Dying Light 2: How to unlock Fast Travel and Metro Stations

Dying Light 2: How to unlock Fast Travel

Games like Dying Light 2 are meant to be vast, meaning crossing the terrain on foot isn’t exactly quick. For that, most developers implement a fast travel mechanic. And, wouldn’t you guess it, Dying Light 2 features just such a mechanic. However, you won’t be able to jump to waypoints straight from the start of the campaign. Instead, you’ll have to bide your time until you reach a specific mission.

How to unlock Fast Travel in Dying Light 2

How to unlock Fast Travel in Dying Light 2

To unlock fast travel in Dying Light 2, you need to complete the mission titled Let’s Waltz. You’ll have to wait a bit before you get there, as Let’s Waltz is close to halfway through the story; it’s the game’s tenth mission. After you complete the mission, you’ll be able to use Metro Stations to fast travel around the map.

The bad news here is that you won’t be able to unlock fast travel right away. Instead, the game wants you to spend early hours mastering basic traversal. Parkour is a big component of the game, and you’ll need it to get out of many tight situations. Fortunately, staying agile earns Parkour Points which can be used to purchase abilities that allow you to dash and move around more quickly. Plus, admittedly, you’ll need to play for a few hours before you can unlock co-op anyway.

There’s another catch, too. Metro Stations act as Fast Travel points in Dying Light 2, and they’re not all unlocked from the start. Like many other open-world games, you’ll need to clear out each station before it can be used as a waypoint. Thankfully, clearing them out shouldn’t take too long — there are only 10 Metro Stations total.

In other words, it’s simply a matter of waiting. You’ll unlock fast travel naturally as you play Dying Light 2. Once you get to the Central Loop, you aren’t far away from being able to fast travel. Just be sure to stay on the lookout for Metro Stations, as they’ll offer additional waypoints once cleared.

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