FINAL FANTASY XIV: Heavensward Where To Find Patch 3.5’s New Quests (Main Story, Anima Relic, Egi Glamour, etc.)

Patch 3.5 has arrived for Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward. This update includes a wealth of new content, which as usual is accessed via several new quests. The locations of these quests and their name are detailed below.


Main Story Quest - "Tidings from Gyr Abania" @The Rising Stones, Tataru

Dun Scaith - "Where Shadows Reign" @The Sea of Clouds, Stacia

Zurvan (Waring Triad) - "The Last Pillar to Fall" @The Rising Stones, Unukalhai

Scholasticate - "The Student Body's Revenge @The Pillars, Briardien

Hildibrand - "The Proud and the Pointy-Eyed" @Foundation, Cyr

​Anima Relic Weapon - "Born Again Anima" @Azyz Lla, Ardashir

Beast Tribe Dance Dance Revolution - "When Good Dragons Go Bad" @Idyllshire, Drydox

​Sohm Al HM - "The Fires of Sohm Al" @Idyllshire, Gossamer Moogle

Summoner Egi Glamours - "An Egi by Any Other Name" @Limsa Liminsa Lower Decks, Thubyrgeim

Firebird Flying Mount - "Fiery Wings, Fiery Hearts" @Idyllshire, Walking Atlas

Garo Crossover Event - @Wolves' Den Pier, Black-clad

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