how to customize app icons in iOS 14

How to customize app icons in iOS 14

How do you customize app icons on iOS 14? Customizing your app icons on any smartphone or operating system goes a long way to making your device more personalized to your tastes. Thankfully, it can be done on the brand-new iOS 14, too. Read on to find out how to customize app icons in iOS 14.

Discover the steps you need to take to customize iOS 14 app icons below. Time to make your iPhone home screen more personalized.

How do you customize iOS 14 app icons?

how to customize app icons in iOS 14

To customize your iOS 14 app icons, you will need to head into the Shortcuts app and customize your app icons in there. Please take into account, however, that when you customize an app icon with a new image or photo, it will replace the original on your home screen. Opening the new app will redirect you through to the Shortcut app and then the new app. Your original apps will be added to the new App Library.

Follow these steps to find out how to customize app icons in iOS 14:

  1. Open the Shortcuts app.
  2. Click on the “+” symbol at the top of the screen to create a new shortcut.
  3. “Add Action.”
  4. “Scripting.”
  5. “Open App.”
  6. “Choose.”
  7. Choose the app icon you want to customize – Select from the list of your installed apps.
  8. Name your app – You can name it whatever, but it might be best to give it its original name for the sake of being able to find it.
  9. Tap “Done.”
  10. Click the “…” symbol on your new app shortcut to open it up for customization.
  11. Tap the arrow symbol at the bottom of the screen.
  12. “Add to Home Screen.”
  13. Tap the smaller icon in the blue box and select from “Take Photo,” “Choose Photo,” or “Choose File.”
  14. Add your new photo from your library, take your new icon photo, or add your new file to customize your chose app icon.

Once the new app icon has been installed, you should remove the original app icon from your home screen. You can see what other new iOS 14 features there are right here.

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