TikTok Change Age Birthday Date of Birth
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How to Change Your Age on TikTok: Is There a Way to Change your Date of Birth?

The ability to change your age on TikTok is no longer available. As of 2021, once your date of birth is entered and confirmed, there’s no way to change it without contacting support.

Why can’t I change my age and birthday on TikTok?

TikTok removed the ability to change your age in an effort to protect underage users from adult content. Before then, you could adjust your date of birth to raise or lower how old you are on your profile. Now, it can only be done by a customer support agent.

There are two ways you can contact TikTok support:

  • File a ticket through the app
  • Send an email to infocontact@tiktok.com

When requesting your age be changed on your profile, you’ll need to state why it’s incorrect. Support has the right to refuse to change the date of birth on an account. If this happens, your only option is to start a new one with the correct birthday.

TikTok Age Change FAQ

Why can’t I change my birthday on TikTok myself?

Before 2021 you could. However, the rules were changed to that only those 16 and older could have a profile, and anyone under that age was kicked from the service. The ability to change your age was removed to prevent people from circumventing the new policy.

Is contacting support the only way to change my age?

Your date of birth can only be changed on Tiktok by a customer support agent. So, unless you start a new account, there’s no other way to change your birthday.

How long does it take for support to answer a ticket?

Support might take a while to get around to changing your birthday. It’s a request that has to be manually reviewed, so expect to wait at least a few days to hear back.

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