XCOM: Enemy Unknown Release Date Announced

Via official press release, the release date for XCOM: Enemy Unknown, an incredible strategy game developed by Firaxis Games and published by 2K Games, has been announced for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC: October 9, 2012 for North America and October 12, 2012 for all international territories.

Pre-ordering the title from participating retailers will grant you the Elite Soldier Pack, which offers customizable parts and adidtional soldiers in the game. This includes the Classic X-COM Soldier who serves as an instant recruit in your barracks, several Soldier Deco packs for armor suits plus the Hyperion and Reaper soldier armor kits,, and complete color customization.

The special edition of XCOM: Enemy Unknown, which still retails at $59.99, comes with an art book, poster, XCOM insignia patch, digital wallpaper, digital soundtrack, and more.

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