GeoHot Speaks Out Against PSN Hackers

Nefarious hacker GeoHot started the entire PS3 "hack attack" movement that's been ongoing since the beginning of the year. His hacking the PS3 at root level, and posting the PS3's security keys online prompted Sony to take his ass to court.

"Hacktivist" group Anonymous caught wind of the situation, and declared war on Sony, attacking the PlayStation Network, Sony's websites and key employees. Although, Anonymous may not be responsible for this latest hack — nor is GeoHot — they may have done enough to prove to other hackers that Sony was extremely vulnerable.

And as much as GeoHot has publicly denounced Sony and their operations, he's speaking out against the massive PSN security breach, and more specifically, the hackers who are responsible.

Running homebrew and exploring security on your devices is cool, hacking into someone else's server and stealing databases of user info is not cool. You make the hacking community look bad, even if it is aimed at douches like Sony.

Hotz also mentioned that if Sony had hired "good security experts" instead of lawyer after lawyer to go after less malicious hackers, they might not be in this situation.

He ended his statement with a clear message to the hackers responsible for the data breach affecting some 77 million PSN accounts.

To the perpetrator, two things. You are clearly talented and will have plenty of money(or a jail sentence and bankruptcy) coming to you in the future. Don't be a dick and sell people's information.

Don't be a dick indeed.


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