Xenoblade Chronicles 3 PC PS4 PS5 Xbox One Xbox Series XS release date

Will Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Get a PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, or Xbox Series X|S Release Date?

Given how critically acclaimed the series has been, fans are hoping Xenoblade Chronicles 3 gets a PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, or Xbox Series X|S release date. After all, the more people that can experience the game, the better. Previous titles in the series have been a Switch exclusive, but with both Sony and Microsoft being less stingy with their exclusives, anything could happen, right?

Will Xenoblade Chronicles 3 release on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, or Xbox Series X|S?

Unfortunately, there’s a very low chance of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 releasing on any non-Nintendo platforms. Nintendo owns an 80% stake in Monolith Soft and hasn’t shown any interest in bringing games it publishes to PC or any console other than the Switch. So, anyone who wants to play it will likely have to purchase that system.

In the past, the loosely related Xeno series started on Sony’s PS1 with Xenogears, which was intended to be the fifth game in a six-title series. However, after Squaresoft confirmed it wouldn’t greenlight further entries in the series, franchise creator Tetsuya Takahashi left to form Monolith Soft. The new studio focused on Xenosaga, which was meant to be the spiritual successor to Xenogears.

Namco published the first three episodes of Xenosaga, which was once again meant to be a six-episode series. Unfortunately, changes in Namco management and its merger with Bandai resulted in Monolith Soft projects being canceled. Fortunately, Nintendo executives encouraged them to keep innovating, and the studio arranged to become a Nintendo subsidiary. Nintendo purchased 80% of Monolith Soft’s stock, and Namco Bandai retained 16%.

For a time, the studio split work between Nintendo and Bandai Namco. However, the last project Bandai Namco published with it was Project X Zone 2 in 2015. Since then, Monolith Soft has been working with Nintendo full-time, developing the Xenoblade Chronicles series and working as a support studio.

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