Pokemon Scarlet Violet How to Reset EVs

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: How to Reset EVs

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

To make a Pokemon as powerful as possible in Scarlet & Violet, you may need to reset its EVs. Training Effort Values has been a mechanic in Pokemon games for generations. Still, it remains one of the most perplexing aspects of the series. You’re never given instructions about how it works in the game, and it won’t tell you how to view EVs or give you an exact number of what your Pokemon’s EVs are. Instead, you’re left to fend for yourself. Fortunately, Scarlet & Violet are very forgiving when it comes to resetting your EVs and increasing them.

How do I reset EVs in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet?

There are a couple of ways to reset EVs in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet:

  • Fresh-Start Mochi
  • Berries

Fresh-Start Mochi

If you own The Teal Mask DLC, you can acquire Fresh-Start Mochi, which is the best way to reset your EVs—using just one of these resets a Pokemon’s EVs to 0 for all stats. This item can be earned randomly by completing the Ogre Oustin’ minigame.


You can also lower a Pokemon’s EV points in one stat by ten points by feeding it a berry. These six berries are:

  • Grepa Berry: Lowers Special Defense EVs.
  • Hondew Berry: Lowers Special Attack EVs.
  • Kelpsy Berry: Lowers Attack EVs.
  • Pomeg Berry: Lowers HP EVs.
  • Qualot Berry: Lowers Defense EVs.
  • Tamato Berry: Lowers Speed EVs.

Since the max EVs for a single stat is 252, it can take up to 26 berries to lower one to zero.

You can get berries in the following locations:

  • Emotional Spectrum Practice at Alfornada Gym
  • Five-Star Tera Raids
  • Ogre Oustin’
  • Porto Marinada Auction

Of these four, you can get the most berries at once at the Porto Marinada Auction. However, it costs money, and you’re at the mercy of RNG. I typically go with Tera Raids or Ogre Oustin’ instead since you acquire plenty of other valuable items while waiting for berries to drop, including some that can be used to train IVs.

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