Can you pause Deathloop PS5 PC

Deathloop: Can you pause in multiplayer and single-player?

There’s a lot to absorb while playing Deathloop, but the seeming inability to pause can make that difficult. Is the game like Dark Souls, where players can’t take a break even if playing single-player? Can you pause Deathloop in multiplayer to read files and check objectives? Can you pause multiplayer sessions? Here’s how pausing the game works in Arkane Lyon’s new time loop title for PS5 and PC.

How to pause Deathloop

Can you pause Deathloop PS5 PC

Here’s how to pause Deathloop on PS5 and PC:

  1. Launch Deathloop.
  2. At the main menu, select the “Break the Loop” option.
  3. If necessary, exit the current mission.
  4. On the hideout menu, highlight the profile icon in the top-left corner of the screen.
  5. Switch to the “Single Player Mode” setting.
  6. Enter gameplay and press Options on PS5 or Esc on PC to pause Deathloop.

Players can’t pause Deathloop when the game is in “Online Mode” or “Friends Only Mode” on any platform. This is because Deathloop becomes an always-online game to accommodate the PvP invasion multiplayer battles. Unfortunately, anybody that wants to play Deathloop online (be it with friends and/or randoms) must live with being unable to pause the game. The only way to pause Deathloop is to disable online functionality by selecting the “Single Player Mode” option from the menu.

Currently, players must choose between experiencing the online portion of the game and being able to pause Deathloop. It isn’t an ideal situation, so here’s hoping that Arkane might be able to implement a compromise; maybe not being able to pause during an active multiplayer session, though enabling pausing with no Julianna present in-game.

For more on Deathloop, check out how to get a sweet weapon by opening the Arms Depot door in The Complex. Additionally, here’s how to kill Harriet and Wenjie on Colt’s quest to slay all eight Visionary targets.

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