Star Wars Battlefront 2

Star Wars Battlefront 2’s The Last Jedi DLC Has You Choose Between the Light and Dark Sides

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is not even entirely out yet, and EA has already announced its first story expansion DLC that’s set to arrive very soon. The first DLC for Battlefront 2 will be centered around the upcoming film Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi that releases next month on December 15th. The best part is it’s all completely free.

Called The Last Jedi Season, this first season of additional content for Star Wars Battlefront 2 will begin on December 5th and carry throughout the entire month. On December 5th, Battlefront 2 players will be asked to choose between the light and dark sides. Specifically, you will have to make the monumental decision between aligning with the First Order or Resistance.

Similar to Destiny 2’s factions, the side you align with will grant you special challenges that, upon completion, will give you unique, faction-specific rewards. That is only the beginning, because December 13th brings with it a ton of new content for both online multiplayer and the singleplayer campaign.

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Starting with Battlefront 2’s multiplayer, you will be able to spawn in battle as Finn or Captain Phasma, depending on your faction alignment. You will be able to purchase both heroes with credits earned in-game starting on December 13th. Whichever side – light or dark – wins the most challenges that week will receive a special crate with “high-power upgrades” for either Finn or Captain Phasma.

Star Wars Battlefront 2

In addition, new maps and ships will be added to Battlefront 2. The planetary map of Crait and space map of D’qar from Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi will be available for matches. Also, a new hero ship will be playable: Tallie Lintra’s RZ-2 A-wing from The Last Jedi.

Finally, the last part of the The Last Jedi DLC for Battlefront 2 is new singleplayer story content. Battlefront 2 Resurrection will add new chapters to the core campaign for free, as you play once again as Commander Iden Versio during the First Order’s rise to power before Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi.

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