Modern Warfare Feeling Rusty

How to unlock the Modern Warfare Feeling Rusty SMG weapon

There are tons of different weapons that players can unlock in Call of Duty: Modern WarfareOne of these is the Feeling Rusty SMG, which can be unlocked by completing seven multiplayer objectives. Our guide will take you step by step through earning and unlocking the Modern Warfare Feeling Rusty SMG weapon.

Modern Warfare Feeling Rusty | How to unlock

Modern Warfare Feeling Rusty

As we stated above, you can unlock the Feeling Rusty weapon in Modern Warfare by completing seven multiplayer objectives. Before we go through the different objectives, you’ll need to know how to unlock multiplayer objectives first. To unlock multiplayer mission objectives in Modern Warfare, simply head to the multiplayer menu and select “Barracks.” From there, head to the “Multiplayer Challenges” section and click on “Missions.”

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On that screen, you will find a long list of mission specific objectives that you can activate to earn specific rewards. However, to unlock the Modern Warfare Feeling Rusty SMG, you’ll need to activate the “Perks of the Job” mission objectives. This will require you to complete a variety of objectives — which will give you a handful of rewards along the way — and will unlock the Feeling Rusty weapon upon completion of all the objectives. You can see each objective, its description, and rewards below.

  • Objective 1: Resupply ammo from enemies 60 times using Scavenger
    • Reward: 1,000 XP, Re-up Charm
  • Objective 2: Get 35 kills using explosives with Shrapnel
    • Rewards: 2,000 XP, Surpise! Spray
  • Objective 3: Get 75 kills using Ghost
    • Rewards: 4,000 XP, Grinning Reaper Emblem
  • Objective 4: Hack 15 pieces of equipment using EOD
    • Rewards: 5,000 XP, Jokester Sticker
  • Objective 5: Get 60 kills with your Secondary using Overkill
    • Rewards: 6,000 XP, Welcome to the Jungle Calling Card
  • Objective 6: Use 30 Field Upgrades
    • Rewards: 6,000 XP, War and Peace Calling Card
  • Objective 7: Get 25 Kills Using Killstreaks with Kill Chain
    • Rewards:9,000 XP, Feeling Rusty SMG

As you can see, you’ll earn loads of rewards while completing the “Perks of the Job” mission objectives, but you won’t unlock the Modern Warfare Feeling Rusty weapon until you’ve completed all seven objectives.

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