Looking For Clarity On Metal Gear Solid V? Too Bad, Here’s More Confusion

Hideo Kojima is a master of confusion. He makes you think one way, then flips everything you thought you knew upside-down. I love him for it, and I'm sure I'm not the only one to feel that way. But right now, I have no idea what's going on with Metal Gear Solid V, and it doesn't seem like Konami does, either.

Yesterday during Kojima's GDC panel demonstrating the FOX Engine, he revealed that The Phantom Pain was indeed Metal Gear Solid V. And so is Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes. Huh?

Alex did an excellent job of explaining it, and his explanation is exactly how I took it to be: Ground Zeroes is the prologue that takes place at the Mother Base explaining how Big Boss fell into a coma; while The Phantom Pain is the event that takes place nine years later when Big Boss awakens from the coma. And the two come together into one single game, much like The Tanker in Metal Gear Solid 2 starts the game out as Solid Snake, then turns to The Big Shell and Raiden. So that's settled then, right?


Jay Boor, Konami USA's Director of Public Relations told Siliconera that Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain will be two separate games, together forming Metal Gear Solid V. Siliconera pressed Boor for more information, but wouldn't comment on whether they'd be part of the same package or disc. It didn't seem like he was certain what the plan was at this point.

What gives? What Alex explained yesterday seems like the likeliest scenario, truthfully, but if even Konami doesn't know for sure, how are we supposed to? All we're left with is this…

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