Epic Games Is Making a Beautiful VR Game Called Robo Recall

Epic Games, the creators of Unreal Tournament and Gears of War, have announced their very first virtual reality title. Titled Robo Recall, it’s coming to Oculus Rift, and it’ll even support the upcoming Oculus Touch controllers.

Robo Recall is a a fast-paced first person shooter with arcade roots. Players are able to use a variety of weapons and maneuvers to destroy robots as they compete for high scores. Flashy moves allow players to perform trick shots which are YouTube highlight worthy.

It’s worth noting that Robo Recall is the offspring of one of the Oculus Rift’s most well-received tech demos, Bullet Train.

There are four reasons Robo Recall stands out as a game that Oculus owners should give consideration:


1. It’s being made by Epic Games.

2. It has a very attractive aesthetic built on Unreal Engine 4.

3. It’ll be one of the first games to support Oculus Touch.

4. It’s FREE.

Robo Recall will arrive in early 2017.

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