A new video at the PlayStation Blog (seen above) shows off exactly how DeadMau5's collaboration with developer Queasy Games will play out in Sound Shapes, one of GR's most anticipated games of 2012. At least… we hope Sound Shapes will makes its way to our PlayStation Vitas within the year.
Writes Senior Social Media Specialist Sid Shuman:
It's worth noting that Deadmau5's album tracks, such as the pop cut "Ghosts 'n Stuff," won't be appearing in Sound Shapes. And that's by design: the game's interactive soundtrack synthesizes with your platforming progress, making each "performance" a unique arrangement. But Deadmau5's sounds, loop, and rhythms are showcased in a dedicated set of levels. Better yet, his library will be available when it comes time to construct custom levels, so you'll be free to cobble together a Girl Talk-esque composition or build a custom remix using your favorite sounds.
Perhaps even more reassuring is that the level above looks truly challenging. Creating music and sharing levels among friends is fun, but the platforming gameplay should be solid too.
Sound Shapes producer Jason DeGroot told us at GDC that there are even more collaborators left unannounced. SO WHEN IS THE GAME COMING OUT?!