Humble Indie Bundle 4 Passes $2 Million

There were really two games that got me to put my money down on the latest Humble Indie Bundle. Shank and Super Meat Boy seemed to be staring at me saying "play us, play us, play us." So I put my money down. With an average buying price of just over $5, I slapped my computer screen with the cash in my pocket and said "Take my money!"

Then I realized that I needed to buy using Paypal or some other electronic transaction service. No matter. I have a credit card! It has my name on it! Away we go!

With plenty of great games at a flexible price, including the soundtrack and the option to redeem the games on Steam, Humble Indie Bundle 4 has rocketed past the number of bundles sold in previous events. At the time of this writing, over 400,000 bundles have been sold, with more than $2 Million in sales and there's still a full day left on the deal.

If you're picking up a present for the gamer in your life a little late, sending them a gift of Indie games is looking all too good to be true right now.

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