Lethal Company Monsters List Weaknesses Creatures Bestiary

Lethal Company Monster List and Weaknesses: How to Beat all Creatures

An extensive list of monsters awaits you on the moons of Lethal Company. Each creature has its own weaknesses, habitat, behavior, and danger level, and we’ve written a comprehensive bestiary below that gives info on each. This bestiary serves as a crucial guide, detailing key strategies and tips to tackle these formidable creatures, ensuring you’ll be well-prepared for the challenges you’ll face when bringing home salvage in Lethal Company.

Lethal Company Bestiary: Monster List and Weaknesses

There are 18 monsters in Lethal Company that you can encounter on your journeys. They range in threat from harmless bugs to hulking giants that can instantly kill you. With the bestiary below, you’ll find a brief description of each and, most importantly, the weaknesses you can exploit to survive an encounter with them.

Baboon Hawk

Lethal Company Monsters Bestiary Creatures Baboon Hawk
  • Danger Level: Medium
  • Location Found: Outside (Day)


Baboon Hawks travel in packs and will only attack if their numbers are equal to or greater than the amount of players they encounter. These guys are only found outside of facilities, so players should group up on moons where the species is found.


These creatures won’t attack if they’re outnumbered. If players stay in a group, then the Baboon Hawks will follow at a distance. They’re extremely tough to take down and require six or seven shovel hits to kill, so avoid direct combat unless absolutely needed.


Lethal Company Monsters Bestiary Creatures Bracken
  • Danger Level: High
  • Location Found: Inside


The Bracken is a robust and tenacious beast that will relentlessly stalk and attack its target. When encountered, it’ll attempt to sneak up on the nearest player. However, it’ll run away if you glance at it for a few seconds. However, after around a minute, it’ll resume its hunt. Take care not to stare at it too long, though. If eye contact is maintained, it will eventually aggro the Bracken.

If it makes contact with a player, it’ll perform an insta-kill and then attempt to drag the body to a randomly selected “favorite place.” The Bracken will wander off once it deposits the body, allowing you to recover your fallen teammate.


The Bracken is strong, but a well-coordinated team can keep it at bay with glances. If it enters chase mode, you can escape it by leaving the facility, which will cause it to revert to passive mode. Additionally, the Bracken is susceptible to shock, so one player can electrocute it while another beats it to death with 5-6 shovel hits.

Bunker Spider

Lethal Company Monsters Bestiary Creatures Bunker Spider
  • Danger Level: Medium
  • Location Found: Inside


These spiders start hunting if any player touches their web. However, despite their persistence, they’re not too dangerous, as their attacks are slow. They can open doors, though, making them trickier than other foes.


Since Bunker Spiders attack slowly, you can take them out by walking backward and hitting them with your shovel. Alternatively, you can stand on a railing and attack it, and it shouldn’t be able to hit you.

Circuit Bee

Lethal Company Monsters Bestiary Creatures Circuit Bees
  • Danger Level: Medium
  • Location Found: Outside (Day)


These insect swarms are immune to attacks but are relatively easy to avoid. However, the hive is worth money as scrap, so it can be worth it to grab it, regardless of the risk.


If you have one player stir up the bees by getting near, they can draw the swarm away while a second player grabs the hive. They can’t go through doors, so a well-coordinated team can retreat to the ship and escape by locking the bees out.


Lethal Company Monsters Bestiary Creatures Coil-Head
  • Danger Level: High
  • Location Found: Inside


Coil-Heads work like SCP-173 and the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who. When you encounter one, you must keep your eyes locked on its body to hold it in place. If you lose sight of it, the Coil-Head will quickly close the distance between you and begin attacking. However, despite doing a lot of damage, it doesn’t instantly kill a player with its attack. So, you can quickly escape through a door or regain a line of sight with it without guaranteed death. They can be stunned by stun grenades, but they can’t be permanently killed.


Coil-Heads can’t attack you if you’re standing on an elevated surface. So, in a pinch, you can jump onto a table or railing to stay safe. While fast, they don’t travel to you instantaneously, so you can retreat to an exit and quickly glance away to head through the door as long as you have a decent amount of space between you. Just keep in mind that you must look at its body, not its head, to freeze it in place.

Earth Leviathan

Lethal Company Monsters Bestiary Creatures Earth Leviathan
  • Danger Level: Extreme
  • Location Found: Outside (Night/Eclipse)


These large worms are among the most dangerous monsters in Lethal Company, so finishing up your day before night falls is a good idea. Once you hear the rumbling and see the black film grain on your screen, you have very little time to make it to your ship before being devoured.


The Earth Leviathan has no weakness. It can’t be slowed down or killed. However, it can sometimes be lured into killing a Forest Keeper who’s chasing you. Also, it tends to aim for where it thinks you will be after it’s emerged, so you can quickly switch directions to avoid being eaten.

Eyeless Dog

Lethal Company Monsters Bestiary Creatures Eyeless Dog
  • Danger Level: High
  • Location Found: Outside (Night/Eclipse)


Eyeless Dogs are another of Lethal Company’s pack animals. These creatures are extremely sensitive to sound, so the best way to deal with them is to crouch and sneak past them. Conversation, turning on and off the walkie-talkie, boomboxes, scrap items that make noise, and the store rocket all alert Eyeless Dogs. Once you hear it roar, you only have moments before they charge.


If you’re on a moon with stormy weather, you can take down Eyeless Dogs fairly easily by luring them near a metal item and waiting for lightning to strike. Otherwise, you’re best off sneaking past them. Crawling on top of elevated surfaces can help throw them off your track since they can’t jump, and they’re vulnerable to the Zap Gun, so a team can stun them and then shovel them to death.

However, be warned that this creature is one of the few that can easily follow players onto the ship. So, jumping onboard isn’t the safe move it usually is.

Forest Keeper

Lethal Company Monsters Bestiary Creatures Forest Guardian
  • Danger Level: High
  • Location Found: Outside (Night/Eclipse)


These hulking giants can’t be killed and will chase anything they manage to lock eyes on. The only way to get rid of one permanently is to lure an Earth Leviathan into eating it. However, it can be zapped to temporarily stun it and free a player that is being eaten.


The Forest Keeper can be temporarily distracted with the Laser Pointer as long as it hasn’t entered chase mode. So, if it hasn’t aggroed, a player can use this method to lure it away from the ship long enough to enter. Fortunately, it can’t enter the ship, but it can clip through the outer edges and grab players.

Ghost Girl

Lethal Company Monsters Bestiary Creatures Ghost Girl
  • Danger Level: High
  • Location Found: Inside and Outside


The Ghost Girl is the most complex enemy in Lethal Company, and a whole guide could be dedicated to how she works. She singles out one player to haunt, and during this phase, lights will flicker, and you may hear giggling, breathing, chimes, and voices, or have your hearing become muffled. Eventually, a player will see her staring at them. At this point, she may begin skipping at them, starting the chase phase.

During the chase phase, the Ghost Girl will attempt to close with you. If she catches you, she’ll remove your head, which results in an instant kill. Unfortunately, she is immune to all damage and can’t be stunned in any way.


By following some rules, you can altogether avoid the chase phase:

  • If you hear breathing noises, that means she’s spawned. After that, do not look for her or get near her. You can safely see or approach her twice before she can go into chase mode.
  • If she is behind you, do not turn around unless there is a wall between you or the breathing has stopped.
  • Don’t turn around in a long hall, even if you don’t hear her breathing. She may have spawned far enough away you can’t hear her.

Her biggest weakness is the television. If you can lure her onto the ship while the TV is on, she’ll be distracted by it for the rest of the match. All you have to do to avoid getting killed by her at this point is to not get too close to her.

Hoarding Bug

Lethal Company Monsters Bestiary Creatures Hoarding Bug
  • Danger Level: Low
  • Location Found: Inside


The Hoarding Bugs are more of an annoyance than a threat. It’ll roam the area it spawns in, looking for an item to take back to its hoard. It only aggros if a player gets too close to it for a few seconds or if someone steals its loot. You can make it go away by dropping any valuable loot in front of it or bashing it with a weapon a few times.


Hoarding Bugs are one of the few creatures in the game you have a definite advantage over. They’re slow at turning, so strafe around them and attack with any weapon to kill one in 2 or 3 hits.


Lethal Company Monsters Bestiary Creatures Hygrodere
  • Danger Level: Low
  • Location Found: Inside


Hygroderes are your standard jelly-type enemy you’ll find in countless RPGs. It’s just a slow blob that, unfortunately, does a lot of damage to you if you touch it. But it’s straightforward to avoid it.


If you place a boombox on the ground, it’ll attract Hygroderes. These creatures can’t open doors, and they’re very slow, so you can avoid them in a variety of ways.


Lethal Company Monsters Bestiary Creatures Jeb
  • Danger Level: Passive Aggressive
  • Location Found: Company Moon


Jeb is the creature that collects any items the player has to sell. However, if you ring the bell too many times (or make too much noise by other means), Jeb will grab you and instantly kill you.


Jeb will never attack as long as you don’t make too much noise.


Lethal Company Monsters Bestiary Creatures Jester
  • Danger Level: Extreme
  • Location Found: Indoors


These jack-in-the-boxes on legs aren’t the joke they appear to be at first. When encountered, it’ll lock onto a player and follow them for around 30 seconds. After this, it’ll start winding its crank and playing “Pop Goes the Weasel.” Once it’s wound, the top will pop, revealing a skull attached to a tentacle.

Once the Jester has popped, it’ll chase the nearest player at incredible speed. Once it catches up, it insta-kills its target before moving on to the next player. It’ll continue the chase until all players die or have left the facility.


The Jester is invulnerable, but if all players exit the facility it’s in, it’ll transition back into its boxed mode and wander off. After this, you can re-enter and attempt to salvage more scrap. You can stall its wind-up from 30ish seconds to around a minute if you shoot it with the Zap Gun.


Lethal Company Monsters Bestiary Creatures Manticoil
  • Danger Level: None
  • Location Found: Outside (Day)


These birds will not damage players and scatter if you get near them.


It only takes one hit to kill a Manticoil, but there’s no reward for doing so.

Roaming Locust

Lethal Company Monsters Bestiary Creatures Locust Swarm
  • Danger Level: None
  • Location Found: Outside (Day)


You’ll get no fight out of these small locusts that travel in large circular formations.


You can’t kill Roaming Locusts, but they also can’t harm you in any way.

Snare Flea

Lethal Company Monsters Bestiary Creatures Snare Flea
  • Danger Level: Medium
  • Location Found: Inside


Snare Fleas chill out in vents and come out to hunt by perching on a ceiling and waiting for prey to walk underneath them. When this happens, they’ll drop from the ceiling and wrap around your head, blinding you. Fortunately, hitting them with anything will dislodge them, and they’re relatively weak. However, if one attacks and you have no way to attack, they will kill you.


Luckily, Snare Fleas are weak. You can take them out with 1-3 hits with a shovel. They also can’t open doors and are instantly killed if you leave a facility or are teleported back to the ship.

Spore Lizard

Lethal Company Monsters Bestiary Creatures Spore Lizard
  • Danger Level: Low
  • Location Found: Inside


The first time you run into a Spore Lizard, you’ll be freaked out, but these creatures are almost no threat. If you get near them, they’ll open their mouths in an attempt to intimidate you but will quickly retreat. They can release spores at you, which blur your vision a bit, but they don’t do any damage. If you mess with them long enough, they’ll bite you for very little damage. You’re best off just letting them be, as they’re almost no threat.


Spore Lizards are generally weak, and there’s no reason to attack them unless they’re in a location where they’re annoying you by getting in the way.


Lethal Company Monsters Bestiary Creatures Thumper
  • Danger Level: High
  • Location Found: Inside


Thumpers are quick hunters that rely entirely on their eyesight. Given enough space, they can accelerate to speeds that easily outrun players. Unlike some of the other creatures, Thumpers don’t rely on gimmicks to kill. They’re just outright strong and fast with few weaknesses.


These creatures can’t hear, so if you break their line of sight and then crouch and sneak away, they’ll give up chasing you. They also aren’t great at taking corners when they’re at full speed, which you can use to your advantage. Fortunately, they’re not invulnerable to damage, and players can coordinate and take them out with 4-6 hits.

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