the last of us episode 3 hbo what max richter on the nature of daylight means
Image: Liane Hentscher/HBO

The Last of Us HBO Episode 3: What Max Richter ‘On the Nature of Daylight’ Means

The Last of Us on HBO took a swerve in its storytelling during Episode 3. The first two episodes of the series, based on the critically-acclaimed game of the same name from Naughty Dog, were entirely focused on moving Ellie and Joel’s journey along. While this latest installment still did that in part, it was instead largely dedicated to telling audiences all about survivors Bill and Frank. What many fans now want to know, is why Max Richter’s On the Nature of Daylight was played during one of the episode’s most memorable moments.

Why was Max Richter On the Nature of Daylight played in The Last of Us Episode 3?

the last of us episode 3 hbo what max richter on the nature of daylight means
Image: Liane Hentscher/HBO

On the Nature of Daylight by Max Richter playing as Bill and Frank shared their final moments together before dying in The Last of Us Episode 3 was done to help elicit emotion from the viewers. There may also be a deeper meaning, as the composer had previously described the song as a protest against violence, specifically in Iraq.

Similar themes are present in The Last of Us. The sheer scale of violence now inflicted on the world because of the Cordyceps infection outbreak is overwhelming. Whether it’s the mindless attacks from the infected, or the calculated attempts to pillage from raiders, or even the violence showcased by the dictatorial regime in place, violence is in every corner of this story.

Bill and Frank refuse to let violence be what consumes them. As Frank is dying, he wants to end his life on his own terms. Bill, who now feels he has found and served a purpose, wants to go out alongside the love of his life. It’s an incredibly touching moment, and just as the title of the song suggests, their relationship is like “the Nature of Daylight.” It had its time to shine, but now it is time to lay it to rest, as it reaches its dusk.

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