uncharted movie elena fisher main

Uncharted Movie: Is Elena, Sam, or Chloe in the Cast?

Is there an Uncharted movie Elena Fisher cameo appearance, or a major one? Nathan Drake’s brother was mentioned in the trailers, but is Sam Drake in the Uncharted movie after all, or is he just talked about? How about the other major Uncharted series character Chloe Frazer? Is Chloe in the Uncharted movie too, and if so, how big of a role does she play? Here’s whether Elena, Sam, and Chloe are in the new Uncharted movie.

Spoilers for the Uncharted movie follow!

Is Elena Fisher in the Uncharted movie?

uncharted movie elena fisher main

Elena Fisher is not in the Uncharted movie, even as a cameo, and is not even referenced during the events of the movie. This is expected, as one of the points of the first game Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune is that Elena is meeting both Nate Drake and Sully for the first time — so as the movie is set a long time prior to the events of the game, it wouldn’t make sense for Elena to feature.

Is Sam Drake in the Uncharted movie?

Nate’s brother Sam appears a couple of times in the Uncharted movie. The first is a flashback to when Sam ran off and left Nathan alone at the orphanage, as seen during the game Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. The second comes in the first of the movie’s credits scenes set in the present day, where an older Sam is trapped in a foreign jail cell writing postcards to Nate. Presumably, breaking him out will be the main plot point of any sequel.

Is Chloe Frazer in the Uncharted movie?

Chloe Frazer (Sophia Ali) is a major character in the Uncharted movie and accompanies both Nathan Drake (Tom Holland) and Victor Sullivan (Mark Wahlberg) throughout most of the adventure, even if she is occasionally just as much an enemy as an ally.

For more on Uncharted, here’s when to expect the movie to appear on streaming services, and our reviewer called the recently released Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection “an easy flex for PS5.” Check out that review right here.

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