Star Trek Legacy Spinoff Sequel
Source: Paramount

Star Trek Legacy Spin-Off: Will There be a Sequel to Star Trek: Picard?

Fans are wondering if there’ll be a Star Trek: Legacy spin-off of Star Trek: Picard. The first two seasons of Picard were rocky, leading to mixed reactions from fans. However, with a new showrunner, Terry Matalas, at the helm, season 3 has won back some of the most ardent critics of the series. So, the audience is there, but will we see another series featuring The Next Generation cast?

Will there be a Star Trek: Legacy sequel series to Picard?

Terry Matalas has pitched Star Trek: Legacy to Paramount, but he says that it’s not currently green-lit and no production work is being done for the series. At GalaxyCon (via TrekMovie), he stated that he’s not currently contracted by Paramount for any Star Trek productions and that it’s up to the fans to show the company that they want Star Trek: Legacy.

According to Matalas, his general idea of Legacy is:

“Boy, wouldn’t you want to check in with the Klingon Empire? Wouldn’t you want to check in with Deep Space Nine and The Doctor [from Voyager] and everything that went on with the Berman-verse? So that’s kind of where I see is to explore the galaxy and sort of get back to the Next Gen roots of storytelling is what I would see as a kind of version of Star Trek I’d like to see, with this group of characters that we’re seeing. I don’t want to talk too much about them although I think you could guess as to who I would like to see. And by the way, I think that includes a great deal of some of these legacy characters who I think have never been better, Jonathan Frakes being one of them… I mean come on, guys, he’s amazing!”

There are three more episodes of Picard season 3 as of writing, and it’s anyone’s guess as to how The Next Generation cast will get their farewell. Furthermore, we’re unsure how much of a farewell it’ll be since there’s room for a sequel series. Hopefully, we’ll get a good closing because as much sense as it makes to produce Star Trek: Legacy, I would be surprised if it’s ever green-lit.

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