why was f1nn5ter banned twitch finnster f1nn
Image: F1nn5ter on YouTube

Why Was F1nn5ter Banned on Twitch? (Update)

Twitch streamer F1nn5ter, also pronounced Finnster, has been hit with a surprise ban from the streaming platform. The content creator and Twitch partner was banned from streaming on the site on February 7, 2023, and he has since taken to Twitter to talk about the reasons behind the suspension.

Twitch’s F1nn5ter was banned for “prolonged touching of female presenting breasts”

While Twitch has a history of not discussing their reasons for handing out bans to streamers, sometimes they are given in private. It would appear that F1nn5ter has some idea as to why they have been given a three-day Twitch ban, as they wrote on Twitter that it might have something to do with the way they were dressed.

After saying he would “just hang out in purgatory” following the suspension, the streamer added that he was given a “3 day ban for (I think) accidentally showing my shorts under my dress for a second on stream,” before saying that there was “more info to come.”

Then responding to a VTuber who claimed that Twitch “is forever inconsistent with their rulings” because “people stream in bikinis and show far more,” F1nn5ter added that they were “not 100% on the reason yet,” and that he would be “chatting with them tomorrow” as Twitch didn’t want to tell the influencer the exact reasoning over email due to “nuance.”

The streamer has now confirmed that, after a chat with Twitch, they were a little off as to the reasons for the ban. Instead, it was allegedly handed to F1nn5ter because of their “prolonged touching of female presenting breasts,” which he said he did while he was “fixing” his bra.

At the time of writing, if you go to F1nn5ter’s Twitch page, you are met with the message: “This channel is temporarily unavailable due to a violation of Twitch’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Service.”

Twitch’s clothing and attire guidelines have always been a topic of conversation and debate among the streaming platform’s users. Their terms have often been described as vague, leading to streamers unwittingly breaking rules. The waters were muddied further when Twitch added a “Pools, Hot Tubs and Beaches” category in 2021. Judging by this ban, it would appear that not everything has yet been made clear.

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