Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth When Does Sujimon League Unlock

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth: When Does the Sujimon League Unlock?

You’ll see the Sujimon League option in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth from the start of the game, but after hours of playing, you’re likely wondering when you’ll finally unlock it. You gain access to the Sujidex in Chapter 2, but you won’t get the ability to catch and battle Sujimon in the Sujimon League until quite a bit later. Fortunately, it’s not something you can miss out on; you just have to be a little patient and play through the story.

When does the Sujimon League unlock in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth?

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Sujimon Sensei

The Sujimon League unlocks in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth in Chapter 4: In the Ghetto. Before heading into District 5, the party will decide to visit Anaconda Shopping Center to gear up. While exploring the mall, you’ll get a text from Sujimon Sensei telling you to meet him at the PC shop.

When you are in proximity of Sujigama PC Shop, you’ll see Sujimon Sensei. Approaching him starts a conversation that will lead to the beginning of Substory 37: Choosing Your Starter. During this substory, you’ll learn all about battling Sujimon, how to capture them, how to level them up, Sujimon evolution, and more.

After finishing Substory 37, you’ll have full access to the Sujimon League. If you desire, you can make your way through the Rookie, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum ranks of the league. It’ll be tough at this point in the game since your party is relatively weak, but it’s not impossible.

Regardless of your decision, it’s a good idea to go ahead and get through the Rookie ranks and face Discreet Four member CEO Jack. Defeating him gives you access to the Sujimancer job class for Kasuga, which offers some unique mechanics you’ll want to check out.

If you decide to hold off on taking on the Sujimon League, I recommend taking it on during Chapter 9 or 11 at the latest. That way, raids will still be a bit of a challenge, and it’ll still feel like an accomplishment to defeat powerful Sujimon and capture them.

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