Max Payne 3 Gets Free DLC In The Form Of Disorganized Crime

If you're still running around, jumping out of windows, shooting a ton of bullets and ultimately-hitting-nothing-because-holy-crap-multiplayer-is-challenging, you'll be interested to know that Max Payne 3 across the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC will be getting free DLC, including new modifiers for Score Attack in Arcade Mode.

Those modifiers include explosive rounds, lone world AI, and a headshots only mode. The Hoboken Rooftops multiplayer map will also round out the DLC.

Easily my favorite addition to Max Payne's bullet-ridden drama is the Noir Mode, an overlay that lets players choose to fight through the single-player campaign in classic black & white style. Rockstar sent over new screenshots to compliment the news.

Myself and used44 will be hopping online to play some online multiplayer this week. If you've got a copy of Max Payne 3 for Xbox 360, be sure to head to the forums and check for upcoming playdate plans.

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