Microsoft On Xbox One: “We’re Committed To Japan”

The Xbox 360 was nothing sort of a failure in Japan, but that isn't stopping the Big M from bringing Xbox One to consumers in the East.

During a roundtable discussion (via OXM), Microsoft's Don Mattrick said flat out: "We're committed to Japan. We continue to build on our partnerships, we continue to build on our offerings for consumers inside of that space."

The MS exec went on to explain why the company isn't giving up on the territory, adding, "We think it's an important market. And we'll continue building on the working investment that we've done over all these years… This event is just to, kind of, kick off the big picture – there'll be more news in appropriate ways [for each geographical region], including the content partners, all classes of content, what's been tweaked and what's the same as what we're rolling out in the US."

Do you think it's wise of Microsoft to continue to try and win over the Japanese market, or are they just wasting their time and effort? Let us know in the comments below.

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