Vine coming back 2023 after TikTok banned

Is Vine Coming Back in 2023 After TikTok is Banned?

With constant talk of TikTok being banned, it seems like a good idea for Vine to come back in 2023. After taking over Twitter, Elon Musk expressed interest in relaunching Vine, and the service remained popular during the entirety of its three-year life. So, is this the year that Vine climbs back to the top?

Are there plans for a Vine relaunch in 2023?

There aren’t any plans to bring Vine back in 2023 or any other year, at least not any that have been publicly announced. Elon Musk commented about the service after buying Twitter and made a poll asking if people wanted it to come back. However, there’s been no indicator that he seriously plans to relaunch it.

However, if TikTok is banned, there’ll be a race to fill its vacuum. The service has over a billion monthly active users up for grabs, and Twitter would be wise to try and capture some of that audience. Vine may have shut down, but it’s still a well-known brand, which would give it a decent shot at taking TikTok’s place.

However, politicians have been talking about banning TikTok for years, and the most they’ve done is forbid it from being installed on government devices. If it’s still around, then relaunching Vine isn’t nearly as tantalizing from a business perspective.

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