Netflix Usage on Consoles Accounts for 20% of Total Internet Traffic

I don't have TV. When I was growing up, we didn't have cable or satellite until my parents got a motorcycle. After that satellite television was kind of the baby sitter. I didn't care. I only cared about the fact that we finally got to watch Pokemon as it aired. I wanted to be the very best! The best there ever was! You know….

Now I'm back to life without cable or satellite and I've gotta say. It feels good. I play more video games. I get my news from NPR, and any TV I want to watch is streaming through Netflix on my Xbox 360, my PS3, or my computer. It's really quite convenient. Apparently, I'm not alone. A Sandvine Netflix Study reports that 20% of all internet bandwidth in the United States is being used to watch movies and TV shows on Netflix through an Xbox 360, PS3, or Wii. Twenty. Percent. Of ALL BANDWIDTH.

That is insane.

We're not talking about the entirety of Netflix usage. That number is even bigger. We're only talking about Netflix streaming video service as it's delivered to video game consoles in the United States. A FIFTH of all internet traffic in the United States is streaming video on video game consoles.

PS3 leads the consoles with Xbox 360 close behind it. Nintendo's Wii console is dragging behind but you already know why (it's not an HD console).

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