Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Questions

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery’s Wait Times Are Turning Players Away

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

With the name Harry Potter behind a game, you would expect the said game to do pretty well with the fans. However, that isn’t entirely the case with Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. While the game has had a fairly positive reception, the wait times are turning players away from the mobile RPG altogether.

It isn’t just a one-off frustration either. Many reviews of the mobile game mention the unnecessary use of microtransactions in order to get through certain parts of the game, particularly in the early stages when players are faced with the Devil’s Snare. If you’re a fan of the films you’ll know that this is the lethal plant that can squeeze people to death, however in the game you are expected to use energy to get out of it, a resource that can be earned through completing activities.

Yet it seems as though escaping the Devil’s Snare is impossible unless you either spend money to regain your energy, or you wait for several hours. As you may expect, Harry Potter fans aren’t too happy about the waiting times or the fact that you have to spend money on what seems to be a simple thing.  This tweet below sums up most of what fans of the game has issues with.

There have been some fans who have expressed that if you wait longer than the allotted waiting time then you have to redo the passage all over again. A frustrating feature, indeed.

Yet when talking about this story, GameRevolution’s own Cody Perez had this to say, “That’s unfortunate. The wait times don’t bother me at all. Really like the game and haven’t spent a dime yet in the several hours I’ve played.”

Have you been playing the game and have experienced these problems? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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