BattleBit Remastered "Attempting to Join a Server" Bug Already Requested Error AlreadyRequested

BattleBit Remastered “Attempting to Join a Server” Bug: How to Fix Already Requesting Error

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

The BattleBit Remastered “Attempting to join a server” bug is a common issue experienced by players. This is usually coupled by an “Error while joining: AlreadyRequesting” error (otherwise known as an Already Requesting error), when players try to head back to the game and attempt to connect to a server manually from the provided server list. This is a typical problem with the game, as this incredibly successful Battlefield-like multiplayer FPS made by three developers continues to expand with an ever-growing player base. Here are some steps you can take to fix server bugs with BattleBit Remastered.

How to fix BattleBit Remastered “Attempting to Join a Server” bug

Here are some ways to fix the BattleBit Remastered “Attempting to join a server” bug and “AlreadyRequesting” error:

  • Leave the game and enter again – This might take a few tries, but this solution has worked for a user on Reddit who has experienced both errors.
  • Join a game from server browser – Instead of selecting quick play, use the server browser instead to head into a match.
  • Check for high latency and ping – Some specific regions are still having trouble connecting to a server. You can check this thread on Steam by the developers, which has a Google Form that you can fill out and also gives the recommendation that you use Cloudfare Warp to solve some connection issues.
More BattleBit Remastered

You can also try reinstalling the game and verifying the game files, but from what we’ve seen from the community, these common solutions don’t really work all that well.

We also recommend checking the official BattleBit Remastered Twitter as well as the Steam Community Hub for the game to check if there’s a hotfix or a notice from the developers, who are very active in responding to the community.

While the game continues to develop toward its full release, which includes controller support and new guns, they will provide notifications of when they are expanding servers or making updates. It’s at these times when you will likely experience these server errors.

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