Plant, University with School of Science, Complete Research Project at University 3 $75,000 $2,300
Fast Neutron Reactor Uses more water and skilled workers, but produces more power and three-eyed llamas. Power Production Rate: 600 MW. Air Pollution Output: None. Nuclear Power Plant, Complete Gen II Thermal Reactor Research Project at University 3 $130,000 $3,200
Water Tower Pumps a decent amount of water from the water table to your city. Beware of ground pollution, which can carry sickness-transmitting germs. Average Water Pump Rate: 6 kgal/hr. None N/A $3,500 $100
Water Pumping Station Thirsty? Quench it with this large, expandable water production facility. With all the extra water, you could make a bit of extra income selling water to neighboring cities. Average Water Pump Rate: 80 kgal/hr. City Hall, Department of Utilities N/A $24,000 $400
Basic Water Pump If there's still water in the water table, add another Basic Water Pump to extract more to meet your city's needs or to sell to the region. Average Water Pump Rate: 80 kgal/hr. Water Pumping Station 6 (one comes with base) $30,000 $200
Filtration Pump Everyone needs water, but if your ground is polluted, you won't want to drink germs! This filters out most contaminants as it pumps, sending mostly clean water to your city. Average Water Filter Rate 80kgal/hr. Water Pumping Station 6 (one comes with base) $60,000 $400
Sewage Outflow Pipe Converts sewage into ground pollution. Better in a spot you pick than backing up into John and Jane Q. Public's backyard! Max Sewage Flow Rate: 11.7 kgal/hr. Ground Pollution Output: 120,000 ppm/hr. None N/A $3,500 $100
Sewage Treatment Plant What kind of civilized city dumps their waste in a field?! Clean that sewage before disposing of it with this Sewage Treatment Plant. If you don't want a sewage spill, be minful of its capacity! Max Sewage Treatment Rate: 700 kgal/hr. Max Sewage Flow Rate: 300 kgal/hr. Ground Pollution Output: None. City Hall, Department of Utilities N/A $64,000 $400
Sewage Treatment Tank Ew! Holds even more sewage water! Increase your Sewage Treatment Plant's capacity so it doesn't overflow with human waste. Max Sewage Treatment Rate: 700 kgal/hr. Ground Pollution Output: None. Sewage Treatment Plant 7 (one comes with base) $40,000 $200
Garbage Dump Sims hate piles of garbage in front of their homes, so dump it all here! Add more garbage trucks to have garbage collected faster. Waste capacity: 40 tons. Ground Pollution Output: 7,000 ppm/hr. Town Hall N/A $9,000 $300
Service Road Dirt road for Garbage trucks to take to dump garbage in Dump Zones...and it smells nasty. Add more Service Roads to give you room to place more Dump Zones. Garbage Dump N/A Free None
Garbage Truck Garage Add another garbage truck to your dump to speed up garbage collection. Vehicle Capacity: 1.5 tons. Garbage Trucks: 2. Garbage Dump 8 (one comes with base) $5,000 $100
Dump Zone Designate more space for garbage dumping. Just avoid people's backyards, okay? Waste Capacity: 40 tons. Ground Pollution Output: 3,500 ppm/hr. Garbage Dump 8 (one comes free with base) Free None
Garbage Incinerator Burn the garbage away! Air pollution? Nah, nobody cares about that. Garbage Burn Rate: 6 tons/hr. Air Pollution Output: High. Garbage Dump 4 $25,000 $300
Recycling Center Educated Sims will want to recycle. Used alloy, metal, and plastic can be collected and brought here to be reclaimed, to be used or sold on the global market via a Trade Depot. Does not replace the Garbage Dump. Waste Capacity: 20 tons. City Hall, Department of Utilities N/A $111,000 $700
Recycling Collection Truck Garage Increase your recycling collection rate with an additional truck for collecting raw recycled alloy, metal, or plastic. Vehicle Capacity: 4.5 tons. Recycling Center 8 (one comes free with base) $3,000 $100
Reclamation Delivery Truck Garage Houses a recycling delivery truck for delivering plastics, metals, or alloys that have been reclaimed to businesses that need them. Vehicle Capacity: 1 ton. Recycling Center 4 (one comes free with base) $3,000 $100
Alloy Reclamation Line Converts reclaimed alloy into usable alloy that your delivery trucks can deliver to Great Works projects, Trade Depots, Trade Ports, or local industry. Recycling Production Rate: 0.1 tons/hr. Recycling Center 4 $25,000 $400
Metal Reclamation Line Converts reclaimed metal into usable alloy that your delivery trucks can deliver to Great Works projects, Trade Depots, Trade Ports, or local industry. Recycling Production Rate: 0.1 tons/hr. Recycling Center 4 $25,000 $400
Plastic Reclamation Line Converts reclaimed plastic into usable alloy that your delivery trucks can deliver to Great Works projects, Trade Depots, Trade Ports, or local industry. Recycling Production Rate: 0.1 tons/hr. Recycling Center 4 (one comes free with base) $25,000 $400

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