The Last of Us 2 1.07 Update Patch Notes | Bug fixes

The Last of Us 2 1.07 Update Patch Notes | Bug fixes

The Last of Us 2 1.07 update patch notes are not a big and important as the last update that added cheats and new difficulty modes. However, this latest patch does add a few things for people still playing 2020’s highest-rated, albeit divisive game. So what is new the most recent TLOU2 update?

The Last of Us 2 1.07 Update Patch Notes | Bug fixes

The Last of Us 2 1.03 Update Patch Notes | Grounded, Permadeath mode, and cheats

This update, according to Naughty Dog on Twitter, is not very big and contains “minor bug fixes and improvements.” That is sadly not super helpful. The studio was not more specific about what bugs this fixes or what else it does if it even does anything else at all.

The PS4 system notes are not that helpful either and will leave you in the dark about what 1.07 actually does. The official notes inside the system you can see by going to “update history” are only listed as “General bug fixes and improvements” across the board. Although you will notice that is also the case for the last few updates as well (but those probably were not released to the public since 1.05 was the last big patch).

Going into the game doesn’t show any obvious new improvements either. There are no new gameplay, audio, or visual modifiers in the menus and are the same batch from the last patch for better or worse. This seems like a relatively meager update to add to the game but if Naughty Dog comes out with more details about what this update specifically fixes or changes, we will update this article with the newest information. As for now, don’t go in expecting a ton of new content or changes like the last patch and you will likely be satisfied with the result.

Full The Last of Us 2 1.07 update patch notes

General bug fixes and improvements.

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