Sony Can’t Guarantee Free Driveclub Will Ever See Release

Despite the fact that Sony announced a free version of Driveclub would be coming to PlayStation Plus subscribers many, many months ago, it looks like that may no longer be the case.

In an interview with Metro, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe president Jim Ryan explained that while a free version of Evolution Studios' racer is "still being looked at," he can't guarantee it will ever see the light of day. 

The PlayStation 4-exclusive racing game had a troubling launch last year, putting the development of the promised PlayStation Plus version on the back burner. Apparently there's still a lot of work to be done over at Evolution before we'll find out if Sony can deliver on its promise to PS Plus users. At this point, however, the outlook is shaky at best.

Are you still holding out hope for a free version of Driveclub, or do you already have your eyes set on the next entry in the Gran Turismo franchise​?

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