Monster Hunter Rise Large Elder Dragon Gem Location Farm

Monster Hunter Rise Large Elder Dragon Gem Location: What Drops It?

The Large Elder Dragon Gem is new in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak and is a Master Rank material needed to craft some of the powerful new items found in the expansion. Finding the Large Elder Dragon Gem location is tough since it’s one of the more elusive items in the game, which is unfortunate because you’ll need a few of them to complete certain armor sets. We know where to get them, but be warned that it’s not easy to farm them.

How to get the Large Elder Dragon Gem in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Monster Hunter Rise Chameleos

Even figuring out which monsters drop the Large Elder Dragon Gem in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak can be a pain because, unlike the Prized Pelt, it’s such a rare drop. So far, we’ve only found three creatures you can obtain the material from, and it has a very low drop rate with all three.

The Master Rank creatures that drop the Large Elder Dragon Gem are:


  • Kill Reward: 3%
  • Carve Body: 2%
  • Carve Tail 3%
  • Wyvern Ride Drop: 1%

Kushala Daora

  • Kill Reward: 3%
  • Break Head: 3%
  • Carve Body: 2%
  • Carve Tail: 3%
  • Wyvern Ride Drop: 1%


  • Kill Reward: 3%
  • Break Head: 3%
  • Carve Body: 3%
  • Carve Tail: 3%
  • Wyvern Ride Drop: 1%

Out of these creatures, you’re more likely to get a Large Elder Dragon Gem from Kushala Daora or Teostra. Unfortunately, there’s no way to farm these quickly, but there is a sequence that will give you more of a chance to get drops:

  • Go on a hunt for a Master Rank Kushala Daora or Teostra
  • Attack the head until it’s broken.
  • Attack the tail until it’s severed and carve it.
  • Kill the target and carve the body.
  • Check the reward screen afterward.

Following the above strategy gives you at least four rolls to get the Large Elder Dragon Gem on each hunt. The going might be slow, but this is the quickest way we’ve found to obtain the material.

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