Back 4 Blood supply points solo

Back 4 Blood: Can you farm Supply Points solo in single-player?

Is there any option for players to get or farm Back 4 Blood Supply Points solo in single-player mode? These points are the main in-game currency of Turtle Rock’s spiritual successor to Left 4 Dead and can be used to buy various useful items and cosmetics once the player starts earning them. However, it can be difficult to work out how to earn Supply Points solo in Back 4 Blood, as the single-player mode with bots seems to be more limited. Is it possible to get Back 4 Blood Supply Points in solo mode?

Can you farm Back 4 Blood Supply Points solo?

Back 4 Blood supply points solo

Unfortunately, there is currently no way to earn Supply Points in Back 4 Blood only using Solo mode, so the only way to get and use Supply Points in the game’s single-player mode is for players to earn them online, spend them at Supply Lines, and then return to Solo mode.

The quickest way to do this is by using Back 4 Blood’s “quickplay” function and just play odd rounds with random people, and players will earn Supply Points for every level they complete — after which they can go back to single-player.

At the moment, Back 4 Blood’s Solo mode is extremely limited, with Supply Points, achievements/trophies, and stat tracking all basically disabled during single-player. At the moment it’s currently not even possible to unlock new characters playing in Solo mode, although Turtle Rock says it will be changing this part in a patch at least — so there is hope for any fans wanting to play Back 4 Blood single-player and still earn all the rewards.

Elsewhere in Back 4 Blood, KFC Gaming called Back 4 Blood a “cheap copy” of Left 4 Dead, and Turtle Rock responded in kind. Furthermore, players have been made uncomfortable with the discovery that Back 4 Blood records all voice chat for “moderation” purposes.

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