Borderlands 2 Flirts With Wii U

Gearbox co-founder Brian Martel has been rubbing shoulders with the idea of bringing Borderlands 2 to the Nintendo's much-anticipated Wii U. If so, it will be a test of the console's graphics and online capabilities.

In an interview with Official Nintendo Magazine, Martel complemented the Wii U:

We really like the Wii U, I think it's a really cool platform. I like what they're doing – obviously with the touchscreen. So we're really excited to bring Aliens: Colonial Marines to it. And we're going to do a wait and see approach, our publisher 2K is going to see whether they're going to go with that.

If Borderlands 2 was on the Wii U, the thing I would be most excited about is inventory management: it would be amazing on that, it would just be fantastic. And I think the artwork would look really good, with the way they can deal with the resolutions and textures, I think it's a really good console.

It seems that the touchscreen, much like the bottom screen on the 3DS, will be used once again for swapping items and weapons. Hopefully, it can be used for something more, like a two-player mode without needing split-screen.

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