Quordle Answer 178

Quordle Answer 178: July 21, 2022 Word Solution

The Quordle 178 answer is now found for July 21, 2022. Compared to yesterday’s very tricky puzzle, today’s Quordle is slightly easier. There are still two words with double letters, though it should be less challenging to figure out which positions they’re in this time around. Spread among the solution are about four uncommon consonants, with one being repeated in the exact same position. Out of the bunch, we would say that the third word might be the hardest because of the typical suffix not being much of a clue. If you need a hint, it’s an adverb describing something that could be divine. For the full answer, you can find it posted in the following paragraph.

What is Quordle answer 178? (July 21, 2022)

Quordle Answer 178

The Quordle answer 178 is:

  • “MUSIC”
  • “BUNNY”
  • “GODLY”
  • “BANAL”

The uncommon “G” consonant “GODLY” could be difficult to figure out mainly because the middle of the word might be hard to decipher. The “-LY” suffix is fairly usual and you’ll get it early on, but without the “D” consonant, it might be tough to figure out what the middle letter is. You might think that the word has the “?OLLY” construction. The other difficult word is “MUSIC” due to the “M” and that “MUSIC” doesn’t have many similar words to it. So you may or may not get the word straight away, even if you try all of the typical consonants at the beginning of the puzzle. The “U” and “I” vowels will help here, though, as there aren’t that many five-letter words with just those two vowels.

As for the other two words, “BUNNY” and “BANAL” have similar obstacles. Both have a double letter, but it’s easy to figure out that “BANAL” has a double “A,” although it’s a rare word in everyday language. The “B” and “N” from “BUNNY” will help here luckily as both of them are in the same positions in “BANAL.”

In other news, the Overwatch Update will add new skins today but the Brigette medic controversy isn’t over yet, and the Fortnite Anime Legends pack isn’t the Dragon Ball crossover many were hoping for.

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